logger plugin for @ngxs/store
router plugin for @ngxs/store
A Reactive State Management Tailored-Made for JS Applications
React Form is a small and fast package for form state management with zero dependencies. KendoReact Form package
An easy way to manage local state with Apollo Link
Convenient state management of query parameters in Next.js apps.
Create a context hook and provider for managing the state of your react application
200 bytes to never think about React state management libraries ever again
A Redux Framework
A reactive state management for JS applications
@rx-angular/cdk is a Component Development Kit for ergonomic and highly performant angular applications. It helps to to build Large scale applications, UI libs, state management, rendering systems and much more. Furthermore the unique way of mixing reacti
Entities management for elf store
Redux devtools for elf store
Persist state in storage for elf store
Proper state manager for JavaScript
A store for Nano Stores state manager to keep data in localStorage
Elm-inspired state management for React
A Feature Service for managing the state transfer to the client when rendering on the server.
Wrapper for encrypted localStorage and sessionStorage in browser
Status and requests cache for elf store
Lens-like functionality with a lodash-style interface.
Global + local state combining the best of Redux and Context API
Redux-Immer v6 plugin for Rematch. Provides immutable ability for rematch.
Immer wrappers around NgRx methods createReducer, on, and ComponentStore
A set of utils to create framework agnostic and reusable state managers
Angular connector to MobX (2 and above)
BlockSuite data store built for general purpose state management.
Angular bindings for Redux
Manage state in storybook stories
Helpers to use Vuex store form Vue Composition API
@rx-angular/state is a light-weight, flexible, strongly typed and tested tool dedicated to reduce the complexity of managing component state and side effects in angular
A highly customizable and versatile GraphQL client for Svelte
Server side pagination for elf store
A highly customizable and versatile GraphQL client for vue
Signals for managing, caching and syncing asynchronous and remote data in Angular
Angular adapter for elf store cli
Redux-inspired state management using Observables
A library for querying and managing network state in Redux applications
⚛️ 💼 React hooks for managing form state and lifecycle
State history management for elf store
A MobX powered state management solution based on data trees with first class support for TypeScript, snapshots, patches and much more