TokenMakerMaker provides a simple GUI interface that allows you to define a
programming language. It can then generate a .flex
and .java
file that
can use for syntax highlighting that language. This removes
the need for you to learn JFlex and/or the (mostly undocumented) manual tweaks
you need to do to JFlex output to make it usable in RSyntaxTextArea. The
trade-off is a lack of flexibility: TokenMakerMaker
can be used to define most
basic language constructs (comments, keywords, strings, etc.), but it doesn't
expose the full power of what you can do with JFlex (nor will it ever try to).
Unlike all other RSTA projects, this one requires Java 14. Since this library
is a tool, and not something other applications would be dependent on, this is
not an issue.
All dependencies are pulled in via Maven with the included Gradle build script.
The version of RSyntaxTextArea built against can be changed by updating its
Building with Gradle
To build use this project's gradlew wrapper to create TokenMakerMaker
cd <project-root>/TokenMakerMaker
gradlew --refresh-dependencies
gradlew clean build installDist --warning-mode all
- Run class org.fife.tmm.Main from Eclipse. No other work required. OR...
- After building with Gradle (see above), from the command line:
cd <project-root>/build/install/tmm
java -jar tokenMakerMaker-${version}.jar
Usage Notes
The app is just a simple dialog with tabs for different "parts" of the
TokenMaker you are creating - general info, comments, keywords, etc. I think
the general usage should be self-explanatory, but here are some things to note:
You can save and load your progress via Ctrl+O/Ctrl+S. Your TokenMaker
spec. is saved in an XML file. This way you can come back and work on it
later if you want, without having to dig into the generated flex.
Once the app starts, the first thing you'll want to do is go to
File -> Options. You'll want to provide correct values for the fields in
the "General" panel:
The full path to javac (javac.exe on Windows). If TMM is launched
with a JDK instead of just a JRE, this should be pre-filled in.
Otherwise, you'll have to specify one yourself. If this is left blank,
then TMM will generate the .flex and .java files for your TokenMaker,
but it will not be able to generate the corresponding class file, and it
won't be able to launch the "preview" editor to try out your TokenMaker.
In this case you'll be notified when clicking "Generate" about the need
to configure the javac location to use this functionality.
"Source output directory" is where TokenMakerMaker will place the
generated .flex and .java files. You can point this directly to a
source directory in your project, for example.
"Class output directory" is where TokenMakerMaker will place the
generated .class file when it compiles it for the editor preview.
You can point this to your "bin" or "classes" directory in your
project, or you can simply point it to C:\temp
or /tmp
I believe old files with the same name will be overwritten without
prompting you if it's okay, so be warned! =)
On the "General" tab, the difference between "C-derived syntax" and
"All others" is that the former will cause your TokenMaker to auto-indent
after lines ending in '{'
, as well as auto-align closing '}'
chars when they are typed (assuming auto-indent is enabled in the
RSyntaxTextArea it's running in). It's supposed to be the option you want
to pick if the language you are creating derives syntax from C, and uses
curly braces to denote code blocks.
The app is supposed to be smart, and if you don't enter a value for a field
that is required, you shouldn't be able to generate anything without an
error prompt. But there may be issues I haven't discovered yet.
So anyway, it's just something to play around with. Let me know what features
you'd need in addition to what's already there - there are many possibilities -
valid number formats, whether escapes are allowed in strings, multi-line
strings... And of course report back any bugs. Keep an eye on the console
output when you're running and look for anything dubious. =)