Discord API typings that are kept up to date for use in bot library creation.
A powerful library for interacting with the Discord API
A set of builders that you can use when creating your bot
Implementation of the Discord Voice API for Node.js
Fetches Lyrics from Genius at Ease.
A unofficial discord.js fork for creating selfbots [Based on discord.js v13]
Allows for easy webhook sending through discord's webhook API
Easily interact with discord's oauth2 API
A library for verifying the authenticity of requests coming from the Discord Interactions API
A module for creating Discord bots using NestJS, based on Discord.js
Create and sync Discord slash commands!
Functional utilities for reading and parsing environmental variables
Tools for running an HTTP proxy for Discord's API
Plugin for @sapphire/framework to expose a REST API
A fast and modern filesystem-based i18next backend for Node.js.
A simple api to search for lyrics!
Wrapper oficial de zeew - imagenes para interaccion y api
A Typescript NodeJS library to interact with Discord's API, both Rest and Gateway.
A Discord.js v14 module that allows you to create an Akinator command for your discord bot in a matter of seconds.
A lightweight and easy way to send webhooks to Discord, without the added baggage of a full API client.
The framework for ArchId Network's HTTP-only bots
A banner generator utility for your CLI
A powerful library for interacting with the Discord API
Plugin for @sapphire/framework to add JSON Web Tokens strategy in @sapphire/plugin-api plugin.
A lightweight logger system with level support
A powerful TypeScript library for interacting with the Discord API
The common pieces for ArchId Network's HTTP-only bots
An API wrapper for the pop cat API to make your life easier while using it!
An internationalization layer powered by i18next and @skyra/i18next-backend for @skyra/http-framework
Interact with the discord API in SplitScript.js