decorators for moleculer
Esbuild plugin for typescript experimentalDecorators and emitDecoratorMetadata
A simple retry decorator for typescript with no dependency.
Decorators that annotate LoopBack artifacts with OpenAPI v3 metadata and utilities that transform LoopBack metadata to OpenAPI v3 specifications
Compatible typescript decorators (with parameter decorators).
Useful TypeScript decorators for Sapphire Framework Discord bots
Nestjs Decorators for Lido Finance projects. Part of [Lido NestJS Modules](
A React component that decorates its children with touch and mouse cursor coordinates, plotted relative to itself.
DTO decorators with @nestjs/swagger.
1. Install the package
RPC decorator that chunks getAccounts requests into batches
Write your tests in a Java-like annotation-driven manner via JS decorators.
The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
Utility function for decorating a React component with any props
Fork of the class-transformer package. Proper decorator-based transformation / serialization / deserialization of plain javascript objects to class constructors
Storybook Addon Development Kit
A concise decorator for retrieving an IP address from http request with Nest.js controller method
Property decorators for Nuxt
Develop themes and themable components with Emotion, Styled Components, Material-UI and your custom solution
Stub TypeScript definitions entry for core-decorators.js, which provides its own types definitions
Function parameter decorator transform plugin for babel v7, just like typescript.
Usual decorator for express
Storybook decorator to center components
Esbuild plugin for typescript to handle emitDecoratorMetadata
NestJS Swagger decorator for API exceptions
A TypeScript Framework on top of Express
Core framework for decorator based object oriented testing
JsonSchema module for Ts.ED Framework
Json mapper module for Ts.ED Framework
A Transactional Method Decorator for typeorm that uses cls-hooked to handle and propagate transactions between different repositories and service methods. Inpired by Spring Trasnactional Annotation and Sequelize CLS
A TypeScript Framework on top of Express
TypeScript decorators for Polymer
This module provides __data binding__ and __dependency injection__ for [Tabris.js]( based on [TypeScript decorators](
Storybook Addon for Material UI Library
A decorator for script lazy loading on react component
Decorator to aide migration from classic class system to native classes
Compose generator and async/await middleware
Stub TypeScript definitions entry for lodash-decorators, which provides its own types definitions
fastify-decorators plugin to work with Sequelize
TypeDORM - Common Decorators and enums
Vue typescript class and decorator based component.
fastify-decorators plugin to work with Sequelize