Typescript Roman Numbers Converter
A simple and easy to use Typescript package that converts a given arabic number to roman number format
$ npm install --save typescript-roman-numbers-converter
How to use it
First of all import the package:
import { toRoman } from "typescript-roman-numbers-converter";
Converts the given number into a string that represents the same value in roman notation.
Due to limitations, we cannot convert decimal numbers, numbers below 1 and numbers bigger than 3999.
let a: number;
let r: string;
a = 32
r = toRoman(a); //r is now equal to "XXXII"
let a_2 = -12
r = toRoman(a_2); //r is now "" due to limitations
Converts the given string into a number that represents the same value in arabic notation.
let a: number;
let r: string;
r = "XXXII"
a = toArabic(a); //a is now equal to 32
Returns true if the given string is a valid written roman number
let b = isRoman("MCM"); //b is true
let b_2 = isRoman("ABC"); //b_2 is false
RomanNumber class
Is the class that holds the value of the roman numeral
class RomanNumber {
//holds the numeric value of the number
num: number;
//holds the roman numeral that represents the value of `num`
str: string;
// elaborations fields for use the large conversion
baseUnits: number = 0;
thousands: number = 0;
constructor(num: number, str: string) {
this.num = num;
this.str = str;
toRomanLarge, toRomanLargeStr
toRomanLarge converts the arab number passed as parameter to an instance of RomanNumber class. With this method we can convert numbers bigger than 3999. The string representation of the converted number wraps the thousands with an underscore and round braces.
toRomanLargeStr is returns the value of str after calling toRomanLarge.
let a: number;
let r: RomanNumber(0,'');
let r_2: string;
a = 1350021
r = toRomanLarge(a); //r is now equal to {num: 1350021, str: "(_MCCCL)XXI", baseUnits: 21, thousands: 1350}
r_2 = toRomanLargeStr(a); //r_2 is now equal to "(_MCCCL)XXI"