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A high-performance charting library.

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LightningChart® JS

A high-performance charting library for JavaScript.


If you prefer to setup your own project, there are two main ways to get LightningChart.js in your JavaScript or TypeScript project:

1. Install from NPM and use a bundler

Install the library package from NPM.

npm install --save @arction/lcjs

This package can be used with any bundler that supports CommonJS. Some examples of bundlers that work are WebPack, Parcel and Rollup.

Check our getting started video on LightningChart JS to see this in action.

Any of our Examples can be used as a seed project. All examples on that page have been made to standalone repositories which can be found on our GitGub. Standalone Example Repositories

2. Use IIFE bundle directly on a webpage

The library is distributed with a browser ready IIFE bundle. This bundle can be used directly in browsers with script tag. You can see an example implementation of this method on our GitHub. LightningChart JS html usage example.

All of our examples can be used in the html page. To use them, first find an example you want to use from interactive examples. Click Edit this example. On the bottom of the page click on the button that reads CJS. That will switch our code to be IIFE compatible. After that, the code can be copied to the html page. See our LightningChart JS html usage example for more detailed information.

License options

Non-commercial, Community License

When the library is used without a license, it will run with a LightningChart JS logo on the chart. The logo is a link to the LightningChart JS product page.

There is a small performance drop when the chart is running without a license key compared to running with a valid license.

Development License

A development license is required for development in a commercial environment. The license is verified with a license server. Internet connection is required for license verification. Each developer requires own development license. See "Using a license" for how to use the development license. When using a development key, the chart will just like it will in production.

Deployment License

A deployment license is required for commercial use. The deployment license is provided the same way as a development license. See "Using a license" for how to use the deployment license.

When using a deployment license, the chart will render without the LightningChart JS logo. The deployment license supports a "Deployment Test" domain. If the domain that the library is currently running in matches the deployment test domain specified with the deployment license, the chart will render with a "Deployment Test" text on top of the chart. This domain is meant to support using a staging environment and having the ability to switch to the production version without changing the license.


Different purchasing options can be found on our website.

Getting started

Javascript package

The library is distributed as a single javascript module. Its exports can be grouped to two categories:


This will be needed for every lcjs-application as it is required for creating Charts, Dashboards, LegendBoxes... Its usage is always the same:

// Import library.
const { lightningChart } = require('@arction/lcjs')

// Create an instance of lightningChart for creation of charts.
const lc = lightningChart()

// Create charts using methods of 'LightningChart'-interface.
const cartesianChart = lc.ChartXY()
const spiderChart = lc.Spider()
// ...

Using a license

To use your LightningChart JS license, you must pass it as an argument to lightningChart, like so:

// Create an instance of LightningChart for creation of charts.
// ----- Licensed version -----
const lc = lightningChart(myLicenseString)

myLicenseString can be either a development license for development or a deployment license for deployment.

Individual exports styles, settings, utilities, builders...

LightningChart® JS also includes a bunch of other exports for styling, configuring and interacting with charts, building different UI-elements and what-not. These can be imported from the lcjs module as required:

// Import required parts from LightningChart® JS module.
const {
    // ...
} = require('@arction/lcjs')

Any entry listed in LightningChart® JS API Documentation is importable as in the previous example.

Example usage

const { lightningChart, DataPatterns } = require('@arction/lcjs')

// Create a cartesian chart.
const chart = lightningChart().ChartXY()

// Add a series for rendering a line optimized for progressing by X.
const lineSeries = chart.addLineSeries({ dataPattern: DataPatterns.horizontalProgressive })

// Append point locations. (Note that selected Data Pattern expects them to be progressive by X)
    { x: 0, y: 0 },
    { x: 20, y: 0 },
    { x: 45, y: -47 },
    { x: 53, y: 335 },
    { x: 57, y: 26 },
    { x: 62, y: 387 },
    { x: 74, y: 104 },
    { x: 89, y: 0 },
    { x: 95, y: 100 },
    { x: 100, y: 0 }

Hierarchy overview

Some general information about the hierarchical structure of the library's main classes.

Standalone views

There are several types of views specialized on different goals. It is possible to create several independent views in a single page and arrange them in according with your custom positioning logic. Let's discuss every type of view in greater detail.


It is the most primitive type of view. All other views are subclasses of this one. It provides an API for the creation of custom UI elements: labels, checkboxes, button and different combinations of them in a form of tables, columns, etc. UI elements are created by the immutable builder pattern, which let us combine various object in a type safe manner.

Panel has Panel.addUIElement method which expects UI element builder as the first argument and optionally a pair of scale as the second one. UIElementBuilders is an enum-like object which contains builders for four simple UI elements: TextBox, CheckBox, ButtonBox, PointableTextBox. UILayouts is an enum-like object which contains builders for aggregators, which can act as containers for simple UI elements. There are two built-in aggregators: Column and Row. Their combination enables custom tables.

Each builder has a collection of unique setters which can be used to achieve a desired behavior. For example ButtonBox has setBackground() method which accepts any background object predefined at UIBackgrounds enum-like object. Every builder has addStyler() method which accept function which modifies newly created UI object. The stylers are stored in a queue, so the last added styler is the last called one. Styling function is used to create builders with the reconfigured appearance or for sharing of the same appearance across multiple objects of the same type. Aggregators can use styling functions to populate itself.

        .setBackground( UIBackgrounds.Circle )
        .addStyler( ( checkbox ) => 
            checkbox.setText( 'My first check box' )
2D Charts

There are several available 2D charts. Different kinds of 2D charts have different relationships between types of classes.


Series represents the data set and renders it on a chart. There are many different types of Series with a different representation of data.

It is possible to add new Series by the series factory. Each type of Series has its own factory, which always returns a new Series object. Series can be removed from chart by Series.dispose() method. Disposing does not destroy the Series. It simply removes it from rendering collection, so it can be removed by GC after client loses its reference. If desired, it can be placed back by Series.restore().

Cartesian Chart

ChartXY is the most fundamental type, because it contains the most part of the series. It can be used for drawing of simple lines, mountains, bars and trading graphs, etc. It is highly optimized and can draw humongous amounts of data. The unique feature of the chart type that they are created by a combination of Series and Axis.


The core responsibility of Axis class is a visual representation of a ruler, which is used as a reference for the positioning of data. It contains the main axis line, ticks, nibs, and title. Nib indicates ends of Axis. They are surrounded by a clickable area which can be used for modification of Axis interval. A tick is formed by:

  • Grid line - thick long line directed inside
  • Tick line - thin short line directed outside of the chart
  • Label - value which represents ticks position

Axis has AxisScrollStrategies which describes the way how Axis adapts to incoming data. The strategies are called as part of Axis.plot() execution, which removes old ticks and creates new ticks if needed.

There are two default axes in every ChartXY. Default X Axis is placed at the bottom and default Y Axis is placed at the left side. They can be requested from ChartXY by getDefaultAxis{X/Y}() method.

Additional Axis can be added by ChartXY.addAxis{X/Y}() function. Unlimited amount of stacked Axes can be added to any side of the cartesian chart. They can be removed by *Axis.dispose() and enabled again by *Axis.restore(). Dispose does not destroy an Axis object, but it removes it from rendering collection, it also removes all associated Series, because they don't make any sense without reference Axis.

Each Axis object can be individually styled by Axis configuration API. There are setters for FillStyles and StrokeStyles of every axis element.

Cartesian Axis supports four AxisScrollStrategies:

  • Scrolling progressive - Axis follows the data set in a positive direction with the unchanged length of axis range.
  • Scrolling regressive - Axis follows the data set in a negative direction with the unchanged length of axis range.
  • Expansion - Axis increase the size to fit incoming data.
  • Fitting - Axis follows the data, so the range can be expanded or reduced in different situations. It tries to achieve the best possible overview of the dataset.

In addition, AxisScrollStrategy can also be disabled to allow for manual definition of its interval.

Custom Tick

CustomTick can be created by using a factory method located at Axis. It is formed by a grid line and TickMarker. TickMarker is a label with pointing background, it is created in according to a provided builder, so it is possible to configure background shape in the way clients wish. CustomTick can be removed from Axis by dispose() method or due to leaving the Axis range. CustomTick can be placed back to Axis by restore().

CustomTick can be moved along Axis by setValue() method, the location is computed based on Axis' scale. The TickMarkers text is defined by its text-formatting function number => string.


Cartesian Series represents data set in according with two Axis, it is associated with. Each SeriesXY must be linked to one X and one Y Axis. The connection is established during creation. It is used to synchronize Axis scaling strategies with related Series. New Series can be created by a factory function which belongs to ChartXY. Axis are two first arguments of the method, default Axes are used as initial values. Actual factories might have some extra arguments after that. Series can be removed by dispose function which removes it from rendering collection of the cartesian chart and breaks the connection with Axes.


It is represented by a two intersected CustomTicks and PointMarker which indicates an intersection point. The marker might belong to specific Series or entire Chart.

SeriesMarker is an essential part of some Series. It points to the closest part of the Series from a specified client location. It is draggable by PointMarker and TickMarkers, so it tracks the Series along with mouse (or touch) movement. SeriesMarkers can be created by a trackable factory which belongs to the API of Series.

ChartMarker can be created by factory which is part of Chart's API. It works in exactly similar way as SeriesMarker but it does not track any particular Series.

Both Marker types follow the same builder pattern and dispose/restore patterns as other UI elements.

Auto Cursor

AutoCursor constantly follow mouse along closest Series. It looks very similar to SeriesMarker except that it automatically switches CustomTicks from Axis to Axis.

AutoCursor can be configured on Chart creation by autoCursorBuilder, it can also be styled and configured by Chart's API.


Spider is a chart for the representation of multidimensional data. Data should contain values in more than two dimensions.


It automatically creates Axis for any mentioned in data set category. Spider Axes have to follow the same appearance, so all Axis shares the same configuration which belongs to SpiderChart API. Spider also has API for manual creation and removing of Axis. Spider Axes support only expansion and fitting strategies.


Spider Series is automatically associated with all of the Axis. Each category of data at SpiderSeries has its own Axis. Categories without Axis are omitted. There is only one type of SpiderSeries. It combines tougher line, points, and area. Each of Series's part can be independently disabled. Series can be created by addSeries() method. It can be removed by dispose() and placed back by restore() method. The disposing simply remove the Series from rendering collection and restoring returns it.


Pie is a chart for representing statistical data. Data should always be a pair of name and value. In Pie Chart all of the data is represented as a single circle object. Each individual data is represented as a single part of this overall object, i.e. a slice. The size of each slice is dependant on the relative size of the value when compared to the sum of all values in the Chart.


Donut is another way of displaying a Pie chart. In fact, the only difference is, the Donut chart has a hole cut in the center of the chart.


Each Slice is a visual indication of data in a collection of data. For Pie and Donut charts, each Slice can be seen as part of a circular object on screen. As data, however, Slice is used to store the name and value of some data.


Gauge is a chart for the representation of statistical data. Most common use-case is to show a value's position in relation to a minimum and maximum value in a linear fashion.


Funnel is a chart for the representation of statistical data. Data is represented as Slices, shown in a funnel-like fashion. Value for each Slice changes either the width or height of the Slice.


Pyramid is a chart for the representation of statistical data. Pyramid functions similar to Funnel chart, with the exception that it is always shown with the top of the pyramid being narrow and widening towards the bottom.


LegendBox can be placed as a standalone rendering context or as a part of an existing Panel, Chart or Dashboard. It is represented by the same CheckBoxes which are available as part of UI API. The CheckBoxes are joined in groups with a title, which is just a TextBox.

An entry for individual Attachable object (Series, Chart, Dashboard) can be placed at LegendBox. CheckBox is returned as a result of the operation. CheckBox can be styled after creation or by the supplied builder. A group name can be defined by the second argument of add() method. Each Series is an individual Attachable. Entire Charts or Dashboards can be added to LegendBox at once. Series from the same Chart are going to be placed at the same category, but it can be overridden by explicitly provided tag name.

LegendBox Entry / CheckBox can be removed from LegendBox via dispose() method. It removes it from the group and breaks connections in correspondent Series. At the same time restore() places it back and establish a connection with Series again if it is possible.

LegendBox and individual Entries in a group can be placed horizontally or vertically. There is no possibility to create any kind of grid or free positioning. The goal can be achieved by manual creation of LegendBox via UI at Panel.


It is a common rendering context shared among several standalone views. The dashboard contains a grid of cells which are able to contain independent views. A single view can be stretched by several cells horizontally or vertically. The grid is separated by splitters, which enables the modification of cells ratio by dragging.

The dashboard has factories for creation of individual views. Row, index and spans are specified on creation.


All of the charts from LightningChartJS have enabled animation by default. It is possible to enable/disable animation effects through different methods depending on the animation type. The list of animations and methods to control is in the table below.

Chart typeAnimation typeEnable/disable method
Point series
Line series
Point line series
Area series bipolar
Area series monopolar
Area series positive
Area series negative
Spline series
Step series
Ellipse series
Rectangle series
OHLC series
Box series
Zooming animation

Axis scrolling animation
setAnimationZoom(easing: AnimationEasing | undefined, duration?: number)

setAnimationScroll(enabled: boolean | undefined)
Pie ChartSlice angle change

Slice explosions
The method enables/disables all the animations on the pie chart. Besides, animation cannot be enabled/disabled for individual slices.
setAnimationsEnabled(animationsEnabled: boolean)
Spider chartWeb changes animation

Add points animation
Enable/disable all the animations
setAnimationsEnabled(animationsEnabled: boolean)

Enable/disable add points animation
setAnimationAddPoints(easing?: AnimationEasing, duration?: number)




Package last updated on 14 Aug 2019

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