An NPM package to generate captcha images that can be used in Discord bots or various other projects
Verification code identification based on OCR (Tesseract) and CV (OpenCV)
This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 `<script setup>` SFCs, check out the [script setup docs]( to learn more.
``` cnpm i captcha-lvshi -S
React Component Wrapper for Google reCAPTCHA 🤖
This is component <Captcha /> wich supports properties: language, theme, type, sitekey, callback
reCAPTCHA validation Middy middleware for yours AWS Lambdas
This is the javascript library for go-captcha
Angular component implementing Google's reCAPTCHA
BotDetect CAPTCHA AngularJS Module (JavaScript: Angular 1.x)
A drop-in replacement for puppeteer patched with rebrowser-patches. It allows to pass modern automation detection tests.
Invisible reCAPTCHA integration
Bot admin captcha
```javascript const {Captcha} = require("captcha-module"); const fs = require("fs"); const testCaptcha = new Captcha();
An npm package to generate image-based CAPTCHAs encoded in Base64. This package uses the `jimp` library for image manipulation and `crypto` for generating random text.
send chapcha mail to assigned email
This tool mainly provides developers with a simple and easy-to-use verification code system that can be deployed by themselves.
Svelte-Bootstrap Checkbox Input WebComponent
bestcaptchasolve-nodejs is a super easy to use bypass captcha nodeJS API wrapper for captcha service
Yandex Smart Captcha Vue component
react captcha generator
A puppeteer-extra plugin to solve reCAPTCHAs automatically.
This plugin provides a Vue 3 component and plugin for integrating Google reCAPTCHA V3. The plugin enables easy reCAPTCHA token generation, management, and configuration within a Vue 3 application.
NextCaptcha Captcha Solving Service Api Wrapper for Typescript to solving recaptcha v2, v3,recapthcha moible,hcaptcha,funcaptcha
A lightweight SvelteKit utility to easily add a captcha to your forms with progressive enhancement. Currently reCaptcha, hCaptcha and turnstile are supported.
A puppeteer-extra plugin that implements CapMonster support for puppeteer-extra-plugin-recaptcha.
## Zappa Protect Captcha This repository serves as the host for functionality for rendering the Zappa Protect Captcha iFrames on a website, particularly HTML.
Add captcha to your react projects