Postgresql database connector focus on simplify the access to Document Storages as JSON fields
saved for example as 'config.postgresql.js'
module.exports = {
,CERTIFICATION_PATH : '/opt/<project>/Certificate'
, REGION : 'eu-west-1',
, POSTGRE_URL: '' | ''
, POSTGRE_USER: 'root'
, POSTGRE_PASSWORD: 'root' // Only needed if it's not RDS based
, TRACES : true
const config = require('./config.postgresql.js');
const db = require('@acastellon/module-postgresql')(config);
Returns all values from a Table searching by an internal document values.
findByDocKeys(tableName, where [, docName, conditions ])
* @param tableName - Name of the table in Postgre to look inside
* @param where - JSON object that contains the parameters to be found on the JSON Document
* @param docName - name of the column on table that contains the JSON data, by default: 'document'
* @param conditions - conditions for all where values on the select , by default: ' || ', use _AND or _OR constants from db instance
* @return an object or List of results as JSON objects
Return all values (including other columns) from a Table, looking for a matching on internal values of the document (where param)
findAllFieldsByDocKeys(tableName, where [, docName, conditions ])
* @param tableName - Name of the table in Postgre to look inside
* @param where - JSON object that contains the parameters to be found on the JSON Document
* @param docName - name of the column on table that contains the JSON data, by default: 'document'
* @param conditions - conditions for all where values on the select , by default: ' || ', use _AND or _OR constants from db instance
* @return an object or List of results as JSON objects with all collateral FIELDS (if exists) from the same table (not only the JSON document)
Returns All data from a table based on column values
findByColumns(tableName, where [, conditions ])
* @param tableName - Name of the table in Postgre to look inside
* @param where - JSON object that contains the parameters to be found on the JSON Document
* @param conditions - conditions for all where values on the select , by default: ' || ' , use _AND or _OR constants from db instance
* @return an object or List of results as JSON objects
Insert or Update values from a JSON-document based on document matching.
It means, all documents that has the same conditions on the table referenced will be changed for the new JSON document value.
saveDocument(document, tableName, where[, docName])
* @param document - document to be saved
* @param tableName - Name of the table
* @param where - JSON object that contains the parameters to be found on the JSON Document
* @param docName - name of the column on table that contains the JSON data, by default: 'document'
* @return - true if te operation was sucessfully done
Save column values inside a declared table. It can be used to update only some fields of the table.
save(values, tableName [, where])
* @param values - to update or to be saved as a pair key-values on an Object
* @param tableName - Name of the table
* @param where - JSON object that contains the parameters to use in the filter search, by default = {}
* @return - true if te operation was sucessfully done
Delete value on table
Use it carefully, if you include into the where clause just a portion of the data, it will delete ALL documents that has the same pattern
Preferable to use an approach of an additional column as UUID to proceed to delete, instead to use matches of the properties on the document (if you're not sure that one of the property is unique).
remove(tableName, where, docName)
* @param tableName - Name of the table
* @param where - JSON object that contains the parameters to use in the filter
* @param docName - name of the column on table that contains the JSON data, if it's NULL means to search by column values on table not inside the document.
* @return - true if te operation was sucessfully done
Execute an SQL sentence directly
Use it carefully, only in case that a need of a complex SQL sentence.
execute(sql, params)
* @param sql - SQL sentence to be executed
* @param params - parameters to use in the SQL sentence ($1, $2, etc) as an Array of values or Objects.
* @return an object or List of results as JSON objects