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'use strict'
const { cwd } = process
const { homedir } = require('os')
const { isAbsolute, join, normalize, resolve, sep } = require('path')
const { cwd: pwd } = process
const [getFirstSegment, isAbsolute, { join, normalize, resolve }] = ((path) => [
path === path.posix
? (str, idx) => (~(idx = str.indexOf('/')) ? str.substr(0, idx) : undefined)
: (str, idx) => (~(idx = str.indexOf('/')) || ~(idx = str.indexOf('\\')) ? str.substr(0, idx) : undefined),
path === path.posix ? () => false : path.isAbsolute,
const SEPARATOR_CC = sep === '\\' ? '[/\\\\]' : '/'
const DOT_RELATIVE_RX = new RegExp(`^\\.${SEPARATOR_CC}`)
const HOME_RELATIVE_RX = new RegExp(`^~${SEPARATOR_CC}`)
const PWD_RELATIVE_RX = new RegExp(`^~\\+${SEPARATOR_CC}`)
* Converts path to an absolute path.
* Converts path to a normalized absolute path.
* If path is absolute, its value is normalized. If the first segment of path
* is a tilde (~), that segment is replaced with the home directory of the
* current user. If the first segment of path is a tilde followed by a plus
* (~+), that segment is replaced with the current working directory of the
* process. If path is relative, path is resolved starting from start. If path
* has a leading dot (.) segment, that segment is replaced with dot after that
* value is expanded.
* If path is absolute, it is normalized. If the first segment of path is a tilde (~), that segment
* is replaced with the home directory of the current user. If the first segment of path is a tilde
* plus (~+), that segment is replaced with cwd, which defaults to the working directory of the
* process. If the first segment of path is a dot (.), that segment is replaced with dot after dot
* is expanded. Otherwise, path is relative and it is resolved from base. Path is then normalized.
* @param {String} path - The path to expand.
* @param {String} [start='~+'] - The path to use as a starting point for a
* relative path. Unless absolute, the value will first be expanded starting
* from the current working directory of the process.
* @param {String} [dot='.'] - The value used to replace a leading dot segment.
* If the value is '.', then the start value is used.
* @param {String} path - The path to expand. Must be a String.
* @param {Object} [context={}] - Named parameters that control how a path is resolved. Can also be
* specified as a String, in which case it is used as base.
* @param {String} [context.base='~+'] - The path to use as the base directory for a relative path.
* Unless absolute, the value will first be expanded starting from the current working directory of
* the process.
* @param {String} [context.cwd=undefined] - The absolute path to use as the working directory. If
* the value is falsy, it defaults to the current working directory.
* @param {String} ['.'] - The path to used to replace a leading dot segment. If value
* is '.', resolves to base.
* @returns {String} An absolute path.
* @returns {String} A normalized absolute path.
function expandPath (path, start = '~+', dot = '.') {
if (path === '.') {
if (dot === '.') dot = start
return dot === '~' ? homedir() : (dot === '~+' ? cwd() : resolve(dot))
} else if (path === '~') {
return homedir()
} else if (path === '~+') {
return cwd()
} else if (!path) {
throw new TypeError('path must be a string. Received ' + path)
function expandPath (path, context = {}) {
if (typeof path !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError(`The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type ${typeof path}`)
const ch0 = path.charAt()
if (ch0 === '.') {
if (DOT_RELATIVE_RX.test(path) && dot !== '.') start = dot
} else if (ch0 === '~') {
if (HOME_RELATIVE_RX.test(path)) {
return join(homedir(), path.substr(2))
} else if (PWD_RELATIVE_RX.test(path)) {
return join(cwd(), path.substr(3))
} else if (isAbsolute(path)) {
return normalize(path)
let { base = '~+', cwd, dot = '.' } = context.constructor === Object ? context : { base: context }
if (base === '.') base = dot
const getcwd = cwd === undefined ? pwd : () => cwd
switch (path) {
case '':
return base === '~+' ? getcwd() : base === '~' ? homedir() : resolve(base)
case '.':
if (dot === '.') dot = base
return dot === '~' ? homedir() : dot === '~+' ? getcwd() : resolve(dot)
case '~':
return homedir()
case '~+':
return getcwd()
switch (getFirstSegment(path)) {
case '':
return normalize(path)
case '.':
if (dot !== '.') base = dot
case '~':
return join(homedir(), path.substr(2))
case '~+':
return join(getcwd(), path.substr(3))
if (isAbsolute(path)) return normalize(path)
return base === '~+' ? join(getcwd(), path) : base === '~' ? join(homedir(), path) : resolve(base, path)
if (start === '.') start = dot
return start === '~+' ? join(cwd(), path) : (start === '~' ? join(homedir(), path) : resolve(start, path))
module.exports = expandPath
"name": "@antora/expand-path-helper",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A helper function to expand a path to an absolute path, including expanding the first segment if it matches a shorthand expression, dot (.), tilde (~), or tilde plus (~+).",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "Provides a helper function to expand a path to a normalized absolute path. This function also expands dot, tilde, and tilde plus when used as the first path segment.",
"license": "MPL-2.0",

@@ -11,19 +11,26 @@ "author": "OpenDevise Inc. (",

"repository": "gitlab:antora/expand-path-helper",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"main": "lib/index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "_mocha test",
"lint": "eslint **/*.js",
"lint": "eslint \"{lib,npm,test}/**/*.js\"",
"format": "prettier-eslint --write \"`pwd`/{lib,npm,test}/**/*.js\"",
"cov": "nyc _mocha test"
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "^4.1.2",
"eslint": "^4.18.0",
"eslint-config-standard": "^11.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.8.0",
"eslint-plugin-node": "^6.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-promise": "^3.6.0",
"eslint-plugin-standard": "^3.0.1",
"mocha": "^5.0.1",
"nyc": "^11.5.0"
"chai": "~4.3",
"eslint": "~7.30",
"eslint-config-standard": "~16.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "~2.23",
"eslint-plugin-node": "~11.1",
"eslint-plugin-promise": "~4.3",
"mocha": "~8.4",
"nyc": "~15.1",
"prettier-eslint-cli": "~5.0"
"engines": {
"node": ">=10.17.0"
"files": [

@@ -36,2 +43,3 @@ "lib/"


@@ -38,0 +46,0 @@ "home"

# @antora/expand-path-helper
A module for Node.js that provides a helper function to expand a path to an absolute path.
This function expands the first segment if it matches a shorthand expression, dot (`.`), tilde (`~`), or tilde plus (`~+`).
A Node.js module that provides a helper function to expand a path to a normalized absolute path.
This function also expands the following shorthand expressions when used as the first path segment: dot (`.`), tilde (`~`), or tilde plus (`~+`).
The expanded path is system dependent.

@@ -23,19 +23,24 @@ Developed for use in Antora.

function expandPath (path, start = '~+', dot = '.') { ... }
function expandPath (path, { base = '~+', cwd, dot = '.' } = {}) { ... }
Converts path to an absolute path.
Expands the specified path to a normalized absolute path.
* `path` - The path to expand.
This parameter is required and must not be falsy.
* `start` - The starting directory from which to anchor a relative path.
This parameter is optional.
It defaults to the current working directory of the process (`~+`).
* `dot` - The value to use to replace a leading dot (`.`) segment.
This parameter is optional.
If the value of this parameter is itself `.`, which is the default, it uses the value of the start parameter.
* `path` `<string>` - The path to expand.
This parameter is required.
If the path is already absolute, the path is normalized and returned.
* `context` `<Object>` - Named parameters that control how the path is resolved.
All named parameters are optional.
This parameter can also be specified as a String, in which case it is used as the base argument.
* `context.base` `<string>` - The base directory from which to resolve a relative path instead of the working directory.
This named parameter is optional.
* `context.cwd` `<string>` - The absolute directory to use as the working directory instead of the current working directory.
This named parameter is optional.
* `` - The value to use to replace a leading dot (`.`) segment.
This named parameter is optional.
If the dot argument is `.`, which is the default value, the base argument is used instead.
The main purpose of this function is path expansion.
If the first segment of the path, the value of the start parameter, or the value of the dot parameter matches `~` or `~+`, that value is expanded to the user's home directory or current working directory, respectively.
If the first segment of the path matches `.`, that value is replaced with the value of the dot parameter after being expanded.
The main purpose of this function is path expansion and normalization.
If the first segment of the path argument, the base argument, or the dot argument is `~` or `~+`, that value is expanded to the user's home directory or current working directory, respectively.
If the first segment of the path argument is `.`, that value is replaced with the dot argument after the dot argument is expanded.

@@ -54,22 +59,31 @@ ## Usage

//=> /absolute
//=> /current/directory/foo/bar
//=> $PWD/foo/bar
//=> /current/directory/foo/bar
//=> $PWD/foo/bar
//=> /home/user/foo/bar
//=> $HOME/foo/bar
//=> /current/directory/foo/bar
//=> $PWD/foo/bar
expandPath('foo/bar', '/start/dir')
//=> /start/dir/foo/bar
expandPath('~+/foo/bar', { cwd: '/working/dir' })
//=> /working/dir/foo/bar
expandPath('./foo/bar', '/start/dir')
//=> /start/dir/foo/bar
expandPath('foo/bar', '/base/dir')
//=> /base/dir/foo/bar
expandPath('./foo/bar', '~+', '/start/dir')
//=> /start/dir/foo/bar
expandPath('foo/bar', { base: '/base/dir' })
//=> /base/dir/foo/bar
expandPath('./foo/bar', { base: '/base/dir' })
//=> /base/dir/foo/bar
expandPath('./foo/bar', { dot: '/dot/dir' })
//=> /dot/dir/foo/bar

@@ -85,2 +99,5 @@

//=> C:\absolute

@@ -98,18 +115,24 @@ //=> C:\current\directory\foo\bar

expandPath('foo\\bar', 'C:\\start\\dir')
//=> C:\start\dir\foo\bar
expandPath('~+\\foo\\bar', { cwd: 'C:\\working\\dir' })
//=> C:\working\dir\foo\bar
expandPath('.\\foo\\bar', 'C:\\start\\dir')
//=> C:\start\dir\foo\bar
expandPath('foo\\bar', 'C:\\base\\dir')
//=> C:\base\dir\foo\bar
expandPath('.\\foo\\bar', '~+', 'C:\\start\\dir')
//=> C:\start\dir\foo\bar
expandPath('foo\\bar', { base: 'C:\\base\\dir' })
//=> C:\base\dir\foo\bar
expandPath('.\\foo\\bar', { base: 'C:\\base\\dir' })
//=> C:\base\dir\foo\bar
expandPath('.\\foo\\bar', { dot: 'C:\\dot\\dir' })
//=> C:\dot\dir\foo\bar
On Windows, the input path may contain forward slashes, but the expanded path will always have backslashes.
On Windows, the input path may use forward slashes, but the expanded path will always have backslashes.
## Copyright and License
Copyright (C) 2018 OpenDevise Inc. and the Antora Project.
Copyright (C) 2018-present by OpenDevise Inc. and the individual contributors to Antora.
Use of this software is granted under the terms of the [Mozilla Public License Version 2.0]( (MPL-2.0).

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