Random Joke is a simple tool for getting random jokes. It returns a random joke from a collection of jokes.
This Package is very useful Joke aka Meme API which can be used in your projects.
Dad Jokes is a simple tool for getting dad jokes. It returns a random dad joke.
Chuck Norris Jokes is a simple tool for getting Chuck Norris jokes. It returns a random Chuck Norris joke.
NodeJS wrapper for the ICanHazDadJokes API
Extract memes and jokes from reddit
A Node.js API for jokes from [r/Jokes](https://reddit.com/r/jokes).
a nodejs wrapper for becoditive api
A very suitable API to generate random images of cats, dogs and random jokes, facts... A lot more!
An API for getting pickup lines, jokes, roasts, toasts, and open-ended questions.
Impress your boss and mum with start-up logs like a real grown-up API
dadjoke.js is an API Wrapper that handles http requests for Dad Jokes.
Simple Jokes mod for Helio API Boilerplate
chucknorris.io api client library for node.js returning promises.
A npm wrapper for the dadjokes.io api
DataFire integration for Jokes One API
Gives random jokes, words, images and more. Also has a text to image feature. Fixed by AizakkuDev.
A simple to use package that allows you to get jokes, images, and so much more!
Provide a full api to display text's content in different landscapes. No it's a joke, this is a fake module, usefull to test if developper check the safety of their projects ressources
Gets a joke from a free jokes API Run help to know about the command
A CLI for querying the icanhazdadjoke API
The best api for anime images, jokes, animals, facts, roasts, and more.
api for jokes
A TypeScript wrapper for the Geek Joke API
migrating dad joke + cow + colorful text api's
`shub` is a command-line tool for performing simple operations, including basic arithmetic and fetching random jokes from an API.
This is a simple code for getting jokes
A participative API. All the users can submit their jokes!
A simple API service for fetching random jokes and quotes.
The JokeAPI library simplifies working with the Joke API from `https://v2.jokeapi.dev/`, allowing you to easily retrieve random jokes for your applications.
The wrapper for a simple jokes api
A wrapper for jokeapi.dev. Get random jokes with categorical sorting.