Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw English language text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, and indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities. It provides the foundational building blocks for higher level text understanding applications.
mime-util is a simple to use, small, light weight and fast open source java utility library that can detect MIME types from files, input streams, URL's and byte arrays. Due to the use of regular expressions and the java.nio packages it requires at least Java 1.4.
XML Schema Object Model (XSOM) is a Java library that allows applications to easily parse XML Schema documents and inspect information in them. It is expected to be useful for applications that need to take XML Schema as an input.
The boilerpipe library provides algorithms to detect and remove the surplus "clutter" (boilerplate, templates) around the main textual content of a web page. The library already provides specific strategies for common tasks (for example: news article extraction) and may also be easily extended for individual problem settings. Extracting content is very fast (milliseconds), just needs the input document (no global or site-level information required) and is usually quite accurate. Boilerpipe is a Java library written by Christian Kohlschütter. It is released under the Apache License 2.0. The algorithms used by the library are based on (and extending) some concepts of the paper "Boilerplate Detection using Shallow Text Features" by Christian Kohlschütter et al., presented at WSDM 2010 -- The Third ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining New York City, NY USA.
Adds aggregations whose input are a list of numeric fields and output includes a matrix.
Provides services to install OSGi bundles and configurations by supplying input streams and dictionaries.
A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan development on the desktop. It provides a simple API for creating windows, contexts and surfaces, receiving input and events.
DRL runtime for sending maps as input. To be used for inter-engine communication (e.g. PMML -> Drl)
Efficient reading and parsing of CSV input streams.
😍 A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
Provides the installer API to install OSGi bundles and configurations by supplying input streams and dictionaries.
The JGoodies Validation helps you validate user input in Swing apps and report validation errors and warnings. It has been designed to work with different architectures and programming flavors.
The MongoDB Connector for Hadoop is a plugin for Hadoop that provides the ability to use MongoDB as an input source and/or an output destination.
The MongoDB Connector for Hadoop is a plugin for Hadoop that provides the ability to use MongoDB as an input source and/or an output destination.
Graylog message inputs
Dex to Java decompiler
Liferay Wiki Engine Input Editor Common
MapReduce input and output formats for use with BigQuery
XML Schema Object Model (XSOM) is a Java library that allows applications to easily parse XML Schema documents and inspect information in them. It is expected to be useful for applications that need to take XML Schema as an input.
Pretty JSON formatter supporting standard and compact styling. It can be integrated into a Java application or run as a simple utility from the command line that reads the JSON input from a file or STDIN and outputs the formatted JSON to another file or to STDOUT.
Scalameta APIs for source code
Streamflyer Core - Allows editing an input stream
JavaFX Game Development Framework
The Jadex Java parser allows arbitrary Java terms being parsed. The parser accepts input that can be written as right hand side of a Java assignment (exp = term), i.e. procedural language aspects like loops or branches.
Scalameta APIs for source code
Pipes is a dataflow framework written in Java that enables the splitting, merging, filtering, and transformation of data from input to output. Computations are expressed using a combinator model and are evaluated in a memory-efficient, lazy fashion.
Scalameta tokens and token-based abstractions (inputs and positions)
SPARQL input notation interfaces and implementations
XML Schema Object Model (XSOM) is a Java library that allows applications to easily parse XML Schema documents and inspect information in them. It is expected to be useful for applications that need to take XML Schema as an input.
Pdf2Dom is a PDF parser that converts the documents to a HTML DOM representation. The obtained DOM tree may be then serialized to a HTML file or further processed. The inline CSS definitions contained in the resulting document are used for making the HTML page as similar as possible to the PDF input. A command-line utility for converting the PDF documents to HTML is included in the distribution package. Pdf2Dom may be also used as an independent Java library with a standard DOM interface for your DOM-based applications or as an alternative parser for the CSSBox rendering engine in order to add the PDF processing capability to CSSBox.
Library for access to input devices.
Tag Library Documentation Generator is a utility for automatically generating javadoc-style documentation for JavaServer Pages (JSP) Technology Tag Libraries. It accepts a set of tag libraries as input, and generates a set of HTML files as output. It can also be used to generate tag library documentation for JavaServer Faces UI components. Included in the output is a full description of each defined tag library, the tags contained within those tag libraries, and how to use those tags.
WebJar for intl-tel-input
Jakarta Faces defines an MVC framework for building user interfaces for web applications, including UI components, state management, event handing, input validation, page navigation, and support for internationalization and accessibility.
Scalameta tokens and token-based abstractions (inputs and positions)
Standard input and output libraries from Princeton's "Introduction to Programming in Java" textbook.
Provides a simple API to calculate checksums for the content of any input-stream, file or directory.
Dex to Java decompiler
Input Validation Management Service
Model APIs for aggregator, events, inputs.
WebJar for paper-input
Library for access to input devices.
org.wso2.carbon.input.event.adapter.core provides the core functionality for publishing native events
An implementation of Hadoop's mapred and mapreduce input and output formats for ORC files. They use the core reader and writer, but present the data to the user in Writable objects.
The JGoodies Validation helps you validate user input in Swing apps and report validation errors and warnings. It has been designed to work with different architectures and programming flavors.
Scalameta APIs for source code
Scalameta APIs for source code
All sorts of Input events, key presses etc
Scala.meta's APIs for source code in textual format