A fetch wrapper on top of Rust's Result
BLAPI is a package to handle posting your discord stats to botlists. It's intended to be used with discord.js, though you can also manually post your stats.
A simple package to fetch lyrics from Genius API
This package contains some common utilities used by the https://wheelofnames.com web client, the Wheel of Names API, Discord bot, as well as various other tools. This package is likely useless to you if you are not a Wheel of Names developer.
Gelişmiş bir Türkçe modül. Youtube, döviz, çeviri, veri kaydettirme, tarih, para birimine çevirme, dizi arama, film arama, şarkı sözü arama, 2 şehir arası kilometre hesabı, son daika haberler/normal haberler, Minecraft sunucu/oyuncu arama, Twtich kanal ar
Very basic Twitch helper functions used across several ArchId bots
A Discord.js v14 module that allows you to create an Akinator command for your discord bot in a matter of seconds.
Discord.js V11 PATCHED. Fixes issue with stage channels by ignoring them, and allows use of bots and userbots on V11. THIS IS UNOFFICIAL. DO NOT GET SUPPORT FROM the OFFICIAL Discord.js Server.
Upload Statcord info to the official API!
All the power of discord.js, zero caching. This library modifies discord.js's internal classes and functions in order to give you full control over its caching behaviour.
🛒 Minimal store plugin for Robo.js with backend api & storefront...
An Image Manipulation API With More than 50+ commands
Discord API typings that are kept up to date for use in bot library creation.
Very basic weather helper functions used across several ArchId bots
nodes to trigger workflows from Discord or send interactive messages. Uses the components API which allows to create dialogs (e.g. attach buttons and wait for the user to click on them)
Very basic Reddit helper functions used across several ArchId bots
A bun-first discord client written in TS
A Node.js package to interact with FiveM servers, allowing you to retrieve server data, player information, and resources. Ideal for Discord bot integration or standalone Node.js applications.
Allows you to fully interact with discord's apis
Universal Patron API v2 wrapper that simplifies their API usage in JavaScript
An isorchonous ponyfill for the fetch API. Works across the browser, Node, React Native,
A tiny opinionated abstraction layer for InfluxDB for interacting with a single organization
Download videos and get info on them aswell as searching and other features.
A fork of discord.js with support of user accounts
A advanced **modern** discord bot making package using it's official api.
Midjourney client using Discord.
A powerful library for interacting with the Discord API
The influx pieces for ArchId Network's HTTP-only bots
The package helps you to create a modal, which is a new feature of Disocrd, but it is not supported at the moment in djs, so this package will make it easier for you to do it with discord.js v13
A unofficial discord.js-selfbot-v13 fork for creating selfbots with proxy [Based on discord.js v13]
A discord bot analytics to send your bot data
Official node.js API wrapper of Botlist.me
Create an Dashboard for your bot in 10 minutes without APIs knowledge and slapping code from scratch!
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