Typescript SDK for Aptos
This library is experimental. Therefore, the API is unstable and may change without warning.
The Aptos TypeScript SDK provides a convenient way to interact with the Aptos blockchain using TypeScript. It offers a
set of utility functions, classes, and types to simplify the integration process and enhance developer productivity.
This repository supports version >= 0.0.0 of the Aptos SDK npm package.
For use in Node.js or a web application
Install with your favorite package manager such as npm, yarn, or pnpm:
pnpm install @aptos-labs/ts-sdk@experimental
For use in a browser
You can add the SDK to your web application using a script tag:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@aptos-labs-ts-sdk@experimental/dist/browser/index.global.js" />
Then, the SDK can be accessed through window.aptosSDK
Initialize Aptos
to access the SDK API.
const aptos = new Aptos();
If you want to pass in a costum config
const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.LOCAL });
const aptos = new Aptos(config);
Read data from chain
const modules = await aptos.getAccountModules({ accountAddress: "0x123" });
Submit transaction
Single Signer transaction
Using transaction submission api
const alice: Account = Account.generate();
const bobAddress = "0xb0b";
const transaction = await aptos.generateTransaction({
sender: alice.accountAddress.toString(),
data: {
function: "0x1::coin::transfer",
type_arguments: [new TypeTagStruct(StructTag.fromString("0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"))],
arguments: [AccountAddress.fromHexInput(bobAddress), new U64(100)],
let committedTransaction = await aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction({ signer: alice, transaction });
Using built in transferCoinTransaction
const alice: Account;
const bobAddress = "0xb0b";
const transaction = await aptos.transferCoinTransaction({
sender: alice.accountAddress.toString(),
recipient: bob,
amount: 100,
const pendingTransaction = await aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction({ signer: alice, transaction });
Keys management (default to Ed25519)
Generate new keys
const account = Account.generate();
Derive from private key
const account = Account.fromPrivateKey("0x123");
Derive from path
const path = "m/44'/637'/0'/0'/1";
const mnemonic = "various float stumble...";
const account = Account.fromDerivationPath({ path, mnemonic });
Documentation and examples
- For in-depth examples, check out the examples folder with ready-made
files to get you going quickly!
To run the SDK tests, simply run from the root of this repository:
Note: make sure aptos local node is up and running. Take a look at the local development network guide for more details.
pnpm test
If you found a bug or would like to request a feature, please file an issue.
If, based on the discussion on an issue you would like to offer a code change, please make a pull request.
If neither of these describes what you would like to contribute, checkout out the contributing guide.