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Example to convert fetch to curl
An angular material select formfield that allows user to select option from a tree data structure.
A module to create readable `"multipart/form-data"` isomorphically in node and the browser.
Parse request form-data to file streams
Useful country data for forms and stuff.
React components for [Stripe.js and Elements](https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-js).
A plugin multer to transform image and upload to AWS S3
TypeScript streaming parser for MIME multipart messages
JS Form Validator is a simple form data validation library for JavaScript. It provides a set of base rules for checking the type and value of various inputs, and allows you to define custom rules as well.
Converts FormData entries to JSON
A module for modern HTTP/HTTPS requests with support for form data, file uploads, JSON, binary data, streams, and more.
Multi-part form data stream parser
Form with data binding HOC for mezzanine-ui
A micro conditional javascript engine used to parse the raw logical and comparison expressions, evaluate the expression in the given data context, and provide access to a text form of the given expressions.
ngRemoveValidate makes it easy for you to validate form fields agents data from your server. For example, a sign up form may need to check if the email entered is already registered before submitting the form.
Submit JSON data via a native form, not AJAX. Useful when you need to open a new page with a POST action.
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> The seatable chart displays the data in the seatable in the form of a chart.
React component for configurable forms. Optionally connect to the backend to fetch external config and submit form data to.
RDForms (aka RDF Forms) is a JavaScript library that uses templates to describe how to edit, present and validate RDF. The library is intended to be used in web applications to ease the burden of developers to deal natively with RDF.
Simple JS component show & hide elements conditionally with inputs,checkbox,radio,btn etc.Great for creating tabs, accordions, dynamic forms, etc. Easy Configuration using HTML5 data attributes and/or JavaScript API.
A Vue library to streamline UI development.
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Multer is a node.js parser for handling `multipart/form-data`, which is primarily used for uploading files.
RUM Distiller is a JavaScript library for data exploration of Adobe RUM data. It allows you to define the shape of the data first, in the form of "series", "groups", and "facets". You can then filter the data based on the defined facets, and will automati
How to test HTTP form submission with file input using Cypress - a hack
Node-RED added node functions.
Take an existing PDF Form and data and PDF Filler will create a new PDF with all given fields populated.
A simplified, declarative table-library using @angular/material's MatTable with form capabilities for adding/editing/deleting data
Simple to use web component that binds data to form controls with validation.
A component to take GraphQl Gravity Forms query data from WordPress and return a usable form.
A javascript/nodejs multipart/form-data parser which operates on raw data.
React Component for displaying GeoJson data in Choropleth form
Get the data from the form in a key/value pair of name and value 🥯
Only form data generation and form value sanitization are done with this package.
Ngx-excel-viewer is an angular library to view/edit excel data in the angular application where data is in the form of matrix of string.
A TypeScript library for creating and managing validation guards, aiding in data validation and security checks.