AbsolutePositionDropController | Drag-and-Move widgets around an AbsolutePanel . | Moving drawing elements around on a flow chart. |
AbstractDropController | Create your own controllers from this base class. | Anything you can dream up. |
BoundaryDropController | All drag operations are ultimately constrained by a panel you specify. By default this panel is RootPanel.get() which means you can drag widgets over the entire page. | For use as part of the gwt-dnd implementation. |
FlexTableRowDropController | Rearrange rows in a FlexTable . | Users rearrange results of a query. |
FlowPanelDropController | Drop controller for instances of FlowPanel . | Moving elements around in flowed text. |
HorizontalPanelDropController | Drop controller for instances of HorizontalPanel . | Moving widgets in a horizontal list. |
GridConstrainedDropController | Similar to AbsolutePositionDropController , but constrains the position of the draggable widgets to a specified grid. | Allows for 'snap to grid' functionality. |
SimpleDropController | For simple drop targets which allows a widget to be dropped on them. | A trash can icon. |
VerticalPanelDropController | Drop controller for instances of VerticalPanel . | Moving widgets in a vertical list. |