The MongoDB Connector for Hadoop is a plugin for Hadoop that provides the ability to use MongoDB as an input source and/or an output destination.
The MongoDB Connector for Hadoop is a plugin for Hadoop that provides the ability to use MongoDB as an input source and/or an output destination.
WebJar for rc-input-number
Jakarta Server Faces defines an MVC framework for building user interfaces for web applications, including UI components, state management, event handing, input validation, page navigation, and support for internationalization and accessibility.
A text and input validation library in Kotlin for Android.
ELK Utilities for Input-Output
org.wso2.carbon.event.input.adaptor provides the back-end functionalities
WebJar for iron-input
The Jadex Java parser allows arbitrary Java terms being parsed. The parser accepts input that can be written as right hand side of a Java assignment (exp = term), i.e. procedural language aspects like loops or branches.
WebJar for react-debounce-input
Dex to Java decompiler
ELKI - Data Input – Open-Source Data-Mining Framework with Index Acceleration
The MongoDB Connector for Hadoop is a plugin for Hadoop that provides the ability to use MongoDB as an input source and/or an output destination.
Creates a binary image from an input JTS Polygon or MultiPolygon
Mardao is a DAO generator, packaged as a maven plugin. The JPA-annotated Entities is the input to the generator.
The WicketStuff Multi-Text input is a Javascript widget which mimics the To: input in Apple's, or the >fb:multi-friend-input< input from Facebook. Essentially, the user may type a piece of text into the input then hit the enter key to have the text added to the input in a rounded box. The user may delete the texted entered by either clicking on an x button within the rounded box, or hitting the backspace button to highlight the text, then clicking backspace again to delete it. Two sets of hidden inputs are used to keep track of the text added to the input and the text deleted.
All sorts of Input events, key presses etc
WicketStuff CalendarViews aims to provide several Wicket components that make it easy to incorporate a calendar into your application. These calendars can be used to display events and schedules. NOTE: these are not kin to the datepicker style components for use in forms - these are for displaying calendars of data, not receiving date input.
An implementation of a Netty Channel that uses a PCAP packet dump as input and simulates a raw socket device by replaying the recorded traffic.
WebJar for what-input
Provides the back-end functionality of Input adaptor
org.wso2.carbon.event.input.adapter.thrift provides the back-end functionality of input wso2event adapter
Library for access to input devices.
Library for access to input devices.
WebJar for iron-input
Mardao is a DAO generator, packaged as a maven plugin. The JPA-annotated Entities is the input to the generator.
Provides the back-end functionality of Input adaptor
This is a collection of input helpers and field constructors for Play Framework to render Bootstrap HTML code.
WebJar for react-input-autosize
Provides the back-end functionality of Input adaptor
A tool to take a set of inputs and create a standard FHIR IG
A set of input widgets to show a floating label when not empty.
essential is a lightweight framework for realizing REST in Java with focus on processing and delivering XML and JSON while keeping the flexibility to support any kind of input and output formats. Therefore, avoiding redundant code and providing an intuitive way of consuming and producing different formats are essential's most important features.
A library that gets input from players via chat in Minecraft.
WebJar for intl-tel-input
WebJar for intl-tel-input
WebJar for intl-tel-input
WebJar for intl-tel-input
WebJar for intl-tel-input
This component provides extensions in terms of "Value operators" in search input fields on top of Querydsl and it's Spring data integration. These value operators embellish the default out of the box capabilities in Spring Data/Querydsl, which is by far statically compiled, by allowing service consumers to plugin different value operators in search fields and thus perform rich/complex queries.
DRL plugin for sending maps as input. To be used for inter-engine communication (e.g. PMML -> Drl)
org.wso2.carbon.event.input.adaptor.manager.core provides the back-end functionalities
Android library contain custom realisation of EditText component for masking and formatting input text
The biblio transformation engine is a java framework developed by the Hellenic National Documentation Centre (EKT, and consists of programmatic APIs for filtering and modifying records that are retrieved from various types of data sources (eg. databases, files, legacy data sources) as well as for outputing them in appropriate standards formats (eg. database files, txt, xml, Excel). The framework includes independent abstract modules that are executed seperately, offering in many cases alternative choices to the user depending of the input data set, the transformation workflow that needs to be executed and the output format that needs to be generated.