Use a Mongo database in a service generated by Amplication
TypeScript definitions for amplitude-js
XR category of aws-amplify
Contains core logic that needs to be normalized across many packages in the repo. This includes things like error classes, parsing stack name and BackendIdentifiers, and other cross-cutting concerns. Over time, this package will probably have a tendency t
[![@aws-amplify/ui-react Weekly Downloads stat badge](]( [![@aws-amplify/ui-react version badge](https://img.shi
Official Amplitude SDK for NodeJS
set auth for Amplication build
`@aws-amplify/ui-react-core` is a React platform agnostic utility library for Amplify UI internal usage in `@aws-amplify/ui-react*` and `@aws-amplify/ui-react-native*` namespaced packages.
is-object function part of
is-number function part of
index-of function part of
has function part of
keys function part of
create-callback function part of
each function part of
The lodash method `_.clamp` exported as a module.
Amplitude Experiment Javascript Client SDK
Use a Kafka message broker to communicate between services generated with Amplication
Amplify GraphQL transformer interface definitions
Generate API code or type annotations based on a GraphQL schema and statements
Tool for generation samples based on JSON Schema Draft 7
Contains [zod]( schemas for the data that is stored in stack outputs and metadata. Using zod schemas allows us to generate types for the data as well as validate expected data when reading at runtime.
Use a PostgreSQL database in a service generated by Amplication
GraphQL API code generator
set jwt as provider for Amplication build
Abstraction around [AWS Systems Manager]( (SSM) for CRUDL options on SSM SecureString values. This package should be used whenever we want to read/write secrets to S
Responsible for translating stack outputs and metadata (read via the [deployed-backend-client](../deployed-backend-client/ into client config that can be consumed by the Amplify frontend libraries.
Programmatic interface for generating data models to be used by Amplify frontend libraries.
Responsible for reading stack output and metadata from deployed stacks and presenting it in a validated and typed format. You could think of this package as our "database client" (but instead of a database, we have CloudFormation metadata and output). It
A framework to transform from GraphQL SDL to AWS CloudFormation.
rrweb's component to take a snapshot of DOM, aka DOM serializer
This package contains the shared types used across rrweb packages. See the [guide](../../ for more info on rrweb.
`rrdom` is a virtual dom library that is used by `rrweb` to replay DOM mutations. It is a standalone library that can be used to create a virtual dom tree and apply patches to the real dom. It's used in `rrweb` to optimize replay performance especially wh
Use a MySQL database in a service generated by Amplication
set basic auth for Amplication build
AWS SDK for JavaScript Amplify Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native
Offical Amplitude SDK for Node.js
Utility functions to build and interact with the Identify API
Directive definitions for Amplify GraphQL transformers.
amplify graphql docs generator plugin
generic component code generation interface definitions
Amplify UI React code generation implementation
AWS SDK for JavaScript Amplifyuibuilder Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native
The lodash method `_.sampleSize` exported as a module.
Javascript Server SDK for Amplitude Experiment
The lodash method `_.sample` exported as a module.
Amplify GraphQL schema generator