JavaScript 3D library
JavaScript 3D library
package of compiler mind-ar-js
Engine/framework for three.js
Navigate indoor environments effortlessly using augmented reality technology.
JavaScript 3D library
Emscripten port of ARToolKit5 to JavaScript. It is a lighter version of Jsartoolkit5 with only NFT markerless support
React components for Augmented Reality on the web.
JavaScript 3D library
web augmented reality framework
BingeWave is a Live Media as a Service (LMAAS), which means video, audio and augmented reality solutions are provided with minimal to no coding required. The video, audio and AR interfaces are delivered through widgets, which are embeds that go directly i
JavaScript 3D library
NativeScript Augmented Reality plugin. ARKit on iOS and (with the help of Sceneform) ARCore on Android.
JavaScript 3D library
Make connections of things via web, and make things tangible on augmented reality.
A library for organizing multiple image targets and the content they relate to.
Augmented Reality demo powered by Wikitude
NativeScript Wikitude SDK - provides access to Wikitude Augmented Reality
JavaScript 3D library
JavaScript 3D library
Viro React is a platform for developers to rapidly build augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences. Developers write in React Native, and Viro runs their code natively across all mobile VR (including Google Daydream, Samsung Gear VR, and
A library for tracking multiple images using AR Foundation.
AR features for React Native, based on ARKit
JavaScript 3D library
An OmiLAXR module for ...PURPOSE_OF_MODULE...
ES6 module port of artoolkit5
Emscripten port of ARToolKit to JavaScript
Orca Three.js fiber components for rendering HTML elements
JavaScript 3D library
JavaScript 3D library
File browser for threejs scene. Uses Angular-three and Cloud Storage service
JavaScript 3D library
JavaScript 3D library
JavaScript 3D library
JavaScript 3D library