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134 packages
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Age Calculator is a simple tool for calculating age from the date of birth. It returns the calculated age based on the date of birth provided.
Airports is a simple tool for getting airport data. It returns the airport name, location, and more.
Air Quality is a simple tool for getting air quality data. It returns the air quality index, o3, pm2, and more.
App Store Scraper is a simple tool for scraping app store data. It returns the app name, description, price, and more.
Baby Name Generator is a simple tool for generating baby names. It returns a list of baby names.
Bible is a simple tool for getting bible verses. Simply provide the book, chapter, and verse, and the API will return the verse.
BIN Lookup is a simple tool for looking up BIN number information. It returns information such as the bank, card type, and more based on the BIN number provided.
BMI Calculator is a simple tool for calculating body mass index. It returns the calculated BMI based on the weight and height provided.
Card Generator is a simple tool for generating test/sample card numbers. It returns a list of card numbers for testing.
Card Validator is a simple tool for validating if a card number is valid or not. It checks the card number format and the Luhn algorithm to see if the card number is valid.