evaluate statically-analyzable expressions
Gets the job done when JSON.stringify can't
A flexible math expression evaluator
Safely evaluate JavaScript (estree) expressions, sync and async.
Define a lazily evaluated property on an object
The modern build of lodash’s internal `baseValues` as a module.
Evaluate Content Security Policies for a wide range of bypasses and weaknesses
The modern build of lodash’s internal `reEvaluate` as a module.
Safe builders for Trusted Types values
Gets the job done when JSON.stringify can't
A cross-browser / node.js validator powered by JSON Schema
Mark scopes for deopt which contain a direct eval call
path.evaluate wrapped in a try catch
Simple JavaScript expression evaluator
Mathematical expression evaluator
Javascript/Typescript bindings for QuickJS, a modern Javascript interpreter, compiled to WebAssembly.
An interpreter for Typescript that can evaluate an arbitrary Node within a Typescript AST
Return a value or an evaluated function (with arguments).
JavaScript expression parsing and evaluation.
Stringify is to `eval` as `JSON.stringify` is to `JSON.parse`
An interpreter for Typescript that can evaluate an arbitrary Node within a Typescript AST
Eval a string with a passed scope
Reduce function calls in a string, using a callback
Evaluates the result of an expression given as postfix terms
Pre-evaluate code at build-time
Evaluate a polynomial using double-precision floating-point arithmetic.
TypeScript definitions for revalidator
Safer version of eval()
Mathematical expression evaluator fork with prototype pollution fix
Eval embedded value in json. Useful to define message resource object.
Evalute JavaScript snippets in markdown files and output static pages.
visionmedia debug extensions rolled into one
TypeScript definitions for math-expression-evaluator
Journey Evaluator library
Pre-evaluate code at build-time with babel-macros
🔧 An alternative to the 'eval' function in JavaScript that is faster, easier/better to use, and has less security issues.
Universal library for evaluating AI models
A JavaScript interpreter written in JavaScript
MongoDB Top Level API Package
JavaScript expression parsing and evaluation.