A little helper to unit test Vue components in the Cypress.io E2E test runner
Easiest way to run jest unit test cases in electron.
Cucumber test runner with several condiments
Fully-featured, lightweight command-line test runner
Test runner for HTML to Markdown conversions with Turndown
Angular builder for Testcafe
grunt-webdriver is a grunt plugin to run selenium tests with the WebdriverIO test runner
The application that runs Tensile tests. This application spins up a server, runs code and collects the results.
Adds “thenable” promise support to the Mocha test runner.
NativeScript unit test runner
ESBuild preprocessor for karma test runner
Jest runner for testing VS Code extensions
Saucelabs launcher for Web Test Runner
Enables viewing/debugging Cypress runs from remote environments (ex. CI) with debug information you're used to having locally.
Validates that Jest runner groups applied to test files are from a known set
A [@web/test-runner](https://modern-web.dev/docs/test-runner/overview/) plugin to test Snowpack-powered projects. This plugin automatically connects to the Snowpack project in the current directory, loads the project configuration, and the uses your alrea
Cross-browser screenshot testing tool for Storybook with fancy UI Runner
[DEPRECATED] Jasmine (v2.x) Grunt task for NodeJS. Supports Jasmine features such as fdescribe, fit, beforeAll, afterAll, etc... Built-in reporters: Default (Console) Reporter, JUnit XML, NUnit XML, TeamCity, TAP Reporter.
blazing fast test runner
Pa11y CI is a CI-centric accessibility test runner, built using Pa11y
Binding Botium, the Selenium for Chatbots, to test runners
Helper function to support test runner
A gulp plugin to run javascript tests using Chutzpah test runner
Base balena.io Karma Test Runner configuration
Yeoman generator for Karma
A Gulp.js plugin to facilitate the running of NUnit unit tests on .Net assemblies.
Tool to run through Edge System CommonWell certification test cases - by Metriport Inc.
Add nhover (NativeHover) command to test runner
Test client for panic-server
STRV's ESLint config for projects using Mocha as test runner
A grunt wrapper for Cypress, a test runner for your projects