Google Maps SDK plugin for Nativescript
React.js Google Maps
iOS/Android Google Places Widgets (Autocomplete Modals) and API Services for React Native Apps
US Address geocoder/reverse geocoder based on free US Census TIGER database. Able to cache results in redis and also return response that matches Google Maps API format
React.js Google Maps API integration
JS used to display interactive Google Map with authenticated API key.
A simple and easy-to-use Vue 3 component for Google Places Autocomplete, with customizable hooks and debouncing.
React.js Google Maps API integration
A google map api based module that uses a custom theme and markers with info windows.
Node.js client library for Google Maps API Web Services
(Unofficial) Get your google contribution metadata using this api!
Google Maps with Composition API
An angular package for using drawing control options of Google Map API
Deals with overlapping markers in Google Maps JS API v3, Google Earth-style
Google map lib support the provide a google maps api easy to use functions.
map-tools.js is a Google Maps Feature-rich Javascript wrapper that makes things like: Marker filtering, asynchronous loading, working with TopoJSON or GeoJSON, animation and more. Much simpler with an easy-to-use API.
A React autosuggest input for the Google Maps Places API.
Google Maps JavaScript v3 API React Wrapper.
Quick utility package to handle location permission and use current location to get complete location info using google places geocoding api.
Pass form latitude longititude and to latitude longitude to get the route for the two points with google api.
Antd based geo suggestion for Google maps places API
this zero-dependency package will provide a (nodejs-compatible) swagger-client for google-maps's web-apis, with a working web-demo
Google Maps' Unofficial Url Wrapper
Geocoding address to latitude and longitude from address using Google API
get address info with latitude / longitude by google map api
A cross-platform utility designed to calculate the optimal map zoom level and/or center point for a given map viewport, ensuring a balanced view of map features.
Google Maps SDK plugin for Nativescript
React Native Geolocation complatible module that uses the new Google Location API on Android devices.
React Native client library for Google Maps API Web Services
**warning: This repository is under development**
A Flatfile plugin for geocoding addresses using the Google Maps Geocoding API
@react-google-maps-pro API integration
Google Maps with Composition API
geocoding and reverse geocoding without using google maps api based on a custom data dump
Gives you a url to use inside of an iframe to generate a embedded map on your website without using google's api
Clusterer library for Google Maps JavaScript API v3 markers
a updated google distance module for node