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Comparing version 2.0.2 to 3.0.0-RC.0



@@ -5,2 +5,27 @@ # Architect Create changelog

## [3.0.0] 2021-10-17
### Added
- Added ability to specify a project name with `-n` or `--name` parameter
- Added support for runtime shorhands (e.g. `node` will now pin new created functions to the latest stable AWS Lambda Node.js version)
- Added real file paths to boilerplate HTTP functions
### Changed
- Breaking change: updated internal module API to accept a proper options object
- Breaking change: `-n` flag now optionally specifies a project name, and is not a shorcut for the `--no-install` param
- Breaking change: removed export of internal `bootstrap` method
- Significantly tidied up boilerplate `@http` functions
- Create now only write config files (`/path/to/function/config.arc`) if necessary
- Removed setting deprecated `INITIALIZED` env var when creating a new project
### Fixed
- When run from `@architect/architect`, Create no longer attempts to install Architect
## [2.0.2] 2021-10-12

@@ -7,0 +32,0 @@


#!/usr/bin/env node
let { updater } = require('@architect/utils')
let create = require('.')
let banner = require('./src/bootstrap/_banner')
let bootstrap = require('./src/bootstrap')
let getName = require('./src/bootstrap/_get-name')
let { version } = require('./package.json')
let { updater } = require('@architect/utils')
let _inventory = require('@architect/inventory')
let simpleStatic = require('./src/simple-static')
let minimist = require('minimist')
let update = updater('Create')

@@ -17,45 +12,36 @@

* opts
* -s|--static|static ........... init a static app
* -r|--runtime|runtime ......... set up with one of node, deno, python, or ruby
* -v|--verbose|verbose ......... prints all output to console
* -n|--name ............ specify an app name
* --noinstall .......... do not intall any Architect dependencies
* -s|--static .......... init a static app
* -r|--runtime ......... set up with one of node, deno, python, or ruby
* -v|--verbose ......... prints all output to console
async function cmd (opts = {}) {
let alias = {
name: [ 'n' ],
noInstall: [ 'noinstall' ],
runtime: [ 'r' ],
static: [ 's' ],
verbose: [ 'v' ],
let string = [ 'name', 'runtime' ]
let args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { alias, string })
let { _ } = args
if ([ 'create', '@architect' ].includes(_[0])) _.splice(0, 1)
let isRuntime = opt => opt === 'runtime' || opt === '--runtime' || opt === '-r'
let isVerbose = opt => opt === 'verbose' || opt === '--verbose' || opt === '-v'
let isStatic = opt => opt === 'static' || opt === '--static' || opt === '-s'
let noInstall = opt => opt === 'noinstall' || opt === '--no-install' || opt === '-n'
let install = opts.install
if (typeof args.install === 'boolean') install = args.install
if (typeof args.noInstall === 'boolean') install = !args.noInstall
// eslint-disable-next-line
async function cmd (options) {
options = options || process.argv // passed-in options only used for testing
// Get the folder name so we know where to inventory
let { folder } = getName({ options, update })
let inventory = await _inventory({ cwd: folder })
// Print banner
banner({ inventory, version })
if (options.some(isStatic)) {
// just bail early here ... I don't use understand the code below so just stubbing in
return simpleStatic()
let params = {
name: ||,
folder: opts.folder || _[0],
runtime: opts.runtime || args.runtime,
standalone: opts.standalone,
static: opts.static || args.static,
verbose: opts.verbose || args.verbose,
// Populate basic project files
let opts = {
verbose: options.some(isVerbose),
noInstall: options.some(noInstall),
runtime: options.some(isRuntime) ? options.slice(options.findIndex(isRuntime))[1] : false,
// Used by bootstrap to differentiate between arc create and preflight bootstrap calls
// (for testing we wanna be able to override it so we dont npm install all the things during integration tests)
let standalone = opts.noInstall ? false : true
// Bootstrap the project on the filesystem, including new dirs, npm i, app.arc manifest, etc.
let { install } = bootstrap({ options, inventory, standalone, update, runtime: opts.runtime })
// re-seed the inventory since we may now have a new manifest due to bootstrap creating a new project
inventory = await _inventory({ cwd: folder })
return create({ options: opts, inventory, folder, install, standalone, update })
return create(params)

@@ -69,3 +55,10 @@

try {
await cmd()
// If invoked by npm init, then we probably do need to `install`
let options = {
install: true,
standalone: true,
// If invoked by Architect, assume installation is unncessary
if (process.env.ARC_ENV) options.install = false
await cmd(options)

@@ -72,0 +65,0 @@ catch (err) {

"name": "@architect/create",
"version": "2.0.2",
"version": "3.0.0-RC.0",
"description": "Idempotently initialize Architect projects",

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ "main": "src/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"@architect/inventory": "~2.1.0",
"@architect/inventory": "~2.1.1-RC.0",
"@architect/utils": "~3.0.4",
"chalk": "~4.1.2",
"run-parallel": "~1.2.0",
"run-series": "~1.1.9"
"lambda-runtimes": "0.0.3",
"minimist": "~1.2.5"

@@ -33,0 +33,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

@@ -10,21 +10,22 @@ let { join } = require('path')

module.exports = function arcPackage ({ options, name, folder }) {
module.exports = function arcPackage ({ name, folder }) {
let args = process.argv
// Don't install if invoked from a globally installed @arc/arc
let isGlobal = (options[0] && options[1] && options[2] &&
options[0].includes('node') && // Node invoke path may vary
options[1].includes('arc')) && // .. same deal with the Arc path
options[2] === 'create' || // == 'arc create' via global install
options[2] === 'init' // Backwards compat
let isGlobal = (args[0] && args[1] && args[2] &&
args[0].includes('node') && // Node invoke path may vary
args[1].includes('arc')) && // .. same deal with the Arc path
(args[2] === 'create' || // == 'arc create' via global install
args[2] === 'init') // Backwards compat
if (!isGlobal) {
let package = {
version: '0.0.0',
description: 'A fresh new Architect project!',
scripts: {
start: 'npx sandbox'
devDependencies: {}
let packageFile = join(folder, 'package.json')
if (!existsSync(packageFile)) {
let package = {
version: '0.0.0',
description: 'A fresh new Architect project!',
scripts: {
start: 'npx sandbox'
devDependencies: {}
writeFileSync(packageFile, JSON.stringify(package, null, 2))

@@ -31,0 +32,0 @@ return true

@@ -6,7 +6,12 @@ let { join } = require('path')

let { name, folder, inventory, standalone, update, runtime } = params
// Only add the @aws runtime setting into the Arc template if specified
runtime = runtime ? `runtime ${runtime}\n` : ''
// Most basic default Architect app possible
let arcFile = `@app
let appDotArc = join(folder, 'app.arc')
let hasManifest = inventory.inv._project.manifest
// Do nothing if a manifest already exists
if (hasManifest && standalone) {
update.done('Existing Architect project manifest found')
else if (!hasManifest) {
// Most basic default Architect app possible
let arcFile = `@app

@@ -18,15 +23,6 @@

${runtime ? '' : '# '}@aws
${runtime}# profile default
${runtime ? `runtime ${runtime}\n` : ''}# profile default
# region us-west-1
let appDotArc = join(folder, 'app.arc')
let hasManifest = inventory.inv._project.manifest
// Do nothing if a manifest already exists
if (hasManifest && standalone) {
update.done('Existing Architect project manifest found')
else if (!hasManifest) {
// This is used further down the line in @arc/arc processes to ensure correctly ordered printing
process.env.INITIALIZED = true
writeFileSync(appDotArc, arcFile)

@@ -33,0 +29,0 @@ if (standalone) {

@@ -1,6 +0,3 @@

let path = require('path')
let { existsSync, mkdirSync } = require('fs')
let { updater } = require('@architect/utils')
let getName = require('./_get-name')
let arcTemplate = require('./_arc-template')

@@ -17,15 +14,6 @@ let arcPackage = require('./_arc-package')

module.exports = function bootstrap (params = {}) {
let { options = [], inventory, runtime, standalone = false, update } = params
if (!update) update = updater('Create')
module.exports = function bootstrap (params) {
let { name, folder, standalone, update } = params
* First, figure out where we're working, and what our project name is
let { name, folder } = getName({ options, update })
// Get the name passed in, or use the current dir name
let currentDirName = process.cwd().split(path.sep).reverse().shift()
name = name || currentDirName
* Next, create a dir and/or app.arc file, if necessary

@@ -41,3 +29,3 @@ */

arcTemplate({ name, folder, inventory, standalone, update, runtime })

@@ -49,3 +37,3 @@ /**

if (standalone) {
install = arcPackage({ options, name, folder })
install = arcPackage({ name, folder })

@@ -52,0 +40,0 @@

@@ -0,8 +1,13 @@

let { sep } = require('path')
let { updater } = require('@architect/utils')
let { sep } = require('path')
let _inventory = require('@architect/inventory')
let parallel = require('run-parallel')
let code = require('./lambda')
let assets = require('./static')
let { version } = require('../package.json')
let banner = require('./_banner')
let { aliases, runtimes, runtimeList } = require('lambda-runtimes')
let getName = require('./_get-name')
let bootstrap = require('./bootstrap')
let simpleStatic = require('./simple-static')
let writeConfigs = require('./write-configs')
let writeFunctions = require('./write-functions')
let writeStatic = require('./write-static')
let installArc = require('./_install-arc')

@@ -15,7 +20,6 @@

* Rules:
* - Go fast: create an entire project in one shot in parallel
* - Create dep-free functions
* - Min code possible
* - Only one comment at the top of the file
* - Add `.arc-config` by default
* - Add `config.arc` only if runtime configuration deems it necessary

@@ -26,7 +30,15 @@ * @param {Object} params - Object of params

// eslint-disable-next-line
module.exports = async function create (params = {}, callback) {
// Although create should be synchronous, callers may await it, so keep it async
let { install, inventory, runtime, standalone, update } = params
if (!update) update = updater('Create')
let { options = {}, folder = process.cwd(), install, inventory, standalone, update } = params
let { node } = process.versions
let nodeVer = Number(node.split('.')[0])
if (nodeVer < 14) {
update.error('Sorry, Architect Create requires Node 14 and above')
// TODO: This blows up 12 if required in global; move this back after 12 is EOL
// eslint-disable-next-line
let _inventory = require('@architect/inventory')

@@ -42,61 +54,68 @@ let promise

if (!inventory) inventory = await _inventory({ cwd: folder })
if (!update) update = updater('Create')
// Validate the runtime
if (runtime && (runtime !== 'deno' &&
!runtimes[runtime] &&
!runtimeList.includes(runtime)) &&
!aliases[runtime]) {
update.error(`Invalid runtime specified: ${runtime}`)
// Get the folder name so we know where to inventory
if (params.folder === '/') {
update.error('Please specify a valid project name or path')
if (standalone) {
// Print banner
if (params.static) {
return simpleStatic()
// Establish the project name and intended folder
let { name, folder } = getName(params)
// Get Inventory to determine whether we need to bootstrap a manifest
if (!inventory) {
params.inventory = await _inventory({ cwd: folder })
// Bootstrap the project on the filesystem, including new dirs, app.arc manifest, etc.
bootstrap({ ...params, name, folder })
try {
let { inv } = inventory
let prefs = inv._project.preferences
let { http, events, queues, scheduled, static, streams, ws, plugins } = inv
// These are the boilerplate-enabled pragmas
let pragmas = [ 'http', 'events', 'plugins', 'queues', 'scheduled', 'static', 'streams', 'ws' ]
let supported = [ 'node', 'deno', 'ruby', 'python', 'rb', 'py', 'js' ]
let node = 'nodejs12.x'
let deno = 'deno'
let ruby = 'ruby2.7'
let python = 'python3.8'
// Re-seed the inventory since we may now have a new manifest
inventory = await _inventory({ cwd: folder })
let runtime = inv._project.defaultFunctionConfig.runtime
let override = options.runtime
if (supported.includes(override)) {
let runtimes = { node, ruby, python, rb: ruby, py: python, js: node, deno }
runtime = runtimes[override]
// Create dirs (and necessary config.arc files) that do not yet exist
let dirs = writeConfigs({ ...params, pragmas, inventory })
let functions = []
if (dirs.length) {
// One final inventory run now that we have function config files
inventory = await _inventory({ cwd: folder })
let binder = {}
let lambdae = [ 'http', 'events', 'plugins', 'queues', 'scheduled', 'static', 'streams', 'ws' ]
lambdae.forEach(type => {
binder[type] = fn => code.bind({}, { ...fn, type, runtime, prefs })
writeFunctions({ ...params, dirs, inventory })
writeStatic({ folder, inventory })
// Generate minimal static assets and Lambdae
if (static) functions.push(assets.bind({}, { folder, inv }))
if (http) functions.push(
if (events) functions.push(
if (queues) functions.push(
if (scheduled) functions.push(
if (ws) functions.push(
if (streams) functions.push(
if (plugins) functions.push(
parallel(functions, function done (err, results) {
if (err) callback(err)
else {
let dirs = [ Set(results) ].filter(d => d)
if (dirs.length) {
dirs.forEach(d => {
let dir = d.replace(process.cwd(), '')
if (dir.startsWith(sep)) dir = dir.substr(1)
update.done(`Created new project files in ${dir}${sep}`)
if (install && standalone) {
installArc({ folder, update }, callback)
else {
if (standalone) update.done('Done!')
dirs.forEach(d => {
let dir = d.src.replace(process.cwd(), '')
if (dir.startsWith(sep)) dir = dir.substr(1)
update.done(`Created new project files in ${dir}${sep}`)
if (install && standalone) {
installArc({ folder, update }, callback)
else {
if (standalone) update.done('Done!')

@@ -109,3 +128,1 @@ catch (err) {

module.exports.bootstrap = bootstrap
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