Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript descriptor. Works for data descriptors and accessor descriptors.
Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript accessor descriptor.
Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript data descriptor.
Runtime library to validate data against TypeScript interfaces
The modular and type safe schema library for validating structural data
Express middleware to validate request (headers, params, query, body) using Joi
Hash a stream of data, then validate
detect-content-type implements the algorithm described at to determine the Content-Type of the given data. It considers at most the first 512 bytes of data. It always returns a valid MIME type: if it cannot determine a mo
Effortlessly convert your JSON Object to JSON Schema, Mongoose Schema, or a Generic template for quick documentation / upstart.
Contains [zod]( schemas for the data that is stored in stack outputs and metadata. Using zod schemas allows us to generate types for the data as well as validate expected data when reading at runtime.
A form is a group of inputs that allows users submit data to a server and supports field validation errors.
ESLint plugin that validates data using JSON Schema Validator.
A utility for parsing and validating data URLs.
Validation helpers for [zod]( specifically for parsing `FormData` or `URLSearchParams`. This is particularly useful when using [Remix]( and combos well with [remix-validated-form](https:
A form is a group of inputs that allows users submit data to a server and supports field validation errors.
Validation library inspired by Laravel's Validator
Azure Data Factory utilities library
Find diff between any two variables where variables be any valid JavaScript data type like string, numeric, array or object
Validates if a value is matrix-like.
Validation of CSV file against user defined schema (returns back object with data and invalid messages)
NestJS middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading files
Declarative Form Validations Framework
Add-on to jQuery Validation to enable unobtrusive validation options in data-* attributes.
runtime type checking and validation of untyped JSON data
Concise data validation library for Node.js and browsers
Ember computed property based validation library
Changesets for your local state
Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms.
A TypeScript library for validating, formatting, and converting IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and BBAN (Basic Bank Account Number), offering comprehensive support for international banking data standards.
validation library for nodejs, inspired by laravel.
A library of validations applicable to several Brazilian data like I.E., CNPJ, CPF and others
Decentraland data structure interfaces and validators for TypeScript-based projects.
Common error classes and utility functions
A micro client-side validation library
Fields can be used to manage data when it comes to form data manipulation and validation. After being associated with a component, the form data can be automatically written back, read, and verified.