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Advanced tools
The @angular/cdk package, also known as Angular Component Dev Kit, provides a set of tools, components, and utilities for building complex material design components without depending on the Angular Material library. It is designed to be generic and reusable across different UI components.
The Layout module provides utilities to build responsive layouts using the BreakpointObserver service.
import {LayoutModule} from '@angular/cdk/layout';
The Overlay module helps in creating powerful overlay elements that can be attached to any part of the document.
import {OverlayModule} from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
The Table module provides a flexible and extensible data-table for displaying tabular data.
import {CdkTableModule} from '@angular/cdk/table';
Drag and Drop
The DragDrop module allows for implementing drag-and-drop features in your application with ease.
import {DragDropModule} from '@angular/cdk/drag-drop';
The Accessibility module provides tools to make your application more accessible, including focus management and screen reader support.
import {A11yModule} from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
React DnD is a set of React utilities to help you build complex drag and drop interfaces while keeping components decoupled. It is similar to the DragDropModule in @angular/cdk but for React.
React Virtualized is a React component for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data. It is similar to the Table module in @angular/cdk but specifically tailored for React applications.
Popper.js is a library used to create poppers in web applications. It is similar to the Overlay module in @angular/cdk, providing a way to attach elements to the DOM and manage their positioning.
Muuri is a JavaScript layout engine that allows creating responsive, sortable, filterable, and draggable grid layouts. It is similar to the combination of the Layout and DragDrop modules in @angular/cdk.
The sources for this package are in the main Angular Material repo. Please file issues and pull requests against that repo.
License: MIT
19.1.0 "denim-firefly" (2025-01-16)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 62a672af0d | feat | dialog: expose cdk dialog docs (#1144) | | a0a16fc70e | feat | menu: expose cdk menu docs (#1142) | | 2be0afcfb5 | fix | menu: avoid resetting the scroll position when using the mouse (#30249) | | e421765d8d | fix | menu: not responding to position changes (#30234) | | 5c75bbecb2 | fix | scrolling: avoid SSR error in CdkVirtualScrollableWindow (#30259) | | d721f0c2bc | perf | table: Use afterNextRender for sticky styling. Fixes a performance regression dating back to #28393 and removes need for coalesced sticky styler. (#30242) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f47f5f9a1e | feat | schematics: Add CSS output to custom theme schematic (#30004) | | 057ed370aa | fix | api-theme: fix nav items hover/focus contrast (#1004) | | 5138fe7b38 | fix | checkbox: ensure focus indicator has the correct shape (#30332) | | 3163040850 | fix | docs: change twitter logo (#1245) | | 781e91e798 | fix | menu: lazy content not detached after animation (#30301) | | a3d9e4b45d | fix | select: match disabled placeholder color with label (#29870) | | 027c3ad267 | fix | select: remove color transition w/ no animations module (#30304) | | 4f676d4030 | fix | slider: active vs inactive tick mark count (#30319) | | eae073032c | fix | slider: tick mark positioning (#30329) | | 0c099ff024 | fix | sort: avoid center align for sort header | | 6ca21fd740 | fix | tabs: tab nav bar animation not working when navigating forwards (#30313) | | a0b5546111 | fix | theme: unselected theme picker | | 884740d605 | fix | tooltip: deprecate matTooltipAnimations (#30310) | | ab497c44e7 | perf | button: Remove unused inject. (#30320) | | ab44d45c56 | perf | table: Optimize expensive css selector (#30305) | | 980f9ba7bb | perf | tooltip: Use afterNextRender to invoke aria describer to align layout updates with other components using afterNextRender. (#30265) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 75c8aa8767 | feat | column-resize: Support column size persistance hooks (#30136) | | 50d906b3e3 | fix | column-resize: Previous size was being sent for persistance rather than newly updated size in non-live resize mode. (#30161) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 8685c01a92 | feat | column-resize: Add support for "lazy" rather than live updating during resizing. (#30120) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e52a369a1b | fix | infer first day of week from locale (#30285) |
| Commit | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| f5abaa31a1 | feat | add 404 page (#902) |
| 5c5903e82c | feat | add button to copy link to example (#922) |
| 76f9d98d22 | feat | add cdk/testing docs (#678) |
| 39ab48f4be | feat | add cookie popup (#988) |
| cfdc032c09 | feat | add CSP and recommended security headers to site |
| 663d7948fe | feat | add help/support section (#915) |
| 38b0fbf469 | feat | Add material 3 guide (#1236) |
| c1f9e98b91 | feat | add ripples to documentation items (#489) |
| d2b05aec10 | feat | add ripples to documentation items (#494) |
| a429d1bc6a | feat | Add separate guide for M2 specific theming |
| cd8b7ab2cf | feat | add summaries to all menu items and category pages (#512) |
| 856a03ff4f | feat | add support for reduced motion (#1095) |
| 52388a8271 | feat | add the ability to link to the site with a particular theme (#549) |
| 390961e3e9 | feat | add version and version picker (#406) |
| a041c423c1 | feat | added ability to keep pathname and hash on version change |
| 06386a7870 | feat | angular 4 compatibility (#135) |
| d0a84cf2d3 | feat | change navbar, toolbar and landing page coloring to denote when looking at docs on next (#540) |
| cffcadce16 | feat | compact view for example components to replace static code snippets (#756) |
| 95753b77e1 | feat | convert to standalone (#1200) |
| e592ba19e0 | feat | create a version.json file for all version of the docs sites to load version info from (#539) |
| 60eb965856 | feat | expose CDK accordion docs (#1005) |
| 8f2fa288b5 | feat | expose coercion and collections docs (#994) |
| 84b31396ec | feat | more flexible carousels and fix homepage alignment |
| 98049435a7 | feat | show deprecated related information in material/tooltip
| f9c59da021 | feat | simplify stackblitz examples using standalone (#1211) |
| bcfb36864a | feat | switch to MDC components (#1174) |
| eac6e2ab03 | feat | switch to sass modules (#952) |
| 3ffb237849 | feat | update to 9.0.0-next.x and enable Ivy rendering engine (#645) |
| 3e758dd254 | fix | accessibility, SEO, typos, styling (#649) |
| 8866616f2d | fix | account for new token data format |
| ebaa6e3ea4 | fix | add back accidentally deleted deployment check |
| 8e86c817d8 | fix | add box shadow to cookie popup |
| d3a56e5d06 | fix | add dynamic copyright (#1169) |
| ff0b4d99ab | fix | add header background if links wrap |
| baef33766c | fix | add material-moment-adapter to stackblitz dependencies (#1156) |
| 615dfe185c | fix | add missing drag-drop examples (#616) |
| d350fc1b0a | fix | add missing test harnesses (#860) |
| 2996086742 | fix | add postinstall script back to make component examples work |
| dcf45d3d3d | fix | add ripples to clickable cards |
| 2272750245 | fix | add styling for markdown tables (#921) |
| 51ce514bf8 | fix | align and clean up table design (#1003) |
| b584257e6e | fix | allow table of contents to scroll |
| 98aaf74dd0 | fix | anchor links not scrolling into view (#519) |
| c88475f8a5 | fix | angular material footer logo |
| 8635a57bcf | fix | avoid breaking page if there's a broken example (#855) |
| bc2343484c | fix | bump angular version to resolve query issue (#1105) |
| 90cf5f3aeb | fix | cache fetched docs (#1001) |
| 733b8eb527 | fix | capitalization on component list (#114) |
| de7d03291e | fix | cdk test harness API document not found (#716) |
| e13014e33e | fix | center guide viewer (#274) |
| 8a85bb88bf | fix | clean up tilde imports (#1082) |
| ad940e6248 | fix | components with multiple API docs do not display correctly (#717) |
| e3d6968e3c | fix | consistent toc positioning (#316) |
| 71133d7982 | fix | cookies dialog button contrast (#1010) |
| d870c0b049 | fix | copy to clipboard button always copying content of first tab (#821) |
| 476622a81a | fix | correct links in doc-viewer markdown files to have the proper base value (#554) |
| ac205ece69 | fix | create proper fragment urls (#329) |
| 4e67c59318 | fix | declare duplicate theming guide (#923) |
| d04156ab0d | fix | directly check if the hostname is the expected hostname instead of just starting with the hostname (#1223) |
| aa2dd2552b | fix | doc titles anchor links accessible (#891) |
| 103fc7963c | fix | double scroll bars on guides page |
| defdbe6310 | fix | ensure that menu items are always sorted (#1058) |
| b54869ef0b | fix | errors in plunkr template (#54) |
| b124bb49aa | fix | errors when reading optional queries |
| c2b92c3f32 | fix | example-viewer icons and animation (#52) |
| 677d07cec9 | fix | explicitly set an index for each API docs section (#732) |
| 0e72906469 | fix | expose component testing modules (#757) |
| 776973db64 | fix | expose timepicker |
| 29715e6ec1 | fix | external links with hash are updated incorrectly (#355) |
| 3c93065881 | fix | failing test (#1281) |
| 937c222807 | fix | fix 'reporters' key name in karma.conf (#433) |
| 6601ada892 | fix | fix ts compiler error |
| cab14c68c9 | fix | footer jumping up while guide is loading (#834) |
| 93d74135fd | fix | footer not being pushed to the bottom of the page in guides (#839) |
| e6179b6f92 | fix | footer not sticking to bottom of the page on IE (#451) |
| 9cf54bcd30 | fix | generated Stackblitz examples not working when forked to a repo (#901) |
| 195f99205c | fix | github icon was not centered on mobile (#1067) |
| fa88118c4d | fix | guides overlapping footer on narrow screens (#1007) |
| 1f695d197a | fix | harnesses not working on Stackblitz (#1193) |
| 65f1ec699a | fix | hide ripple styling page |
| 9ad15a52fb | fix | home page in mobile view (#832) |
| e604f5bb07 | fix | homepage not using native accelerated scrolling on touch devices (#827) |
| 7c9e931a09 | fix | horizontal scrollbar always visible on Windows in code samples (#500) |
| fe06a376bb | fix | improve the docs typography |
| 61161c522e | fix | include all menu examples under examples tab (#428) |
| 2ec3c381b4 | fix | include cdkAccordionModule in material-module for accordion stackblitz demo (#1060) |
| c3a2e49f43 | fix | include date range picker examples (#899) |
| 4f635ed2fa | fix | include proper font and web animations polyfill (#209) |
| a9c2135fc8 | fix | incorrect link to Material source code |
| d398abfe4b | fix | incorrect scenes |
| e76343b9c8 | fix | lighthouse check failing in v15 (#1164) |
| 23239561fd | fix | menu icons example not rendering (#449) |
| 51c3777cb8 | fix | missing import for PortalModule
(#582) |
| 06798e2c71 | fix | missing import for a11y module (#571) |
| 48da87118d | fix | missing roboto font weights (#349) |
| d5daeab711 | fix | normalize card height (#115) |
| 29879c0002 | fix | numerous responsive issues on screens from 360px to 960px (#705) |
| 8b4515d8b0 | fix | overflow on devices (#471) |
| 1abc4afba2 | fix | plunkers not including source files (#199) |
| b14539b4c3 | fix | prepare for enabling Ivy (#642) |
| cd7117fdf4 | fix | prevent user-select on method modifier marker (#1182) |
| 45e159bffb | fix | prevent users from selecting link icon text (#1034) |
| 0531cc66e2 | fix | remove -example
suffix from tree examples in documentation items (#444) |
| ee4e3a346a | fix | remove ComponentFactoryResolver usage from scenes |
| 603e5a7253 | fix | remove elevation from nav bar |
| dafdc6a028 | fix | remove extension from Stackblitz examples (#841) |
| bcc6a0db14 | fix | remove google groups link |
| ab385ed7fc | fix | remove imports from top-level package (#604) |
| 07518e135c | fix | remove MDC migration guide |
| daa09dec81 | fix | remove service worker (#503) |
| c94ea2f845 | fix | remove unnecessary components bundle (#74) |
| 2509a91f26 | fix | remove workarounds for async pipe type narrowing bug |
| 86cfbd6c0a | fix | replace use of turbo with yarn (#1213) |
| f5c4f7a154 | fix | resolve breaking changes from upgrading to beta.2 (#102) |
| d0d71a6166 | fix | ripple overview not loading (#734) |
| 1f5004d9aa | fix | router outlet should not allow overflow (#856) |
| 085c794319 | fix | routing path for cdk/testing
| be830baaa3 | fix | scss deprecation warnings and wrong example name (#462) |
| 05c716418a | fix | set rootUrl during construction of table of contents (#445) |
| 8fce89ac4e | fix | set up scene for timepicker |
| b14a475f15 | fix | sidenav spacing |
| 08782a1e86 | fix | site crashing on browsers with limited localStorage access (#203) |
| 7cb133b744 | fix | some testing entry points referring to wrong module (#854) |
| 6d28826406 | fix | sort links alphabetically (#996) |
| 3ff854d47b | fix | sticky table example not loading (#553) |
| 0e675d410e | fix | switch Stackblitz back to npm |
| 0e2c7f9f37 | fix | table of contents not working within cdk (#545) |
| be7b959eca | fix | temporarily disable Ivy on Stackblitz (#1050) |
| 502b1a9aeb | fix | update angular & angular material to next
version (#1171) |
| 053b27ca22 | fix | update component categories screenshots to M3 |
| e621cbc132 | fix | update stackblitz to correct angular framework version (#1178) |
| 72ef9806c0 | fix | update title background #398 (#399) |
| 82ee7fe3e8 | fix | update to rxjs 7 (#1280) |
| b0984ec2f2 | fix | update yarn.lock and fix package.json (#1074) |
| 1ee6973083 | fix | use more lenient version when generating stackblitz (#1075) |
| 06eb0abf0a | fix | use new control flow syntax |
| 24aab79aa7 | fix | use new Google Fonts snippet (#900) |
| 7d090a610f | fix | use theme color for link inside the API reference (#990) |
| be57a6ba61 | fix | use yarn when forking to stackblitz (#1194) |
| d12a8bb6ec | fix | window.location.href changed to its origin (#1234) |
| 7b7901c3da | fix | workaround issues with ngIf template vars in Angular 9.0.0-rc.5 |
| 4eeb2bdd31 | fix | wrong import path (#1140) |
| 355eb6477d | perf | avoid triggering change detection on scroll (#1033) |
| 46bcb208e6 | perf | example rendering performance improvements (#961) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6a91be8a5e | fix | fix example to use standard filter (#123) | | 14a7612502 | fix | improve contrast of accent in pink-bluegrey theme (#637) | | 1e13ab004b | fix | various issues with contrast ratios (#635) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | dc2358191f | feat | add table-of-contents to api page (#291) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 421dd12859 | fix | fix color of mat-button links (#876) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e9a709739f | fix | make list items anchors like component list items (#224) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | c29ae29d2c | fix | bad routerLink path with relativeLinkResolution (#663) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 8ec736f810 | fix | hammerjs not loaded causes warnings and flaky failures (#548) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | d13f8f1782 | fix | remove reference to md- in styles (#113) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6415b7fc0b | fix | links fail a11y contrast checks in dark mode |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 96e2848fbb | fix | fix sticky TOC (#917) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a215e7b675 | fix | can't navigate to CDK after visiting component (#410) | | ebdb66d967 | fix | Loading document... getting wrapped (#912) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5513093def | fix | allow img-src of 'self' |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 4004a1c959 | feat | add doc-viewer component (#17) | | 8cd4c25dba | fix | cancel previous pending requests when changing url (#235) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f6c3702d3b | feat | add page titles to doc pages #189 (#220) | | d7fc560140 | fix | add example for adding icon in meta section using matListI… (#30068) | | 802148e5f3 | fix | correct overflow cdk pages |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | d888d64272 | feat | add copy source button (#262) | | dcdf7fa23f | feat | support rendering additional files (#516) | | e26a9fc135 | fix | don't wrap code samples (#289) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 03e8704ffc | fix | add correct relative path to background-url (#112) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f1d0fad7fa | fix | extra w in www.angular.io (#217) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | eb320996a0 | fix | remove extra '/' (#418) | | 3f508c748f | fix | set analytics for mat and ng separately. (#417) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | ddcaf81ab4 | fix | add ReactiveFormsModule to GuideViewerModule (#719) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | c7839ebff0 | fix | fix the positioning of the footer on the guides page (#803) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | b9856a1dd3 | feat | Use static content in homepage (#16) | | bc652363ff | fix | fix splash svg on homepage (#179) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 16907d6339 | fix | fix snackbar icon name (#183) | | cee28b6d9a | fix | set width and height of icons (#187) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | ce5a4ef5a6 | fix | remove duplicated meta tag (#1065) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 107d4b9dea | fix | don't load hammerjs twice (#555) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | bcf32e9a0c | fix | use rel paths, remove density |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6bbc07c44e | fix | remove absolute positioning of all content (#840) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 2ca566ad3e | fix | remove deprecated forRoot and update ts (#151) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 3a7724e958 | fix | remove webkit-overflow-scrolling (#30003) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 094c5f29cf | feat | new sidenav UX (#300) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e7c3016108 | feat | Add themepicker component with lazy loaded themes (#136) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5d39a2be73 | fix | attach form to document before submitting (#93) | | 0e1818fae4 | fix | make calls to plunker synchronous to avoid popup block (#83) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e25ed73e69 | feat | add service worker #175 (#223) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 3e21e46b60 | fix | changed text opacity from .54 to .87 according the spec (#91) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 27d0d781a0 | fix | add ScrollingModule (#547) | | db78ef8bb1 | fix | enable scrolling on safari (#82) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 05f72f8d6d | fix | unable to scroll sidenav as expected (#978) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a7edc2f7e2 | fix | fixed binding the the radio buttons model (#99) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 485a463718 | fix | default to form-field fill appearance (#712) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 8d0bcc1a53 | fix | use open_in_new icon (#667) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | fb725829ed | fix | revert enabling Ivy as it broke harness examples (#1009) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | b36e2d1a9d | feat | add new stackblitz template to run harness test examples (#872) | | eef58652e3 | feat | start sb on index #373 (#390) | | 8aa0c470ec | fix | drag and drop examples not working (#522) | | dd9bae60c7 | fix | fix dialogs not working #5899 #228 #8750 (#356) | | b429de4469 | fix | fix svg path getting extra /app (#400) | | 39284a20e7 | fix | update angular dependencies for stackblitz to latest (#386) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 08082232dd | fix | example tabs should not be styled (#126) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 55e601763a | fix | add missed spaces | | d624c2043c | fix | add stroke class | | ae0ce75975 | fix | combine multiple classes in one node |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 824919f0d7 | feat | adds ngsw config (#350) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 0a75308bcf | fix | http example needs httpclientmodule (#352) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | c9d7e6f7ea | fix | fix units tests throughout app (#411) | | 5a1750fee4 | fix | remove hammerjs from tests |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 69c5224a4f | feat | add table of contents to overview and guides (#230) | | 250fcc47b1 | fix | highlight wrong item on jump #256 (#258) | | 27c26d7d06 | fix | quickly switching to API tab can throw exceptions (#913) | | d2db6d7eb6 | fix | visibility on resizing |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a1844e2c6f | fix | add CdkTreeModule to demo module (#466) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.0.5"></a>
Angular Material Component Development Kit
The npm package @angular/cdk receives a total of 2,078,355 weekly downloads. As such, @angular/cdk popularity was classified as popular.
We found that @angular/cdk demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 2 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Socket, the leader in open source security, is now available on Google Cloud Marketplace for simplified procurement and enhanced protection against supply chain attacks.
Security News
Corepack will be phased out from future Node.js releases following a TSC vote.
Security News
Research uncovers Black Basta's plans to exploit package registries for ransomware delivery alongside evidence of similar attacks already targeting open source ecosystems.