Queues failed requests and uses the Background Sync API to replay them when the network is available
Scarf is like Google Analytics for your npm packages. Gain insights into how your packages are installed and used, and by which companies.
React Native Firebase - The analytics module provides out of the box support with Google Analytics for Firebase. Integration with the Android & iOS allows for in-depth analytical insight reporting, such as device information, location, user actions and mo
TypeScript definitions for google.analytics
Global analytics (analytics.js) plugin for Docusaurus.
Simple implementation of Google Tag Manager for Vue
Global Site Tag (gtag.js) plugin for Vue
Gatsby plugin to add google tagmanager onto a site
Google analytics v4 plugin for 'analytics' module
Data client for Node.js
Analytics integration for Redux and ngrx/store
Google Analytics plugin for Vue
Google tag manager plugin for 'analytics' module
Vendor-agnostic web analytics for AngularJS applications
Gatsby plugin to add google analytics onto a site
Google Analytics for Next.js
A simple ng-9 wrapper to load Google Analytics dependency by angular way
Komito Analytics is an enhancement for the most popular analytics software.
Simple implementation of Google Tag Manager for Vue
A JavaScript library for measuring the First Input Delay metric. See https://goo.gl/1AKcj5.
Google Tag Manager implementation in Vue application
Google Analytics Module for Nuxt.js
Automatic and enhanced Google Analytics tracking for common user interactions on the web
Global Site Tag (gtag.js) plugin for Vue 3
Stub TypeScript definitions entry for workbox-google-analytics, which provides its own types definitions
Google Analytics plugin for Angulartics
Send data to multiple analytics integrations without re-implementing new API
google-analytics plugin for vuepress
Simple wrapper of ga4 scripts for React: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4
Segment.io analytics integration for redux.
Provides Analytics snippets injection for popular web analytics tools
Admin client for Node.js
Get sources of your site's visitors (utm / organic / referral / typein).
Gatsby plugin to add different components of the Google Marketing Platform: Tag Manager, Analytics, Optimize
A collection of scripts to send Core Web Vital data to GA4
This is a library to facilitate the implementation of Google Tag Manager.
Gatsby plugin to add google analytics, google tag manager facebook pixel, tik tok pixel and hotjar in a gdpr form to your site. Consent coming soon.
Google Analytics (gtag.js) integration for Redux
Gatsby plugin to add google tagmanager onto a site
NativeScript Firebase - Core
A simple Google Analytics [gtag.js](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/) package for Angular.