Chrome Dev Tools formatter for the Immutable JS library
Immutable finite list objects with constant-time equality testing (===) and no memory leaks
Create your next immutable state by mutating the current one
redux-immutable is used to create an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with Immutable.js state.
PropType validators that work with Immutable.js.
Immutable data structures for JavaScript which are backwards-compatible with normal JS Arrays and Objects.
React PureComponent implementation embracing Immutable.js
fantasyland compatible extensions
Find multiple RegExp matches in a string
Lightweight immutable helper that allows you to continue working with Plain JavaScript Objects
A collection of functions to perform immutable operations on plain JavaScript objects
Redux middleware that detects mutations between and outside redux dispatches. For development use only.
Update normal plain javascript object, immutable style. Simlar to how immutable.js, seamless-immutable etc does it but a lot smaller and simpler.
Small, performant & immutable iteration utilities for Arrays and Objects
PropType validators that work with Immutable.js
Serialize and unserialize immutable list | map | record.
Tools for building completely customizable richtext editors with React.
Create RFC 6902 style patches between Immutable.JS data structures
Modify deep object properties without modifying the original object (immutability). Works great with React and Redux.
Immutable Sorted Data Collections
mutate a copy of data without changing the original source
Immutable iCalendar document creation
Stub TypeScript definitions entry for Facebook's Immutable, which provides its own types definitions
Immutable Data Collections
Chai assertions for Facebook's Immutable library for JavaScript collections
TypeScript definitions for seamless-immutable
unist utility to create a new tree with nodes that pass a filter
TypeScript definitions for redux-immutable
immutable.js transform for redux-persist
Immutabje.js meets Rxjs
Helpers for using seamless-immutable with Redux
ESLint plugin to disable all mutation in JavaScript.
Transit serialisation for Immutable.js
Filter transformator for redux-persist supporting immutable.js