NestJS OpenTelemetry
This library, initially forked from @overbit/opentelemetry-nestjs, provides deeply integrated protocol-agnostic Nestjs OpenTelemetry instrumentations, metrics and SDK.
Nestjs is a protocol-agnostic framework. That's why this library can able to work with different protocols like RabbitMQ, GRPC and HTTP. Also you can observe and trace Nestjs specific layers like Pipe, Guard, Controller and Provider.
It also includes auto trace and metric instrumentations for some popular Nestjs libraries.
Distributed Tracing
OpenTelemetry Metrics currently experimental. So, this library doesn't support metric decorators and Auto Observers until it's stable. but if you want to use it, you can use OpenTelemetry API directly.
Competability table for Nestjs versions.
Nestjs | Nestjs-OpenTelemetry |
9.x | 3.x.x |
8.x | 2.x.x |
npm install @amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs --save
This is a basic configuration without any trace and metric exporter, but includes default metrics and injectors
import { OpenTelemetryModule } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
imports: [
serviceName: 'nestjs-opentelemetry-example',
export class AppModule {}
Async configuration example
import { OpenTelemetryModule } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
imports: [
imports: [ConfigModule],
useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => ({
serviceName: configService.get('SERVICE_NAME'),
inject: [ConfigService],
export class AppModule {}
Configuration types
takes TracingConfig as a parameter, this type is inherited by NodeSDKConfiguration so you can use same OpenTelemetry SDK parameter.
takes OpenTelemetryModuleConfig
Default Parameters
key | value | description |
| ControllerInjector, GuardInjector, EventEmitterInjector, ScheduleInjector, PipeInjector, LoggerInjector | default auto trace instrumentations inherited from NodeSDKConfiguration |
contextManager | AsyncLocalStorageContextManager
| default trace context manager inherited from NodeSDKConfiguration
instrumentations | AutoInstrumentations |
default instrumentations inherited from defaults of@opentelemetry/auto-instrumentations-node where:
@opentelemetry/instrumentation-dns and @opentelemetry/instrumentation-net have been disabled to reduce noise-
@opentelemetry/instrumentation-http ignores common health check endpoints and creates span with name "HTTP_METHOD PATH" @opentelemetry/instrumentation-fs ignores operations on files under node_modules @opentelemetry/instrumentation-express has been disabled to reduce noise@opentelemetry/instrumentation-graphql has been configured to fit with nestjs (mergeItems: true, ignoreResolveSpans: true, ignoreTrivialResolveSpans: true) @opentelemetry/instrumentation-nestjs-core has been disabled to reduce noise being redundant
spanProcessor | NoopSpanProcessor | default spanProcessor inherited from NodeSDKConfiguration |
textMapPropagator | JaegerPropagator, B3Propagator | default textMapPropagator inherited from NodeSDKConfiguration |
Distributed Tracing
Simple setup with Otel exporter, including with default trace instrumentations.
The setup consists of two main changes in the main.ts
(to initialise the provider) and in the nestjs app module.
import { Tracing } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
import { ZipkinExporter } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-zipkin';
import { SimpleSpanProcessor } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node';
serviceName: 'my-service',
spanProcessor: new SimpleSpanProcessor(
new ZipkinExporter({
url: 'your-zipkin-url',
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { OpenTelemetryModule } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
imports: [OpenTelemetryModule.forRoot()],
export class AppModule {}
After setup, your application will be instrumented, so that you can see almost every layer of application in ZipkinUI, including Guards, Pipes, Controllers even global layers like this
List of supported official exporters here.
Trace Decorators
This library supports auto instrumentations for Nestjs layers, but sometimes you need to define custom span for specific method blocks like providers methods. In this case @Traceable
and @Span
decorators will help you.
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Span } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
export class AppService {
getHello(): string {
return 'Hello World!';
Also @Span
decorator takes name
field as a parameter
works like @Span
but with the difference that it can be used at a class level to auto instrument every method of the class
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Traceable } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
export class AppService {
getHello(): string {
return 'Hello World!';
Trace Providers
In an advanced use cases, you need to access the native OpenTelemetry Trace provider to access them from Nestjs application context.
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Tracer } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node';
export class AppService {
constructor(private readonly tracer: Tracer) {}
getHello(): string {
const span = this.tracer.startSpan('important_section_start');
span.setAttributes({ userId: 1150 });
return 'Hello World!';
can access directly current span context and start new span.
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TraceService } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
export class AppService {
constructor(private readonly traceService: TraceService) {}
getHello(): string {
const span = this.traceService.startSpan('hello');
return 'Hello World!';
Auto Trace Instrumentations
The most helpful part of this library is that you already get all of the instrumentations by default if you set up a module without any extra configuration. If you need to avoid some of them, you can use the traceAutoInjectors
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import {
} from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
List of Trace Injectors
Instance | Description |
ControllerInjector | Auto trace all of module controllers |
GuardInjector | Auto trace all of module guards including global guards |
PipeInjector | Auto trace all of module pipes including global pipes |
EventEmitterInjector | Auto trace for @nestjs/event-emitter library, supports all features |
ScheduleInjector | Auto trace for @nestjs/schedule library, supports all features |
ConsoleLoggerInjector | ConsoleLogger and Logger class tracer, logs with traceId |
Distributed Logging with Trace ID
When you set up your environment with the LoggerInjector
class or default configuration, you can see trace id with every log.
Trace Not @Injectable() classes
In some use cases, you need to trace instances of classes instanciated outside the NestJS DI container.
In order to do so, use the TraceWrapper.trace()
method to wrap every method of the instance in a new span as follow
import { TraceWrapper } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
class MyClass {
hello() {
async bye() {
await new Promise(() => console.log('bye bye'));
const instance = new MyClass();
const tracedInstance = TraceWrapper.trace(instance);
Simple setup with Prometheus exporter, you need install @opentelemetry/exporter-prometheus
import { Tracing } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
import { PrometheusExporter } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-prometheus';
serviceName: 'nestjs-opentelemetry-example',
metricReader: new PrometheusExporter({
endpoint: 'metrics',
port: 9464,
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
Now you can access Prometheus exporter with auto collected metrics http://localhost:9464/metrics.
Also, you can find different exporters here
import { Tracing } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
import { PrometheusExporter } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-prometheus';
import { PrometheusExporter } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-prometheus';
import { OTLPTraceExporter } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-grpc';
import { SimpleSpanProcessor } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node';
import { CompositePropagator } from '@opentelemetry/core';
import { JaegerPropagator } from '@opentelemetry/propagator-jaeger';
import { B3InjectEncoding, B3Propagator } from '@opentelemetry/propagator-b3';
serviceName: 'myservice-opentelemetry-example',
metricReader: new PrometheusExporter({
endpoint: 'metrics',
port: 9464,
spanProcessor: new BatchSpanProcessor(
new OTLPTraceExporter({
url: 'your-jaeger-url',
textMapPropagator: new CompositePropagator({
propagators: [
new JaegerPropagator(),
new B3Propagator(),
new B3Propagator({
injectEncoding: B3InjectEncoding.MULTI_HEADER,
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { OpenTelemetryModule } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
imports: [OpenTelemetryModule.forRoot()],
export class AppModule {}
For the integration with AWS X-Ray, follow the official instructions.
import { Tracing } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
import { PrometheusExporter } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-prometheus';
import { OTLPTraceExporter } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-grpc';
import { SimpleSpanProcessor } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node';
import { CompositePropagator } from '@opentelemetry/core';
import { AWSXRayPropagator } from '@opentelemetry/propagator-aws-xray';
import { AWSXRayIdGenerator } from '@opentelemetry/id-generator-aws-xray';
import { AwsInstrumentation } from '@opentelemetry/instrumentation-aws-sdk';
serviceName: 'myservice-opentelemetry-example',
metricReader: new PrometheusExporter({
endpoint: 'metrics',
port: 9464,
instrumentations: [
new AwsInstrumentation({
suppressInternalInstrumentation: true,
sqsExtractContextPropagationFromPayload: true,
idGenerator: new AWSXRayIdGenerator(),
spanProcessor: new BatchSpanProcessor(new OTLPTraceExporter({})),
textMapPropagator: new AWSXRayPropagator(),
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { OpenTelemetryModule } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
imports: [OpenTelemetryModule.forRoot()],
export class AppModule {}
Migrating to v5
In v5, the initialisation method for this library changed to support all the opentelemetry auto-instrumentation libraries like @opentelemetry/instrumentation-graphql
In v4 some of them where not working due to the fact that they were imported after the targeting library, graphql
lib in the case of @opentelemetry/instrumentation-graphql
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { OpenTelemetryModule } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
import { ControllerInjector } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
imports: [
serviceName: 'my-service',
spanProcessor: new SimpleSpanProcessor(),
traceAutoInjectors: [ControllerInjector],
export class AppModule {}
import { Tracing } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
import { SimpleSpanProcessor } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node';
serviceName: 'my-service',
spanProcessor: new SimpleSpanProcessor(),
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { OpenTelemetryModule } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
import { ControllerInjector } from '@amplication/opentelemetry-nestjs';
imports: [OpenTelemetryModule.forRoot([ControllerInjector])],
export class AppModule {}