Swing Layout Extensions goal is to make it easy to create professional cross platform layouts with Swing. This project has an eye towards the needs of GUI builders, such as NetBeans. This project consists of the following pieces: * Ability to get the baseline for components. * Ability to get the preferred gap between components. * A new LayoutManager that utilizes both of these concepts and is tuned toward a free-form drag and drop layout model as can be provided by GUI builders.
WebJar for mobile-drag-drop
Library providing easy to use drag-and-drop capabilities to Google Web Toolkit (GWT) projects.
RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. swiping, drag and drop sorting, expandable items, etc...)
WebJar for angular-drag-and-drop-lists
WebJar for drag-drop
WebJar for angular-drag-and-drop-lists
Wicket Drag and Drop.
A calendar panel which allows to add items from a list using drag and drop. The calendar can also be used without this functionality. This is the parent for the actual project and the examples. See the child project "ddcalendar" for a more complete description.
WebJar for mobile-drag-drop
Kotlin Android library that extends RecyclerView to support gestures like drag, drop and swipe, among others. It works with vertical, horizontal and grid lists.
Generic HTML 5 Drag and Drop support for Flow
WebJar for angular-drag-and-drop-lists
WebJar for angular-drag-and-drop-lists
RecyclerViewHelper provides the most common functions around recycler view like Swipe to dismiss, Drag and Drop, Divider in the ui, events for when item selected and when not selected, on-click listener for items.
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag and drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
Drag and drop re-ordering adapter for RecyclerView
Drag and drop to re-order items in a list, grid or board.
WebJar for vue-drag-drop
This library provides swipe & drag and drop support for RecyclerView.
WebJar for angular-drag-drop
WebJar for angular-drag-drop
A Rip Off Of Ant - A drag and drop component framework.
WebJar for @uppy/drag-drop
Wicket Drag and Drop.
Wicket Drag and Drop.
Android ListView with drag and drop reordering.
An extension of JavaFX TreeView that makes it easy to implement a sophisticated tree with editing, drag-n-drop, dynamic updates without designing your data model around the TreeView expectations.
Drag and Drop target desktop application with pluggable functionality
A drag-and-drop grid view for Android modified from the thquinn/DraggableGridView.
A TabPane for JavaFX that supports Drag and Drop.
Android ListView with drag and drop reordering.
A extension of the RecyclerView that using it more easy. Features : swipe to dismiss, drag and drop.
WebJar for @vaadin/vaadin-mobile-drag-drop
The AngularJS Tree component with drag and drop support.
WebJar for ng2-drag-drop
A calendar panel which allows to add items from a list using drag and drop. The calendar can also be used without this functionality. This is the parent for the actual project and the examples. See the child project "ddcalendar" for a more complete description.
WebJar for vaadin-mobile-drag-drop
WebJar for drag-drop-webkit-mobile
Android ListView with drag and drop reordering. Fork of https://github.com/bauerca/drag-sort-listview
DragSortListView (DSLV) is an extension of the Android ListView that enables drag-and-drop reordering of list items.
Drag and drop to re-order items in a list, grid or board.
ExpandableRecyclerViewWithReordering provides an easy way of achieving the ExpandableListView effect with all the power of a RecyclerView and support for drag and drop reordenation
WebJar for vue-drag-and-drop
A calendar panel which allows to add items from a list using drag and drop. The calendar can also be used without this functionality. This is the parent for the actual project and the examples. See the child project "ddcalendar" for a more complete description.
Javafx component that offers customizable layout with drag and drop feature.
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag and drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag and drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag and drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
Android ListView with drag and drop reordering.