API Doc Parser
![MIT Licence](https://badges.frapsoft.com/os/mit/mit.svg?v=103)
is a JavaScript (ES6) library to parse Hydra, Swagger and OpenAPI documentations and transform them
in an intermediate representation. This data structure can then be used for various tasks such as creating smart API clients,
scaffolding code or building administration interfaces.
It plays well with the API Platform framework.
With Yarn:
yarn add api-doc-parser
Using NPM:
npm install api-doc-parser
If you plan to use the library with Node, you also need a polyfill for the fetch
yarn add isomorphic-fetch
import parseHydraDocumentation from 'api-doc-parser/lib/hydra/parseHydraDocumentation';
parseHydraDocumentation('https://demo.api-platform.com').then(({api}) => console.log(api));
OpenApi v2 (formerly known as Swagger)
import parseSwaggerDocumentation from 'api-doc-parser/lib/swagger/parseSwaggerDocumentation';
parseSwaggerDocumentation('https://demo.api-platform.com/docs.json').then(({api}) => console.log(api));
OpenApi v3
import parseOpenApi3Documentation from 'api-doc-parser/lib/openapi3/parseOpenApi3Documentation';
parseOpenApi3Documentation('https://demo.api-platform.com/docs.json?spec_version=3').then(({api}) => console.log(api));
Support for other formats (GraphQL, JSONAPI...)
API Doc Parser is designed to parse any API documentation format and convert it in the same intermediate representation.
If you develop a parser for another format, please open a Pull Request
to include it in the library.
Run tests
yarn test
yarn lint
Created by Kévin Dunglas. Sponsored by Les-Tilleuls.coop.