Documentation it's soo important, but.. I'm lazy :) Later, ok?)
VK API SDK for Node.js
Package for easy creation of chat bots for VK communities (uses Callback API).
Vkontakte Open API for websites for use with Browserify.
Agular 6 : Social Login (Facebook, Google, Vkontakte and LinkedIn)
TypeScript typings for VK API
VK API TypeScript generator
Typings for VK API objects
Vk to telegram forwarder
VK Mini Apps API
Comfortable and fast VK API accessor
swagger client for @vk-manager/api
TypeScript library to make requests performing to VK API simple
Easily work with vk api methods with promise
Модуль для работы с методами VK Coin api
VK Library for callback API
VKontakte api calls for retrieving user friends, names and photos.
A module provides upload, download, and files access API. Supports file stream read/write for process large files.