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Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript data descriptor.

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Package description

What is is-data-descriptor?

The is-data-descriptor npm package is used to determine if an object is a valid data descriptor. Data descriptors are object keys that have attributes like value, writable, enumerable, and configurable. This package checks if a given object conforms to the specification of a data descriptor.

What are is-data-descriptor's main functionalities?

Check if an object is a data descriptor

This feature allows you to verify if a given object is a valid data descriptor by checking its properties and their respective values.

const isDataDescriptor = require('is-data-descriptor');

const descriptor = {value: 'value', writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true};
const result = isDataDescriptor(descriptor); // result is true

Other packages similar to is-data-descriptor



v2.1.3 - 2023-10-26


  • Merge tag v0.1.5, v1.0.1 c64e97f
  • [eslint] actually use eslint dce7eae
  • [eslint] actually use eslint 65fed07
  • [meta] update package.json etc from main 1ebc548
  • [readme] clean up readme, remove verb 10ad663
  • [meta] clean up package.json 7f76a01
  • [readme] remove verb 8178901
  • [meta] update .gitignore a2ca593
  • [Tests] switch to tape 70540e5
  • [Tests] switch to tape 95ff316
  • [readme] update from main bb8bcf2
  • [Tests] migrate from travis to github actions eee138d
  • [Tests] migrate from travis to github actions a46e5a4
  • [readme] use evalmd 7648a08
  • [Tests] move into a test dir f0f3521
  • [Fix] properly return false for an accessor descriptor 2c213cd
  • [Fix] correctly return false for something with get or set 16bcab0
  • [Performance] move data object to module level 37688a1
  • [Fix] allow any non-primitive; arrays and functions are objects too f01936a
  • [Refactor] use hasown 060ed0a
  • [Fix] allow any non-primitive; arrays and functions are objects too 197c77a
  • [Fix] accept a symbol in the two-arg form 78b6215
  • Only apps should have lockfiles bbf6d2e
  • Only apps should have lockfiles 20aa6e5
  • [Fix] use correct logic for two-arg form 1f77993
  • [Robustness] switch to hasown aa48e2f
  • [Fix] properly guard for-in loop 014971e
  • [Robustness] use a null object just in case ab05aad



is-data-descriptor Version Badge

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npm badge

Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript data descriptor.


true when the descriptor has valid properties with valid values. false when not an object or when the object has invalid properties.

var isDataDesc = require('is-data-descriptor');
var assert = require('assert');

assert.equal(true, isDataDesc({ value: 'foo' }));
assert.equal(true, isDataDesc({ value: function () {} }));
assert.equal(true, isDataDesc({ value: true }));

assert.equal(false, isDataDesc('a'));
assert.equal(false, isDataDesc(null));
assert.equal(false, isDataDesc([]));

assert.equal(false, isDataDesc({ value: 'foo', bar: 'baz' }));
assert.equal(false, isDataDesc({ value: 'foo', bar: 'baz' }));
assert.equal(false, isDataDesc({ value: 'foo', get: function () {} }));
assert.equal(false, isDataDesc({ get: function () {}, value: 'foo' }) );
assert.equal(false, isDataDesc({ value: 'foo', enumerable: 'foo' }));
assert.equal(false, isDataDesc({ value: 'foo', configurable: 'foo' }));
assert.equal(false, isDataDesc({ value: 'foo', writable: 'foo' }));

Valid properties

The only valid data descriptor properties are the following:

  • configurable (required)
  • enumerable (required)
  • value (optional)
  • writable (optional)

To be a valid data descriptor, either value or writable must be defined.

Invalid properties

A descriptor may have additional invalid properties (an error will not be thrown).

var foo = {};

Object.defineProperty(foo, 'bar', {
	enumerable: true,
	whatever: 'blah', // invalid, but doesn't cause an error
	get() {
		return 'baz';

assert.equal(, 'baz');
  • is-accessor-descriptor: Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript accessor descriptor.
  • is-descriptor: Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript descriptor. Works for… more


Simply clone the repo, npm install, and run npm test



Package last updated on 27 Oct 2023

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