WebJar for angular-chart.js
WebJar for taucharts
XChart is a light-weight Java library for plotting data.
WebJar for Highcharts
WebJar for echarts
WebJar for echarts
WebJar for highcharts-ng
WebJar for chart.js
WebJar for chart.js
WebJar for jquery.easy-pie-chart
XChange implementation for bitcoincharts
Eclipse SCADA SWT Chart View
Eclipse SCADA SWT Chart View
Eclipse SCADA Chart (Incubation)
Vaadin Charts
Integrate Google Charts API (v45) with wicket. The API tries not to hide all details of the Google API, but makes use of the JSON lib of wicket to mix Java, JavaScript and JSON in a transparent way..
WebJar for @d3fc/d3fc-chart
Business Intelligence Reporting Tool
Business Intelligence Reporting Tool
Orson Charts is a 3D chart library for the Java platform.
Orson Charts is a 3D chart library for the Java platform.
WebJar for @carbon/charts
WebJar for jquery.easy-pie-chart
WebJar for frappe-charts
Responsible for taking a dataset and outputting a pretty chart
Scala Chart Library
WebJar for lightweight-charts
WebJar for lightweight-charts
A light and extensible chart library for Android.
WebJar for ngx-charts
Eclipse SCADA DA Client Chart (Incubation)
Eclipse SCADA DA Client Chart (Incubation)
WebJar for angular-chart.js
Object oriented web framework for Kotlin/JS
WebJar for tui-chart
WebJar for epoch-charting
WebJar for ng2-charts
WebJar for ng2-charts
Portofino is a web application framework written in Java and extensible using Groovy, distributed under the LGPL open source license. The framework can be used to create interactive database-driven web applications. The creation process includes automatic generation through a "wizard" tool, manual configuration through a web-based administration interface, and customization through scripting languages. The framework combines features that are typical of Content Management Systems and of Rapid application development tools. Portofino is mainly intended for Java developers of enterprise applications and of dynamic web sites. It can connect to an existing database and generate a working web application based on an automatic analysis of the database's structure.
WebJar for easy-pie-chart
Zoom and Pan Charts and Pane Scaling
WebJar for chart.xkcd
Ontrack module: ontrack-extension-chart
A light and extensible chart library for Android.
A JavaFX library for scientific charts
Charting library for JSF 2.1.
DynamicJasper (DJ) is an API that hides the complexity of Jasper Reports, it helps developers to save time when designing simple/medium complexity reports generating the layout of the report elements automatically. It creates reports dynamically, defining at runtime the columns, column width (auto width), groups, variables, fonts, charts, crosstabs, sub reports (that can also be dynamic), page size and everything else that you can define at design time. This dependency provides basic ttf font files to be used along with DynamicJasper This packages requires JasperReports 6.3.1 or newer http://dynamicjasper.com