Android Swipe Layout
Utilities for Jetpack Compose
RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.
WebJar for swiper
SwipeRecyclerView For Android
Android library that creates a similar effect to Tinder's swipable cards with Fling animation.
Commons extension for the FastAdapter library. The bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library.
WebJar for photoswipe
WebJar for jquery-touchswipe
Android SwipeBackLayout Library
RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.
An easy-to-use Android PDFView component with swipe and zoom
WebJar for swiper
WebJar for photoswipe
A simple way to use swipe gestures to navigate back in android activity stack
WebJar for swiper
RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. swiping, drag and drop sorting, expandable items, etc...)
A SwipeRefreshLayout extension that allows to swipe in both direction
A SwipeRefreshLayout extension that allows to swipe in both direction
A simple activity that adds sliding functionality to activities to swipe them away
Android elastic swipe to dismiss activity
WebJar for swiper
WebJar for swiper-src
Cardslider is a controller that allows you to swipe through cards with pictures and accompanying descriptions.
Android APP Factory
WebJar for photoswipe
Android library that creates a similar effect to Tinder's swipable cards with Fling animation.
SwipeBack is a android library that can finish a activity by using gesture.
Kotlin Android library that extends RecyclerView to support gestures like drag, drop and swipe, among others. It works with vertical, horizontal and grid lists.
WebJar for jquery-touchswipe
WebJar for jquery-touchswipe
A native library providing a Tinder-like cards effect. A card can be constructed using an image and displayed with animation effects, dismiss-to-like and dismiss-to-unlike, and use different sorting mechanisms
Kotlin Flow binding APIs for AndroidX SwipeRefreshLayout
A simple utility class to add a background and/or an icon and/or a label while swiping a RecyclerView item left or right.
Library to implement the Swipe to Dismiss and Undo UI pattern on Android
WebJar for react-native-deck-swiper
WebJar for react-swipe
Library with swipe to dismiss Activity gesture implementation.
Model-View-ViewModel architecture components for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
detects swipe events on Android with listener and RxJava Observable
Android Swipe Action Adapter
ImageView Helper for Android that supports pinch-to-zoom and swipe-to-dismiss gesture.
Implementation of an Android CardView list in a RecyclerView that allows dismissing elements by swiping them to the left or right
WebJar for react-easy-swipe
An easy-to-use Android PDFView component with swipe and zoom
An easy-to-use Android PDFView component with swipe and zoom
A auto-resizing swipeable layout
Android AdapterView And RecyclerView SwipeItemLayout Library
RecyclerViewHelper provides the most common functions around recycler view like Swipe to dismiss, Drag and Drop, Divider in the ui, events for when item selected and when not selected, on-click listener for items.
detects swipe events on Android with listener and RxJava Observable