Visual testing for Storybook test runner.
Webdriver browser launcher for Web Test Runner
ESBuild preprocessor for karma test runner
Client-side buttons to run a single test or skip it for Cypress test runner
The playwright-expect is an assertion library for TypeScript and JavaScript intended for use with a test runner such as Jest or Playwright Test.
Transform test runner for @babel/helper-fixtures module
Helper function to support test runner
Test runner for Adonis framework with batteries included 🔋
Serenity/JS test runner adapter for Mocha, enabling the use of the Screenplay Pattern in Mocha-based test suites and leveraging Serenity/JS reporting capabilities
Test library & runner for track web API challenges
Browserstack launcher for Web Test Runner
Serenity/JS test runner adapter for Jasmine, enabling the use of the Screenplay Pattern in Jasmine-based test suites and leveraging Serenity/JS reporting capabilities
run client-side Mocha tests with PhantomJS
A TAP test runner built for modern times
Test runner for Storybook stories
Caveo is a light-weight test-runner for evaluating in parallel a system organized such that tests can be members of domains, features, and sub features.
Run tests in React Native's environment.
A customizable test framework to build your own test frameworks. Foundation for the [Playwright test runner](
Run client-side mocha tests in phantomjs or slimerjs
Shared code for Jest test runner packages
Distributed Sanity Test Suite Runner.
A Docker image and test runner that (very closely) mimics the live AWS Lambda environment
Use the Node.js test runner, but with TypeScript via ts-node
Validates that Jest runner groups applied to test files are from a known set
Build tests with Webpack and run them with Mocha in one command
Test runner for HTML to Markdown conversions with Turndown
Implementation of a test-runner for end-to-end tests of cloud-native applications using Gherkin features.
Add nhover (NativeHover) command to test runner
ESBuild preprocessor for karma test runner
Saucelabs launcher for Web Test Runner
Extending the Jest default runner to run tests serially by default
Run TestCafe tests using Gulp.
A set of SCXML tests, and an HTTP client test runner for testing against SCXML HTTP test servers.
Runs firmware on a real device connected to Azure IoT hub.