Base reporter to create customized testing reporters for Japa
Reporter that transforms test results from Karma to Cucumber format
Diff and pretty print for failed tests
HTML reporter for Jasmine and Protractor. It will generate beautiful and useful report for your web apps.
Pa11y-ci reporter that generates HTML reports - summary report and detailed reports for each page
A GitHub test reporter for the Node.js test runner
Junit reporter for @web/test-runner
Reports Jasmine order seed that was used to randomize specs in Karma Runner
A simple little reporter that detects slow tests in Mocha, and prints a list of the name and time, ordered by slowest first.
File generator utility for TRX file format for use with Visual Studio and MSBuild
Generates an HTML view of the Nightwatch.js test reports by either parsing the XML files generated by Nightwatch or by using the Nightwatch reporter options.
Library for merging parsed coverage reports.
A protractor plugin to use multiple-cucumber-html-reporter with CucumberJs 1, 2 or 3
Report Playwright test results to TestRail
Currents CLI tools
Simple upload of Cypress test results to TestRail
Adapter that integrates @serenity-js/web with WebdriverIO, enabling Serenity/JS reporting and using the Screenplay Pattern to write web and mobile test scenarios
Library for parsing coverage reports.
An npm module and grunt plugin which generates your Protractor test reports in HTML with screenshots
> Save Mocha test results as a JSON file
Have you ever run your e2e tests, only to find out 10, 15, or 30 minutes later that there was a missing/misspelled import, which didn't appear until the middle of the test run? When this happens, the test runner reports these tests as broken.
A test reporter of jenkins for Jest.
Microsoft Teams reporter for Playwright which allows you to send notifications about the status of your E2E tests.
Report skipped tests in Jest
Mocha Reporter to report tests while running in AppVeyor CI
Create a common JSON test report for Postman Newman tests
jest-xunit is a reporter for Jest that produces an XML in xunit format.
A Jasmine JSON test results reporter that follows the CTRF schema
An html reporter for the JavaScript mutation testing framework Stryker
Report tests failures from Jest in GitHub
Tesults reporter for Jest
> Save Codeceptjs test results as a JSON file
Playwright Tesults Reporter
Azure DevOps Test Reporter to inject result of automatic test run in Azure DevOps TestPlan
Wdio Service to inject result of automatic test run in Azure DevOps TestPlan
Package to integrate your Playwright test suite with Microsoft Playwright Testing service
A mocha test reporter based on fivemat and the built in progress reporter