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Comparing version 0.0.76 to 0.0.77




@@ -50,4 +50,2 @@ import EE from 'eventemitter3';

_inheritsLoose(Gesture, _EE);
// 用来记录当前触发的事件
function Gesture(el) {

@@ -61,2 +59,3 @@ var _this;

_this.startPoints = [];
// 用来记录当前触发的事件
_this.processEvent = {};

@@ -63,0 +62,0 @@ _this.startDistance = void 0;

@@ -56,4 +56,2 @@ 'use strict';

_inheritsLoose(Gesture, _EE);
// 用来记录当前触发的事件
function Gesture(el) {

@@ -67,2 +65,3 @@ var _this;

_this.startPoints = [];
// 用来记录当前触发的事件
_this.processEvent = {};

@@ -69,0 +68,0 @@ _this.startDistance = void 0;

@@ -46,29 +46,29 @@ import type { GlobalRuntime } from '../global-runtime';

init: AsyncParallelHook<[], import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
init: AsyncParallelHook<[]>;
* only dirty object which has sth changed will be rendered
dirtycheck: SyncWaterfallHook<[DisplayObject<any, any>], import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
dirtycheck: SyncWaterfallHook<[DisplayObject<any, any>], DisplayObject<any, any>>;
* do culling
cull: SyncWaterfallHook<[DisplayObject<any, any>, ICamera], import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
cull: SyncWaterfallHook<[DisplayObject<any, any>, ICamera], DisplayObject<any, any>>;
* called at beginning of each frame, won't get called if nothing to re-render
beginFrame: SyncHook<[], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
beginFrame: SyncHook<[], void>;
* called before every dirty object get rendered
beforeRender: SyncHook<[DisplayObject<any, any>], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
beforeRender: SyncHook<[DisplayObject<any, any>], void>;
* called when every dirty object rendering even it's culled
render: SyncHook<[DisplayObject<any, any>], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
render: SyncHook<[DisplayObject<any, any>], void>;
* called after every dirty object get rendered
afterRender: SyncHook<[DisplayObject<any, any>], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
endFrame: SyncHook<[], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
destroy: SyncHook<[], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
afterRender: SyncHook<[DisplayObject<any, any>], void>;
endFrame: SyncHook<[], void>;
destroy: SyncHook<[], void>;

@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ * use async but faster method such as GPU-based picking in `g-plugin-device-renderer`

pointerDown: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
pointerUp: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
pointerMove: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
pointerOut: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
pointerOver: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
pointerWheel: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
pointerCancel: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
click: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void, import("../utils/tapable/Hook").UnsetAdditionalOptions>;
pointerDown: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void>;
pointerUp: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void>;
pointerMove: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void>;
pointerOut: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void>;
pointerOver: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void>;
pointerWheel: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void>;
pointerCancel: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void>;
click: SyncHook<[InteractivePointerEvent], void>;

@@ -95,0 +95,0 @@ init(): Promise<void>;

@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

import type { UnsetAdditionalOptions } from './Hook';
import { Hook } from './Hook';
export declare class AsyncParallelHook<T, AdditionalOptions = UnsetAdditionalOptions> extends Hook<T, void, AdditionalOptions> {
constructor(args?: any[], name?: any);
export declare class AsyncParallelHook<T> {
private callbacks;
tapPromise(options: string, fn: (...args: T[]) => Promise<void>): void;
promise(...args: T[]): Promise<void>;

@@ -1,6 +0,7 @@

import type { AsArray, UnsetAdditionalOptions } from './Hook';
import { Hook } from './Hook';
export declare class AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<T, AdditionalOptions = UnsetAdditionalOptions> extends Hook<T, AsArray<T>[0], AdditionalOptions> {
constructor(args?: any[], name?: any);
import type { AsArray } from './Hook';
export declare class AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<T, R> {
private callbacks;
tapPromise(options: string, fn: (...args: AsArray<T>) => Promise<R>): void;
promise(...args: AsArray<T>): Promise<R>;

@@ -1,52 +0,2 @@

type Measure<T extends number> = T extends 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ? T : never;
type Append<T extends any[], U> = {
0: [U];
1: [T[0], U];
2: [T[0], T[1], U];
3: [T[0], T[1], T[2], U];
4: [T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], U];
5: [T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4], U];
6: [T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4], T[5], U];
7: [T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4], T[5], T[6], U];
8: [T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4], T[5], T[6], T[7], U];
export type AsArray<T> = T extends any[] ? T : [T];
export declare class UnsetAdditionalOptions {
_UnsetAdditionalOptions: true;
type IfSet<X> = X extends UnsetAdditionalOptions ? Record<string, unknown> : X;
type Callback<E, T> = (error: E | null, result?: T) => void;
type InnerCallback<E, T> = (error?: E | null | false, result?: T) => void;
type FullTap = Tap & {
type: 'sync' | 'async' | 'promise';
fn: () => any;
type Tap = TapOptions & {
name: string;
type TapOptions = {
before?: string;
stage?: number;
export declare class Hook<T, R, AdditionalOptions = UnsetAdditionalOptions> {
name: string | undefined;
taps: FullTap[];
callAsync(...args: Append<AsArray<T>, Callback<Error, R>>): void;
promise: (...args: AsArray<T>) => Promise<R>;
call(...args: AsArray<T>): R;
private _promise;
constructor(args?: any[], name?: any);
compile(options: any): void;
_createCall(type: any): void;
_tap(type: string, options: string | (Tap & IfSet<AdditionalOptions>), fn: (...args: AsArray<T>) => R): void;
tap(options: string | (Tap & IfSet<AdditionalOptions>), fn: (...args: AsArray<T>) => R): void;
tapAsync(options: string | (Tap & IfSet<AdditionalOptions>), fn: (...args: Append<AsArray<T>, InnerCallback<Error, R>>) => void): void;
tapPromise(options: string | (Tap & IfSet<AdditionalOptions>), fn: (...args: AsArray<T>) => Promise<R>): void;
_runRegisterInterceptors(options: any): any;
withOptions(options: TapOptions & IfSet<AdditionalOptions>): Omit<this, 'call' | 'callAsync' | 'promise'>;
isUsed(): boolean;
_resetCompilation(): void;
_insert(item: any): void;
export {};

@@ -1,6 +0,7 @@

import type { UnsetAdditionalOptions } from './Hook';
import { Hook } from './Hook';
export declare class SyncHook<T, R = void, AdditionalOptions = UnsetAdditionalOptions> extends Hook<T, R, AdditionalOptions> {
constructor(args?: any[], name?: any);
import type { AsArray } from './Hook';
export declare class SyncHook<T, R = void> {
private callbacks;
tap(options: string, fn: (...args: AsArray<T>) => R): void;
call(...args: AsArray<T>): void;

@@ -1,6 +0,7 @@

import type { AsArray, UnsetAdditionalOptions } from './Hook';
import { SyncHook } from './SyncHook';
export declare class SyncWaterfallHook<T, AdditionalOptions = UnsetAdditionalOptions> extends SyncHook<T, AsArray<T>[0], AdditionalOptions> {
constructor(args?: any[], name?: any);
import type { AsArray } from './Hook';
export declare class SyncWaterfallHook<T, R> {
private callbacks;
tap(options: string, fn: (...args: AsArray<T>) => R): void;
call(...args: AsArray<T>): R;

@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import type { CanvasContext, DisplayObject } from '@antv/g-lite';

constructor(context: CanvasContext);
createElement(object: DisplayObject<any, any>): SVGElement;
createElement(object: DisplayObject<any, any>, svgElementMap: WeakMap<SVGElement, DisplayObject>): SVGElement;
destroyElement(object: DisplayObject, $el: SVGElement): void;
private wrapGroup;
shouldUpdateElementAttribute(object: DisplayObject, attributeName: string): boolean;
updateElementAttribute(object: DisplayObject<any, any>, $el: SVGElement): void;
updateElementAttribute(object: DisplayObject<any, any>, $el: SVGElement, svgElementMap: WeakMap<SVGElement, DisplayObject>): void;
private generateSVGElement;

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ import type { CanvasContext, DisplayObject } from '@antv/g-lite';

constructor(context: CanvasContext);
createElement(object: DisplayObject): SVGElement;
createElement(object: DisplayObject, svgElementMap: WeakMap<SVGElement, DisplayObject>): SVGElement;
destroyElement(object: DisplayObject, $el: SVGElement): void;

@@ -12,0 +12,0 @@ shouldUpdateElementAttribute(object: DisplayObject, attributeName: string): boolean;

import type { DisplayObject } from '@antv/g-lite';
export interface ElementLifeCycleContribution {
createElement: (object: DisplayObject) => SVGElement;
createElement: (object: DisplayObject, svgElementMap: WeakMap<SVGElement, DisplayObject>) => SVGElement;
shouldUpdateElementAttribute: (object: DisplayObject, attributeName: string) => boolean;
updateElementAttribute: (object: DisplayObject, $el: SVGElement) => void;
updateElementAttribute: (object: DisplayObject, $el: SVGElement, svgElementMap: WeakMap<SVGElement, DisplayObject>) => void;
destroyElement: (object: DisplayObject, $el: SVGElement) => void;

@@ -7,0 +7,0 @@ }

@@ -22,2 +22,5 @@ import { DisplayObject, LinearGradient, RadialGradient, RenderingPlugin, RenderingPluginContext } from '@antv/g-lite';

constructor(pluginOptions: SVGRendererPluginOptions, defElementManager: DefElementManager, context: RenderingPluginContext);
* Will be used in g-plugin-svg-picker for finding relative SVG element of current DisplayObject.
private svgElementMap;

@@ -24,0 +27,0 @@ /**

import '@antv/g-camera-api';
import '@antv/g-css-layout-api';
import '@antv/g-css-typed-om-api';

@@ -8,3 +7,2 @@ import '@antv/g-dom-mutation-observer-api';

export * from '@antv/g-camera-api';
export * from '@antv/g-css-layout-api';
export * from '@antv/g-css-typed-om-api';

@@ -11,0 +9,0 @@ export * from '@antv/g-dom-mutation-observer-api';

"name": "@antv/g-gesture",
"version": "0.0.76",
"version": "0.0.77",
"description": "G Gesture",

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ "keywords": [

"devDependencies": {
"@antv/g-mobile-canvas": "^0.8.49",
"@antv/g-mobile-canvas-element": "^0.6.44"
"@antv/g-mobile-canvas": "^0.8.50",
"@antv/g-mobile-canvas-element": "^0.6.45"

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ "publishConfig": {

"gitHead": "2c855770599a29bafbdb4ce1876e300ec9f1305b"
"gitHead": "620a506129c9037698a374244778bb26a1c4202b"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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