Getting Started
💡 What is Discord Modal?
- The package helps you to create a modal, which is a new feature of Disocrd, but it is not supported at the moment in dscord.js, so this package will make it easier for you to do it with discord.js v13
- Note: You can use it with any optimist that depends on interactions, such as slash commands, buttons, select menus and others

📖 If you want to know all the details of the package
📦 Installation
You can start install the package on your project:
npm install discord-modal
yarn add discord-modal
pnpm add discord-modal
const DiscordModal = require('discord-modal')
import DiscordModal from 'discord-modal';
- To associate the package with your bot
📜 Example
import {DiscordModal,ModalBuilder,ModalField} from 'discord-modal';
const client = new Discord.Client({
client.on('ready', () => console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag} (${})`));
if(interaction.commandName == "ping"){
const modal_data = new ModalBuilder()
.setTitle("Submit a support rank")
new ModalField()
.setLabel("what is your real name?")
.setPlaceholder("Enter your real name here")
new ModalField()
.setLabel("What is your favorite identity?")
new ModalField()
.setLabel("Write a story from your life")
.setPlaceholder("write here")
), modal_data)
if(interaction.customId == 'submit_a_support_rank1'){
await interaction.deferReply()
let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Submit a support rank')
.addField('Your real name', '\`\`\`' + interaction.fields.getTextInputValue("name") + '\`\`\`')
.addField('Your favorite identity', '\`\`\`' + interaction.fields.getTextInputValue("favorite") + '\`\`\`')
.addField('Story of your life', '\`\`\`' +interaction.fields.getTextInputValue("story")+ '\`\`\`')
await interaction.editReply({embeds:[embed]})
client.login("your bot token")
🖼️ Pictures in the form of the code above this ↓

📩 Send Modal
To send the Modal you need to execute an interaction before and the Modal to send. The client is automatically assigned a property which will allow you to send the Modal
Following the previous example where a Modal was created, we would send the Modal as follows:
client.modal.send(interaction, modal_data)
📑 Documentation
🔗 Useful Links

👋 If you have a problem or have a suggestion,
☑️ License
Refer to the LICENSE file.