Android APP Factory
WebJar for selectize.js
WebJar for selectize
WebJar for selectize
WebJar for selectize
WebJar for selectize
Vaadin Select
The MultiViewPager is an extension of the support-v4 library's ViewPager that allows the pages to be wider or narrower than the ViewPager itself. It takes care of aligning the pages next to each other, and always keeping the selected page centered.
WebJar for d3-selection
Kotlin wrapper for React Select
Selects records from a table.
WebJar for bootstrap-select
WebJar for css-select
Feature selection method based on correlation measureand relevance and redundancy analysis. Use in conjunction with an attribute set evaluator (SymmetricalUncertAttributeEval). For more information see: Lei Yu, Huan Liu: Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data: A Fast Correlation-Based Filter Solution. In: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Machine Learning, 856-863, 2003.
Widgets to select data (using combobox, jlist, doublelist...)
Object oriented web framework for Kotlin/JS
WebJar for vue-select
WebJar for vue-select
A selection of standard IIR filters such as Butterworth, Bessel and Chebyshev which are set up with a single command and then can be used for realtime processing: outsample = filter(insample).
WebJar for multiselect
WebJar for ng-ui-select
WebJar for ui-select
WebJar for ui-select
WebJar for bootstrap-select
This projects aims at providing model-driven testing tools working on Transition Systems (TSs), Featured Transition Systems (FTSs) and Usage Models (Deterministic Time Markov Chain) in order to perform classical testing tasks: test case selection, prioritization, mutation testing, etc.
Mock implementation of selected AEM APIs.
WebJar for
WebJar for slim-select
SmallRye Stork Load Balancer provider based selecting two random destinations and then selecting the one with the least assigned requests.
The addc-alerts library supplies a framework for raising alerts in programs and sending these to a selection of sinks including files, SNMP, SMTP and SMS.
A service indexing selected properties of resources of a defined type.
GwtChosen is the GWT port of the Chosen javascript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly.
WebJar for @ng-select/ng-select
WebJar for vaadin-select
Felix Web Console Extension for GlassFish. This custoimizes branding, HttpService selection and provides security integration.
A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected.
Mock implementation of selected AEM APIs.
WebJar for multiple-select
WebJar for multiple-select
WebJar for multiple-select
Provides the ability to select elements in an XML document using CSS selectors
WebJar for
An Android Widget for selecting items that rotate on a wheel
WebJar for multiselect
WebJar for isteven-angular-multiselect
WebJar for isteven-angular-multiselect
streaming version of select query
Country Code Picker (CCP) is an android library which provides an easy way to search and select international country code for the phone number.
WebJar for ng2-select-base
WebJar for ng2-select-base