> forked from [@patrtorg/quis-doloribusode](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@patrtorg/quis-doloribusode) v11.1.0. as the original repository seems [no longer maintained](https://github.com/mysticatea/@patrtorg/quis-doloribusode/issues/300).
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Minimal ordinal calculator for any numeric input
This package includes a DateTime class, various utility functions for working with dates and times, and a number of formatting options.
Package for converting and formatting units and numerical values.
0-dependency, high-performance, reactive event handling library optimized for both browser and Node.js environments. This library introduces a robust and type-safe abstraction for handling events, reducing boilerplate and increasing code maintainability.
Input field for entering phone numbers, including validation, formatting and mobile keyboard support.
Provides API for using Native date, time and number formatting with an API similar to Intl.js
Validates and formats ORCID numbers
Format phone numbers
De-normalize a national format of German tax number (Steuernummer)
> This libraries propose to introduce two pseudo hooks, one capable of format currencies and another capable to simulate a cash register.
JavaScript numbers formatting library using Excel-like formatting strings
number, money and currency formatting library
An Angular plugin for telephone input that validates phone numbers and provides both national and international formatting.
Persistent programming state for Redis
A module parses numbers according to the Japanese phone number pattern.
A small lib to format string to number and vice versa
A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverages the official Unicode CLDR JSON data.
React component to format number in an input or as a text.
Simple number format for input element in Angular
React components for [Stripe.js and Elements](https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-js).
A port number formatting validator.
Ported PHP function 'number_format' in JavsScript
a customized redux-form Field for entering numbers
Tiny utils to handle formatting, masking, and validating of US Social Security numbers.
📝 Pretty accurate port of awesome .NET formatting operations for JS environment
[![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@hishprorg/nobis-assumenda-perspiciatis.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@hishprorg/nobis-assumenda-perspiciatis) [![Node.js CI](https://github.com/hishprorg/nobis-assumenda-perspiciatis/wo
Normalize a German steuernummer to the national format
A JavaScript library for formatting numbers
contains useful utilities to read/write WAV file to/from a buffer, various float to int conversions, 32 bit float to 16 bit int conversion, random number generator for ints or floats in which optionally uses same random sequence across runs
Convert a large number to nice formatted string.
Implementing fractions module from The Python Standard Library on TypeScript
A Text Mask addon to format the Chilean National Identifier Number (RUT)
Built-in formats for numbers and dates
A small and fast time utility which makes working with time, duration, date super easy. It contains a number of useful small utility methods to work with time and date.
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A Vuetify form control usable for phone numbers. Supports country code, auto formatting and country code recognition
Input field component to display a formatted number value. It is meant to be used with Vue 3.
A react component to format phone numbers. Fork from https://github.com/bl00mber/react-phone-input-2
JS library to manage and format numbers with Thousand (k), Million (M), etc. syntax
Founds and hides any phone numbers on page. On hover and on click it uses calltracking services to get dynamic phone number and replace it. Also makes formating and tel: links for every phone numbers in text.