A general purpose, strict, simple ORM for Node.js apps
A simple redis store for backbone-orm's query caching
caching sequelize result using redis
Dual API, promise based version of JugglingDB, the ORM for every database: redis, mysql, neo4j, mongodb, couchdb, postgres, sqlite
Node-viewmodel-mongo-plus is a node.js module for multiple databases - with the aggregator function support added specifically for mongodb. It can be very useful if you work with (d)ddd, cqrs, eventdenormalizer, host, etc.
An ORM for Node.js and the Sails framework
ORM helper for Redis
coussin adapter for redis
Cache wrapper to use ioredis conviently"
An ORM for Node.js and the Sails framework
coussin adapter for redis
An ORM for Node.js and the Sails framework