Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
Jkmvc is an elegant, powerful and lightweight MVC & ORM framework built using kotlin. It aims to be swift, secure, and small. It will turn java's heavy development into kotlin's simple pleasure. No spring.
Jkmvc is an elegant, powerful and lightweight MVC web framework built using kotlin. It aims to be swift, secure, and small. It will turn java's heavy development into kotlin's simple pleasure.
Inspired by 2 php frameworks: kohana and skmvc
Take jkmvc/jkmvc-example
for example.
compile "net.jkcode.jkmvc:jkmvc-http:1.9.0
// If you want to use embedded jetty
compile "net.jkcode.jkmvc:jkmvc-server-jetty:1.9.0
<!-- If you want to use embedded jetty -->
JkFilter is a Filter for your web application
vim src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:web="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
Controller handles request, and render data to response.
It has property req
to represent request, res
to represent response.
package net.jkcode.jkmvc.example.controller
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.http.Controller
* 主页
class WelcomeController: Controller() {
* 主页
public fun index() {
res.renderHtml("hello world");
configure controller classes's package paths
vim src/main/resources/http.yaml
# 是否调试
debug: true
# 静态文件的扩展名
# static file extension
staticFileExts: gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|ico|svg|swf|js|css|eot|ttf|woff
# controller类所在的包路径
# controller classes's package paths
- net.jkcode.jkmvc.example.controller
vim build.gradle
apply plugin: 'org.akhikhl.gretty'
// 启动jetty
// server 配置
servletContainer 'jetty9' // 'tomcat8'
httpPort 8080
managedClassReload true // 热部署
scanInterval 1 // 热部署的扫描间隔,当值为0时,不扫描新class,不热部署
// 调试: gradle appRunDebug
debugPort 5006 // 运行jetty的jvm独立于运行gradle的jvm, 因此也使用独立的调试端口
debugSuspend true
// webapp 配置
contextPath "/${project.name}"
inplaceMode "hard" // 资源目录 src/main/webapp
gradle appRun -x test
visit http://localhost:8080/jkmvc-example/
package net.jkcode.jkmvc.example.controller
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.http.Controller
* 主页
class WelcomeController: Controller() {
* 显示jsp视图
* render jsp view
public fun jsp(){
res.renderView(view("index" /* view file */, mapOf("name" to "shijianhang") /* view data */))
I regret that we cannot write kotlin in jsp.
vim src/main/webapp/index.jsp
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
Hello <%= request.getAttribute("name") %><br/>
visit http://localhost:8080/jkmvc-example/welcome/jsp
Orm provides object-oriented way to mainpulate db data.
It has 2 concepts:
1 Orm meta data: include information as follows
1.1 mapping from object to table
1.2 mapping from object's property to table's column
1.3 mapping from object's property to other object
2 Orm object | Model
2.1 visit property
you can use operator []
to visit orm object's property, and also use property delegate public var id:Int by property<Int>();
to visit it
2.2 method
return a query builder to query data from table
create data
update data
delete data
compile "net.jkcode.jkmvc:jkmvc-orm:1.9.0"
user table
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '用户编号',
`name` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '用户名',
`age` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '年龄',
`avatar` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '头像',
address table
CREATE TABLE `address` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '地址编号',
`user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '用户编号',
`addr` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '地址',
`tel` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '电话',
`name` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '用户名',
`is_home` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否是家庭住址',
use model, extends Orm
package net.jkcode.jkmvc.example.model
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.orm.OrmMeta
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.orm.Orm
* 用户模型
* User model
class UserModel(id:Int? = null): Orm(id) {
// 伴随对象就是元数据
// company object is meta data for model
companion object m: OrmMeta(UserModel::class){
init {
// 添加标签 + 规则
// add label and rule for field
addRule("name", "姓名", "notEmpty");
addRule("age", "年龄", "between(1,120)");
// 添加关联关系
// add relaction for other model
hasOne("home", AddressModel::class){ query ->
query.where("is_home", 1)
hasMany("addresses", AddressModel::class)
// 代理属性读写
// delegate property
public var id:Int by property<Int>();
public var name:String by property<String>();
public var age:Int by property<Int>();
public var avatar:String? by property<String?>();
// 关联地址:一个用户有一个地址
// relate to AddressModel: user has a home address
public var home:AddressModel by property<AddressModel>();
// 关联地址:一个用户有多个地址
// relate to AddressModel: user has many addresses
public var addresses:List<AddressModel> by property<List<AddressModel>>();
address model, extends Orm
package net.jkcode.jkmvc.example.model
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.orm.OrmMeta
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.orm.Orm
* 地址模型
class AddressModel(id:Int? = null): Orm(id) {
// 伴随对象就是元数据
// company object is meta data for model
companion object m: OrmMeta(AddressModel::class){
init {
// 添加标签 + 规则
// add label and rule for field
addRule("user_id", "用户", "notEmpty");
addRule("addr", "地址", "notEmpty");
addRule("tel", "电话", "notEmpty && digit");
// 添加关联关系
// add relaction for other model
belongsTo("user", UserModel::class, "user_id")
// 代理属性读写
// delegate property
public var id:Int by property<Int>();
public var user_id:Int by property<Int>();
public var addr:String by property<String>();
public var tel:String by property<String>();
public var isHome:Int by property();
// 关联用户:一个地址从属于一个用户
public var user:UserModel by property<UserModel>()
package net.jkcode.jkmvc.example.controller
import net.jkcode.jkutil.common.format
import net.jkcode.jkutil.common.httpLogger
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.example.model.UserModel
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.http.controller.Controller
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.http.fromRequest
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.http.isPost
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.http.isUpload
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.http.session.Auth
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.orm.OrmQueryBuilder
import net.jkcode.jkmvc.orm.isLoaded
import java.util.*
* 用户管理
* user manage
class UserController: Controller()
* action前置处理
public override fun before() {
// 如检查权限
* action后置处理
public override fun after() {
// 如记录日志
* 列表页
* list page
public fun index()
val query: OrmQueryBuilder = UserModel.queryBuilder()
// 统计用户个数 | count users
val counter:OrmQueryBuilder = query.clone() as OrmQueryBuilder // 复制query builder
val count = counter.count()
// 查询所有用户 | find all users
val users = query.findModels<UserModel>()
// 渲染视图 | render view
res.renderView(view("user/index", mapOf("count" to count, "users" to users)))
* 详情页
* detail page
public fun detail()
// 获得路由参数id: 2种写法 | 2 ways to get route parameter: "id"
// val id = req.getInt("id");
val id:Int? = req["id"] // req["xxx"]
// 查询单个用户 | find a user
//val user = UserModel.queryBuilder().where("id", id).findModel<UserModel>()
val user = UserModel(id)
// 渲染视图 | render view
val view = view("user/detail")
view["user"] = user; // 设置视图参数 | set view data
* 新建页
* new page
public fun new()
// 处理请求 | handle request
if(req.isPost){ // post请求:保存表单数据 | post request: save form data
// 创建空的用户 | create user model
val user = UserModel()
// 获得请求参数:3种写法 | 3 ways to get request parameter
/* // 1 req.getParameter("xxx");
user.name = req.getParameter("name")!!;
user.age = req.getInt("age", 0)!!; // 带默认值 | default value
// 2 req["xxx"]
user.name = req["name"]!!;
user.age = req["age"]!!;
// 3 Orm.fromRequest(req)
user.create(); // create user
// 重定向到列表页 | redirect to list page
}else{ // get请求: 渲染视图 | get request: render view
val view = view() // 默认视图为action名: user/new | default view's name = action: user/new
* 编辑页
* edit page
public fun edit()
// 查询单个用户 | find a user
val id: Int = req["id"]!!
val user = UserModel(id)
res.renderHtml("用户[" + req["id"] + "]不存在")
// 处理请求 | handle request
if(req.isPost){ // post请求:保存表单数据 | post request: save form data
// 获得请求参数:3种写法 | 3 way to get request parameter
/* // 1 req.getParameter("xxx");
user.name = req.getParameter("name")!!;
user.age = req.getInt("age", 0)!!; // 带默认值 | default value
/*// 2 req["xxx"]
user.name = req["name"]!!;
user.age = req["age"]!!;
// 3 Orm.fromRequest(req)
user.update() // update user
// 重定向到列表页 | redirect to list page
}else{ // get请求: 渲染视图 | get request: render view
val view = view() // 默认视图为action名: user/edit | default view's name = action: user/edit
view["user"] = user; // 设置视图参数 | set view data
* 删除
* delete action
public fun delete()
val id:Int? = req["id"]
// 查询单个用户 | find a user
val user = UserModel(id)
// 删除 | delete user
// 重定向到列表页 | redirect to list page
* 上传头像
* upload avatar
public fun uploadAvatar()
// 查询单个用户 | find a user
val id: Int = req["id"]!!
val user = UserModel(id)
res.renderHtml("用户[" + req["id"] + "]不存在")
// 检查并处理上传文件 | check and handle upload request
if(req.isUpload){ // 检查上传请求 | check upload request
user.avatar = req.storePartFileAndGetRelativePath("avatar")!!
// 重定向到详情页 | redirect to detail page
* 登录
public fun login(){
if(req.isPost){ // post请求
val user = Auth.instance().login(req["username"]!!, req["password"]!!);
if(user == null)
}else{ // get请求
* 登录
public fun logout(){
download source and run web server
git clone https://github.com/shigebeyond/jkmvc.git
cd jkmvc
gradle :jkmvc-example:appRun
visit url
gradle :jkmvc-orm:build -x test
gradle :jkmvc-http:build -x test
gradle :jkmvc-example:build -x test
Jkmvc is an elegant, powerful and lightweight MVC & ORM framework built using kotlin. It aims to be swift, secure, and small. It will turn java's heavy development into kotlin's simple pleasure. No spring.
We found that net.jkcode.jksoa:jksoa-rpc-client demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
Did you know?
Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Security News
Socket CEO Feross Aboukhadijeh discusses the open web, open source security, and how Socket tackles software supply chain attacks on The Pair Program podcast.
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Opengrep continues building momentum with the alpha release of its Playground tool, demonstrating the project's rapid evolution just two months after its initial launch.