unzip a zip file into a directory using 100% javascript
Reads and caches the entire contents of a file until it is modified
Official React component for Filestack - API and content management system that makes it easy to add powerful file uploading and transformation capabilities to any web or mobile application.
vfile utility to create a virtual message
get dimensions of any image file
Discard duplicate rules in your CSS files with PostCSS.
Nested/recursive `.gitignore`/`.npmignore` parsing and filtering.
Minify colors in your CSS files with PostCSS.
Discard comments in your CSS files with PostCSS.
gRPC utility library for loading .proto files
Detect/remove browser hacks from CSS files.
Extremely fast utf8 only stream implementation
A node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads.
Parse a passwd file into a list of users.
utility library for parsing asn1 files for use with browserify-sign.
Get a list of the files to add from a folder into an npm package
Generates an asynchronous resolver function from a PAC file
move a file (fork of move-file)
Returns a `stream.Readable` from a URI string
Computes the longest prefix string that is common to each path, excluding the base component
Get the path of the caller function
Copy files && directories with webpack
Check if a file path is a text file
Returns true if a filepath exists on the file system and it's directory.
Returns `true` if the path appears to be relative.
List of text file extensions
Returns true if a file path is absolute. Does not rely on the path module and can be used as a polyfill for node.js native `path.isAbolute`.
Returns true if a filepath is a windows UNC file path.
Get the list of files installed in a package in node_modules, including bundled dependencies
Write data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists and creating any intermediate directories if they don't already exist. Thin wrapper around node's native fs methods.