A slack reporter for mochawesome reports generated by Cypress or other test frameworks using Mocha, for runs generated on CircleCI
A HTML reporting module for Cypress-Image-Diff to parse the JSON output to a beautiful report
cypress allure adapter to generate allure results during tests execution (Allure TestOps compatible)
Reports Jasmine order seed that was used to randomize specs in Karma Runner
Check if a value is an `Error` instance
An npm module and which generates your Protractor test reports in HTML (angular) with screenshots
🧐 Identify slow tests during development
The core Serenity/JS framework, providing the Screenplay Pattern interfaces, as well as the test reporting and integration infrastructure
generate an enhanced JUnit XML report suitable for Xray with the playwright test results
Playwright SDK for visual testing with Argos.
A Jest test reporter to create test results reports
Use the screenshot reporter to capture screenshots after each executed Protractor test case.
easily merge coverage data from multiple istanbul runs
A Jest reporter that uploads test results to ReportPortal
A [Jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest) test results processor for generating a cumulative report in JSON format. The reporter will update existing suite reports, and create new suite reports.
NodeJS CLI for merging Cucumber JSON test results
A Karma plugin. Prints the seed that was used to run jasmine tests with karma.
An html reporter for the JavaScript mutation testing framework Stryker
a reporter for jest that saves test results to json file
Serenity/JS test runner adapter for seamless integration with any version of Cucumber.js, facilitating BDD-style test automation and leveraging Serenity/JS reporting capabilities
Generate a common JSON test report for Cypress tests
Almost config-free Istanbul code coverage reporter for Mocha usage in Grunt
Karma Reporter for test time stats
A WebdriverIO reporter. Creates a simple HTML report after test runs
Serenity/JS reporting module that produces detailed Serenity BDD test reports and living documentation, enhancing transparency and traceability of test results
The library highlights the difference between the expected and actual values in the Cypress Test Runner UI.
Serenity/JS console reporter that displays test results directly in the standard output
Publish test results to Microsoft Teams, Google Chat, Slack and InfluxDB
A github actions reporter for `node:test`
Vitest reporter to create annotations when running tests in GitHub Actions
Custom reporter for jest, that only prints test result summary.
A library for creating test results in the Sauce Labs JSON format.
A NUnit test report formatter for Jest.
The module allows to make readable output for aXe core accessibility results from raw aXe result object.
Adapter that integrates @serenity-js/web with Protractor, enabling Serenity/JS reporting and using the Screenplay Pattern to write end-to-end test scenarios
Produce JUnit-style XML test reports with QUnit.
> Save Webdriverio test results as a JSON file
Displays a summary of tested browsers and failed testcases after a test run.
To generate HTML report for Protractor test execution with pie charts
Plugin to report cypress results to AIO Tests Jira