TypeORM adapter for AdminBro
WIP Mongoose admin panel
This is an official AdminBro plugin which integrates it to expressjs framework
An open source headless CMS solution to create and manage your own API. It provides a powerful dashboard and features to make your life easier. Databases supported: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite
React DataList is a lightweight, fast and fully customized component for creating data tables with sorting, filtering and paging support. An excellent choice for the admin centers or the control panels.
AdminBSB - Free admin panel that is based on Bootstrap 3.x with Material Design
This is an official AdminJS plugin which integrates it with hapijs framework.
ObjectionJS adapter for AdminJS
Admin panel for editing translations.
Extension for activeadmin gem to hide any filters from sidebar-filters panel
Generate the default admin panel for a Strapi application.
This is an official feature for [AdminJS](https://adminjs.co) which integrates Leaflet for your resources.
TailAdmin is a free and open-source admin dashboard template built on **React and Tailwind CSS**, providing developers with everything they need to create a comprehensive, data-driven back-end, dashboard, or admin panel solution for upcoming web projects
Adease is a React library designed to simplify the process of creating admin interfaces. Built with TypeScript and Vite, Adease provides developers with a set of customizable components and tools to rapidly build user-friendly admin panels.
An admin panel of Bull based on WebSocket.
Backend as a service for developers.
A lightweight admin panel components with Tailwindcss, PurgeCSS, Vuejs, Fontawesome 5.
theme for refine.dev with shadcn-ui
Library for provide Admin UI
Awesome Firebase/Firestore-based headless open-source CMS
Admin panel for FounderLab apps
With this panel, you can manage settings, configurations and install plugins
Strapi Plugin to Generate PDF documents from the Admin panel.
Most Powerful & Comprehensive Free MUI React NextJS Admin Dashboard Template built for developers! 🚀
Put web admin interface-sauce on top of your coffeerest api
An open source headless CMS solution to create and manage your own API. It provides a powerful dashboard and features to make your life easier. Databases supported: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite
Admin panel for apps written in node.js
Adonisjs Admin Panel Generator is a package that helps you quickly scaffold your typical CRUD admin interfaces. It generates the admin panel code based on the existing (migrated) table in the database
An open source headless CMS solution to create and manage your own API. It provides a powerful dashboard and features to make your life easier. Databases supported: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite
React Admin Panel based on material-ui interface Edit
A simple graphql admin dashboard. Easy to expand with the flexible plugin. Graphql first, also supports api. Based on React, Redux, Material-UI, Formik, I18N.
TypeORM adapter for AdminBro
TypeORM adapter for AdminJS
VueJS UI Kit for Admin Panels
TypeORM adapter for AdminJS fix custom fix for filter by relations
Admin panel and client-side CRUD operations in angular to use with zettapi_server rest api to get started quickly in any CMS project.