Ngx Google Analytics
An easy implementation to track ga on angular8+ apps.
Feedbacks on

I'm investing a big amount of time studing new technologies for my daily job, and I am not able to invest a significant amount of time into maintaining ngx-google-analytics
properly. I am looking for volunteers who would like to become active maintainers on the project. If you are interested, please shoot me a note.
To setup this package on you project, just call the following command.
npm install ngx-google-analytics
Simple Setup
On your Angular Project, you shall include the NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule
on your highest level application module. ie AddModule
. The easiest install mode call the forRoot()
method and pass the GA tracking code.
import { NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule } from 'ngx-google-analytics';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Setup Routing Module
We provide a second Module Dependency to configure Router Event Bindings and perform automatic page view every time your application navigates to another page.
Add NgxGoogleAnalyticsRouterModule
on AppModule enable auto track Router
IMPORTANT: This Module just subscribe to Router events when the bootstrap component is created, and then cleans up any subscriptions related to previous component when it is destroyed. You may get some issues if using this module on a server side rendering or multiple bootstrap components. If it is your case, I suggest you subscribe to events by yourself. You can use git repository as reference.
import { NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule, NgxGoogleAnalyticsRouterModule } from 'ngx-google-analytics';
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
Advanced Setup Routing Module
You can customize some rules to include/exclude routes on NgxGoogleAnalyticsRouterModule
. The include/exclude settings allow:
- Simple route match:
{ include: [ '/full-uri-match' ] }
; - Wildcard route match:
{ include: [ '*/public/*' ] }
; - Regular Expression route match:
{ include: [ /^\/public\/.*/ ] }
import { NgxGoogleAnalyticsModule, NgxGoogleAnalyticsRouterModule } from 'ngx-google-analytics';
imports: [
NgxGoogleAnalyticsRouterModule.forRoot({ include: [...], exclude: [...] })
export class AppModule {}
This service provides an easy and strong typed way to call gtag()
command. It does nothing else then convert a strong typed list of arguments into a standard gtag
api call.
Call Interface Events
@Component( ... )
export class TestFormComponent {
private $gaService: GoogleAnalyticsService
) {}
onUserInputName() {
this.$gaService.event('enter_name', 'user_register_form', 'Name');
onUserInputEmail() {
this.$gaService.event('enter_email', 'user_register_form', 'Email');
onSubmit() {
this.$gaService.event('submit', 'user_register_form', 'Enviar');
Call GA Page Views and Virtual Page Views
export class TestPageComponent implements OnInit {
protected $gaService: GoogleAnalyticsService
) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.$gaService.pageView('/teste', 'Teste de Title')
onUserLogin() {
this.$gaService.pageView('/teste', 'Teste de Title', undefined, {
user_id: 'my-user-id'
In a way to help you to be more productive on attach GA events on UI elements. We create some directives to handle GoogleAnalyticsService
and add event listener by simple attributes.
Simple directive use
The default behaviour is call gtag
on click events, but you can change the trigger to any HTML Event (e.g. focus
, blur
or custom events) as well.
<button gaEvent="click_test" gaCategory="ga_directive_test">Click Test</button>
<button gaEvent="focus_test" gaCategory="ga_directive_test" gaBind="focus">Focus Test</button>
<button gaEvent="blur_test" gaCategory="ga_directive_test" gaBind="blur">Blur Test</button>
<button gaEvent="custom_test" gaCategory="ga_directive_test" gaBind="customEvent">Custom Event Test</button>
Simple input use
If you attach gaEvent directive on form elements, it will assume focus event as default trigger
<input gaEvent="fill_blur" gaCategory="ga_directive_input_test" placeholder="Auto Blur Test"/>
Grouped directives
Sometimes your UX guy want to group several elements in the interface at same group to help his analysis and reports. Fortunately the gaCategory
directive can be placed on the highest level group
element and all child gaEvent
will assume the parent gaCategory
as their parent.
<div gaCategory="ga_test_category">
<button gaEvent gaAction="click_test">Click Test</button>
<button gaEvent gaAction="focus_test" gaBind="focus">Focus Test</button>
<button gaEvent gaAction="blur_test" gaBind="blur">Blur Test</button>