TextInput effects for react native
Ember input component that accepts mask pattern
Angular 1 directive for input text masking
welcome-ui: Text input
Restrict what characters that may be entered into text fields. Supports alphanumeric, alphabetic or numeric. Easy to use. Fully customisable. Cross Browser compatible.
A text input component for React which maintains and displays a collection of entered values as an array of strings.
A fully native TextInput component that allows currency input with a right to left text aligment
LUI input text component.
React input component that accepts mask pattern
component for displaying searchable dropdown
Restrict inputs to certain valid characters (e.g. formatting phone or card numbers)
Accessible text input styled for Anypoint platform
Jøkul style for text input fields
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Component used to get user input in a text field
An angular material select formfield that allows user to select option from a tree data structure.
Fully customizable, animated text input for React Native with beautiful and elegant design
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To provide a utility container to deal with mask text and input
Component for single-line text and number input with formatting support.
An ant.design helper that auto create a Modal with an optional message prompting the user to input some text.
React input component that accepts mask pattern
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A material-ui INPUT component which allows to see/hide the password text of the field and to clear the input value
textarea with line numbers
> forked from [@patrtorg/quis-doloribusode](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@patrtorg/quis-doloribusode) v11.1.0. as the original repository seems [no longer maintained](https://github.com/mysticatea/@patrtorg/quis-doloribusode/issues/300).
Function that calculates width of typed text
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JSON is used everywhere, including: 1. PostgreSQL (json/jsonb types) 2. Sync rules input (values are normalized to JSON text). 3. Sync rule transformations (extracting values, constructing objects in the future) 4. Persisting data in the database. 5. Send
A Vue.js component that highlights text as you type
Angular directive to select contents of text input when clicked.
Material Design Text fields allow users to input text into your app.
Textarea and input components with custom scrollbars and aurogrow in both axes
Addons for Ember Text Mask https://github.com/text-mask/text-mask/ember
Angular 2 directive for input text masking
Text input (multi-line) block for Tripetto.
Text input (single-line) block for Tripetto.