Aura Helper Connector Module
Module to connect with Salesforce to list or describe metadata types, list or describe all SObjects, make queries, create SFDX Project, validate, deploy or retrieve in SFDX and Metadata API Formats, export and import data and much more. Is used to Aura Helper and Aura Helper CLI to support salesfore conections.
Table of Contents
Class to connect with Salesforce to list or describe metadata types, list or describe all SObjects, make queries, create SFDX Project, validate, deploy or retrieve in SFDX and Metadata API Formats, export and import data and much more. Is used to Aura Helper and Aura Helper CLI to support salesfore conections.
The setters methods are defined like a builder pattern to make it more usefull
All connection methods return a Promise with the associated data to the processes.
Class Members
The fields that start with _ are for internal use only (Does not modify this fields to a correct connection work). To the rest of fields, setter methods are recommended instead modify fields.
Username or Alias to connect with the org. The org bust be authorized in the system.
Number API Version to connect with the org.
Path to the local project folder
Namespace prefix from the Org to connect
True to able to the connection object to use several threads and processor cores to run some processes and run faster, false to use only one thread and core.
Project package folder path (manifest folder). Must be a child of Project folder
Project package file path (package.xml file). Must be a child of Package folder
The Connection class has only one constructor to create a connection
Constructor to create a new connection object. All parameters are optional and you can use the setters methods to set the values when you want.
- usernameOrAlias: Org Username or Alias to connect. (Must be authorized in the system)
- apiVersion: API Version number to connect with salesforce
- projectFolder: Path to the project root folder
- namespacePrefix: Namespace prefix from the Org to connect
Method to set the Username or Alias to connect with org
Method to set the API Version to connect
Method to set the project root folder path. When set the project root, automatically set the packageFolder and packageFile to their respective paths
Method to set the package folder path. When set the package folder, automatically set packageFile to the respective path
Method to set the package xml file path
Method to set the Org namespace prefix
Method to able to the connection object to use several threads and processor cores to run some processes and run faster
Method to set the connection object to use only one thread and processo core to all processes
Method to handle the event when preparing execution of some processes
Method to handle the event before the create a project on some processes
Method to handle the event before start retrieve data on some processes
Method to handle the event before start processing results on some processes
Method to handle the event before start loading local metadata types on some processes
Method to handle the event before start loading metadata types from org on some processes
Method to handle the event before start copying files on some processes
Method to handle the event before start copying file content on some processes
Method to handle the event before start compress XML File on some processes
Method to handle the event before download a Metadata Type from Org on some processes
Method to handle the event after download a Metadata Type from Org on some processes
Method to handle the event before download a SObject when describe SObejcts
Method to handle the event after download a SObject when describe SObejcts
Method to handle the event after download a SObject when describe SObejcts
Method to handle the event when connection is aborted
Method to abort all connection running processes. When finishes call onAbort() callback
Method to get the username from an authorized org using a username or alias, or using connection username or alias, or using project auth org username or alias
Method to get the server instance using a username or alias, or using connection username or alias, or using project auth org username or alias
Method to get the auth org data using a username or alias, or using connection username or alias, or using project auth org username or alias
Method to list all auth org on the system
query(query, userToolingApi)
Method to execute a query to the connected org
Method to list all Metadata Types available in the connected org (according selected API Version)
describeMetadataTypes(typesOrDetails, downloadAll)
Method to describe all or selected Metadata Types from the connected org
Method to list all SObjects API Name by category
Method to describe SObject data to the specified objects
retrieve(useMetadataAPI, waitMinutes, targetDir)
Method to retrieve data using the connection package file. You can choose to retrieve as Metadata API format or Source Format
retrieveReport(retrieveId, targetDir)
Retrieve report when use Metadata API to retrieve data
validateDeploy(testLevel, runTests, useMetadataAPI, waitMinutes)
Method to validate a deploy against the org using the connection package file
deployPackage(testLevel, runTests, useMetadataAPI, waitMinutes)
Method to deploy data to the org using the connection package file
deploy(types, testLevel, runTests, waitMinutes)
Method to deploy the selected Metadata Types to the org using Source API
quickDeploy(deployId, useMetadataAPI)
Method to execute a quick deploy when validation result is success
deployReport(deployId, useMetadataAPI, waitMinutes)
Method to get the report of a running deployment
cancelDeploy(deployId, useMetadataAPI, waitMinutes)
Method to get the cancel a running deployment
Method to convert a Metadata API format Project to a Source format
Method to convert a Source format Project to a Metadata API format
createSFDXProject(projectName, projectFolder, template, withManifest)
Method to create a SFDX Project. This method change the connection object project folder, package folder and package file values when project is created
Method to set an auth org in a Salesforce local project. This command set the selected username or Alias to the connection object when authorize an org.
exportTreeData(query, outputPath, prefix)
Method to export data in a tree format from the connected org
Method to import data in a tree format into the connected org
bulkDelete(csvfile, sObject)
Method to delete data on bulk mode
Method to execute an Apex script file on Anonymous context
Method to get all available user permissions from the connected org
retrieveLocalSpecialTypes(tmpFolder, types, compress, sortOrder)
Method to Retrieve local special types from the connected org
retrieveMixedSpecialTypes(tmpFolder, types, downloadAll, compress, sortOrder)
Method to Retrieve mixed special types from the connected org. Mixed means that only affect the Metadata Types on your project folder, but download all related data from this types from your org (and not only the local data)
retrieveOrgSpecialTypes(tmpFolder, types, downloadAll, compress, sortOrder)
Method to Retrieve org special types from the connected org. Org means that affect all Metadata types stored in your org not on your local project.
Method to set the Username or Alias to connect with org
- usernameOrAlias: Org Username or Alias to connect. (Must be authorized in the system)
Returns the connection object
Set Connection username or alias
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
Method to set the API Version to connect
- apiVersion: API Version number to connect with salesforce
Returns the connection object
Set Connection api version
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
Method to set the project root folder path. When set the project root, automatically set the packageFolder and packageFile to their respective paths
- projectFolder: Path to the project root folder
Returns the connection object
Set Connection project folder
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
Method to set the package folder path. When set the package folder, automatically set packageFile to the respective path
- packageFolder: Path to the package folder
Returns the connection object
Set Connection package folder (manifest folder)
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
Method to set the package xml file path
- packageFile: Path to the package folder
Returns the connection object
Set Connection package file (package.xml)
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
Method to set the package xml file path
- namespacePrefix: Namespace prefix from the Org to connect
Returns the connection object
Set Connection namespace prefix
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
Method to able to the connection object to use several threads and processor cores to run some processes and run faster
Returns the connection object
Set Connection to user multiple threads and cores
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
Method to set the connection object to use only one thread and processo core to all processes
Returns the connection object
Set Connection to user single thread and core
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
Method to handle the event when preparing execution of some processes
- callback: Callback function to call when connection is on prepare
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on prepare stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onPrepare(() => {
console.log('Handling progress on prepare');
Method to handle the event before the create a project on some processes
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when connection will create a project
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on create project stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onCreateProject(() => {
console.log('Handling progress on create project');
Method to handle the event before start retrieve data on some processes
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when connection retrieve data
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on retrieve stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onRetrieve(() => {
console.log('Handling progress on create project');
Method to handle the event before start processing results on some processes
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when connection is processing results
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on process stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onProcess(() => {
console.log('Handling progress when process');
Method to handle the event before start loading local metadata types on some processes
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when connection load metadata types from local project
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on loading local stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onLoadingLocal(() => {
console.log('Handling progress on loading local data');
Method to handle the event before start loading metadata types from org on some processes
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when connection load metadata types from connected org
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on loading org stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onLoadingOrg(() => {
console.log('Handling progress on create project');
Method to handle the event before start copying files on some processes
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when connection start to copying files
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on copy data stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onCopyData(() => {
console.log('Handling progress when copy data');
Method to handle the event before start copying file content on some processes
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when connection star to copy a single file
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on copy file stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onCopyFile((status) => {
console.log('Handling progress when copy file');
console.log('MetadataType => ' + status.entityType);
console.log('MetadataObject => ' + status.entityObject);
console.log('MetadataItem => ' + status.entityItem);
console.log('file => ' +;
Method to handle the event before start compress XML File on some processes
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when start compress
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on compress file stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onCompressFile((status) => {
console.log('Handling progress when compress file');
console.log('MetadataType => ' + status.entityType);
console.log('MetadataObject => ' + status.entityObject);
console.log('MetadataItem => ' + status.entityItem);
console.log('file => ' +;
Method to handle the event before download a Metadata Type from Org on some processes
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when start download metadata type
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on before download type stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onBeforeDownloadType((status) => {
console.log('Handling progress when describe metadata types');
console.log('MetadataType => ' + status.entityType);
Method to handle the event after download a Metadata Type from Org on some processes
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when metadata type is downloaded
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on after download type stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onAfterDownloadType((status) => {
console.log('Handling progress when describe metadata types');
console.log('MetadataType => ' + status.entityType);
console.log('Downloaded Data => ' +;
Method to handle the event before download a SObject when describe SObejcts
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when start download sobject
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on before download sobject stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onBeforeDownloadSObject((status) => {
console.log('Handling progress describe sobjects');
console.log('SObject => ' + status.entityObject);
Method to handle the event after download a SObject when describe SObejcts
- callback: Callback function to handle progress when sobject is downloaded
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on after download sobject stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onAfterDownloadSObject((status) => {
console.log('Handling progress describe sobjects');
console.log('SObject => ' + status.entityObject);
console.log('Downloaded Data => ' +;
Method to handle the event when error ocurred when download metadata
- callback: Callback function to handle error
Returns the connection object
Handling progress on error download stage
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onErrorDownload((status) => {
console.log('Handling progress describe sobjects');
console.log('Metadata or SObject => ' + status.entityObject);
console.log('message' +;
Method to handle the event when connection is aborted
- callback: Callback function to call when connectin is aborted
Returns the connection object
Set connection abort callback
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onAbort(() => {
connection.setUsernameOrAlias('MyOrg').onAbort(() => {
Method to abort all connection running processes. When finishes call onAbort() callback
Abort connection and handle on abort callback
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.onAbort(() => {
Method to get the username from an authorized org using a username or alias, or using connection username or alias, or using project auth org username or alias
- usernameOrAlias: Username or alias to get auth username
Return a String promise with the Username or Alias data
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an error
Get auth username from the connection project
If connection has not username or alias defined and not provide it to the method, get the auth username from the project
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector(undefined, 50, 'path/to/project/root');
connection.getAuthUsername().then((username) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Get auth username from connection alias
If connection has username and not alias provided to the method, get username from connection username or alias
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('OrgAlias', 50, 'path/to/project/root');
connection.getAuthUsername().then((username) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Get auth username for any alias
To get the username for any authorized alias, provide it to the method
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('OrgAlias', 50, 'path/to/project/root');
connection.getAuthUsername('OtherOrgAlias').then((username) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to get the server instance using a username or alias, or using connection username or alias, or using project auth org username or alias
- usernameOrAlias: Username or alias to get the server instance
Return a String promise with the instance URL
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an error
Get server instance to the connected org
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.getServerInstance().then((inbstanceUrl) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Get server instance to another
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector();
connection.getServerInstance('MyOrg2').then((inbstanceUrl) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to get the server instance using a username or alias, or using connection username or alias, or using project auth org username or alias
- usernameOrAlias: Username or alias to get the auth org data
Return a promise with Auth Org data or undefined if not exists
Promise<AuthOrg | undefined>
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an error
Get auth org from the connection project
If connection has not username or alias defined and not provide it to the method, get the auth org data from the project
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector(undefined, 50, 'path/to/project/root');
connection.getAuthOrg().then((authOrg) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Get auth org from connection alias
If connection has username and not alias provided to the method, get auth org data from connection username or alias
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('OrgAlias', 50, 'path/to/project/root');
connection.getAuthOrg().then((authOrg) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Get auth org for any alias
To get the auth org data for any authorized alias, provide it to the method
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('OrgAlias', 50, 'path/to/project/root');
connection.getAuthOrg('OtherOrgAlias').then((authOrg) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to list all auth org on the system
Return a promise with all authorized org in the system
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an error
Get all auth org on the system
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 50);
connection.listAuthOrgs().then((authOrgs) => {
for(const org of authOrgs){
console.log('Alias: ' + org.alias);
console.log('Username: ' + org.username);
console.log('ORG Id: ' + org.orgId);
console.log('Instance URL: ' + org.instanceUrl);
console.log('Access Token: ' + org.accessToken);
console.log('OAuth Method: ' + org.oauthMethod);
}).catch((error) => {
Method to execute a query to the connected org. Can return a Typed data (or use any to return any json)
- query: Query to execute (Required)
- useToolingApi: true to use Tooling API to execute the query
Return a promise with the record list
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative system
Query data and handle results
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 50);
const query = 'Select Id, Name, Phone, CustomField__c from Account where Name != null';
interface AccountRecord {
Id: string;
Name: string;
Phone: string;
CustomField__c: string;
connection.query<AccountRecord>(query).then((records) => {
for(const record of records){
console.log('Account Id: ' + record.Id);
console.log('Account Name: ' + record.Name);
console.log('Account Phone: ' + record.Phone);
console.log('Account Custom Field: ' + record.CustomField__c);
}).catch((error) => {
Method to list all Metadata Types available in the connected org (according selected API Version)
Return a promise with the MetadataDetail objects from all available Metadata Types
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Get all available Metadata types to API 45
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 45);
connection.listMetadataTypes().then((metadataDetails) => {
for(const detail of metadataDetails){
console.log('Directory Name: ' + detail.directoryName);
console.log('In folder: ' + detail.inFolder);
console.log('Has Meta file: ' + detail.metaFile);
console.log('Files suffix: ' + detail.suffix);
console.log('API Name: ' + detail.xmlName);
}).catch((error) => {
Get all available Metadata types to API 51
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg');
connection.listMetadataTypes().then((metadataDetails) => {
for(const detail of metadataDetails){
console.log('Directory Name: ' + detail.directoryName);
console.log('In folder: ' + detail.inFolder);
console.log('Has Meta file: ' + detail.metaFile);
console.log('Files suffix: ' + detail.suffix);
console.log('API Name: ' + detail.xmlName);
}).catch((error) => {
Method to describe all or selected Metadata Types from the connected org. See Metadata JSON Format section to understand the JSON Metadata Format
- typesOrDetails: List of Metadata Type API Names or Metadata Details to describe (undefined to describe all metadata types)
| MetadataDetail[]
- downloadAll: true to download all Metadata Types from the connected org, false to download only the org namespace Metadata Types
- groupGlobalActions: True to group global quick actions on "GlobalActions" group, false to include as object and item
Return a promise with Metadata JSON Object with the selected Metadata Types to describe
Promise<{ [key: string]: MetadataType }>
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Describe all Metadata types from the connected org and org namespace
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg');
connection.describeMetadataTypes().then((metadataTypes) => {
for(const metadataTypeName of Object.keys(metadataTypes)){
const metadataType = metadataTypes[metadataTypeName];
console.log('metadataType: ' + metadataType);
}).catch((error) => {
Describe all Metadata types from the connected org and all namespaces
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg');
connection.describeMetadataTypes(undefined, true).then((metadataTypes) => {
for(const metadataTypeName of Object.keys(metadataTypes)){
const metadataType = metadataTypes[metadataTypeName];
console.log('metadataType: ' + metadataType);
}).catch((error) => {
Describe some Metadata types from the connected
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg');
const types = [
connection.describeMetadataTypes(types).then((metadataTypes) => {
for(const metadataTypeName of Object.keys(metadataTypes)){
const metadataType = metadataTypes[metadataTypeName];
console.log('metadataType: ' + metadataType);
}).catch((error) => {
Method to list all SObjects API Name by category
- category: Object Category. Values are: Standard, Custom, All. (All by default)
Return a promise with a list with the sObject names
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative system
List all SObjects
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg');
connection.listSObjects().then((objectNames) => {
for(const objName of objectNames){
console.log('Name: ' + objName);
}).catch((error) => {
List custom SObjects
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg');
connection.listSObjects('custom').then((objectNames) => {
for(const objName of objectNames){
console.log('Name: ' + objName);
}).catch((error) => {
List standard SObjects
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg');
connection.listSObjects('standard').then((objectNames) => {
for(const objName of objectNames){
console.log('Name: ' + objName);
}).catch((error) => {
Method to describe SObject data to the specified objects
- sObjects: List with the object API Names to describe
Return a promise with a SObjects data
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative system
Describe some SObjects
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg');
const objects = [
connection.describeSObjects(objects).then((objectNames) => {
for(const objName of objectNames){
console.log('Name: ' + objName);
}).catch((error) => {
Describe all SObjects
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg');
const allSObjects = await connection.listSObjects();
connection.describeSObjects(allSObjects).then((objectNames) => {
for(const objName of objectNames){
console.log('Name: ' + objName);
}).catch((error) => {
Method to retrieve data using the connection package file. You can choose to retrieve as Metadata API format or Source Format
- useMetadataAPI: True to use Metadata API format, false to use source format
- waitMinutes: Number of minutes to wait for the command to complete and display results
- targetDir: Path to the target dir when retrieve with Metadata API Format
Return a promise with the RetrieveResult object with the retrieve result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder or target dir is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the project folder or target dir not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder or target dir is not a directoryWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Retrieve data using Metadata API Format (With package.xml file on project)
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
connection.retrieve(true, 'path/to/target/dir').then((retrieveResult) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Retrieve data using Source Format (With package.xml file on project)
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
connection.retrieve().then((retrieveResult) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Retrieve report when use Metadata API to retrieve data
- retrieveId: Retrieve Id to get the report (Required)
- targetDir: Path to the target dir (Required)
Return a promise with the RetrieveStatus object with the retrieve status result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the target dir is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the target dir not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the target dir is not a directory
Get a retrieve report status
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const retrieveId = '';
const targetDir = 'path/to/target/retrieve/dir';
connection.retrieveReport(retrieveId, targetDir).then((retrieveStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to validate a deploy against the org using the connection package file
- testLevel: Level of deployment tests to run. Values are 'NoTestRun', 'RunSpecifiedTests', 'RunLocalTests', 'RunAllTestsInOrg'
- runTests: String with comma separated test names to execute or list with the test names to execute
- useMetadataAPI: True to validate deploy using Metadata API Format, false to use Source Format
- waitMinutes: Number of minutes to wait for the command to complete and display results
Return a promise with the DeployStatus object with the deploy status result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder or package folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the project folder or package folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder or package folder is not a directoryWrongFilePathException
: If the package file is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathFileNotFoundException
: If the package file not exists or not have access to itInvalidFilePathException
: If the package file is not a fileWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Validate deployment with Metadata API format (With package.xml file on project)
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const testLevel = 'RunSpecifiedTests';
const runTest = [
connection.validateDeploy(testLevel, runTest, true).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Validate deployment with Source format (With package.xml file on project)
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const testLevel = 'RunSpecifiedTests';
const runTest = [
connection.validateDeploy(testLevel, runTest).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to deploy data to the org using the connection package file
- testLevel: Level of deployment tests to run. Values are 'NoTestRun', 'RunSpecifiedTests', 'RunLocalTests', 'RunAllTestsInOrg'
- runTests: String with comma separated test names to execute or list with the test names to execute
- useMetadataAPI: True to validate deploy using Metadata API Format, false to use Source Format
- waitMinutes: Number of minutes to wait for the command to complete and display results
Return a promise with the DeployStatus object with the deploy status result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder or package folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the project folder or package folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder or package folder is not a directoryWrongFilePathException
: If the package file is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathFileNotFoundException
: If the package file not exists or not have access to itInvalidFilePathException
: If the package file is not a fileWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Deploy data with Metadata API format (With package.xml file on project)
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const testLevel = 'RunSpecifiedTests';
const runTest = [
connection.deployPackage(testLevel, runTest, true).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Deploy data with Source format (With package.xml file on project)
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const testLevel = 'RunSpecifiedTests';
const runTest = [
connection.deployPackage(testLevel, runTest).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to deploy data to the org using the connection package file
- types: Metadata JSON Object with the selected elements to deploy or comma separated values String with the metadata types to deploy
| { [key: string]: MetadataType }
- testLevel: Level of deployment tests to run. Values are 'NoTestRun', 'RunSpecifiedTests', 'RunLocalTests', 'RunAllTestsInOrg'
- runTests: String with comma separated test names to execute or list with the test names to execute
- waitMinutes: Number of minutes to wait for the command to complete and display results
Return a promise with the DeployStatus object with the deploy status result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder or package folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the project folder or package folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder or package folder is not a directoryWrongFormatException
: If JSON Metadata Object has incorrect formatInvalidFilePathException
: If the package file is not a fileWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Deploy data with Source format
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const types = 'CustomLabel:LabelName1, Profile:ProfileName1';
const testLevel = 'RunSpecifiedTests';
const runTest = [
connection.deploy(types, testLevel, runTest).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to execute a quick deploy when validation result is success
- deployId: Id to deploy the validated deployment (Required)
- useMetadataAPI: True to execute quick deploy using Metadata API Format, false to use Source Format
Return a promise with the DeployStatus object with the deploy status result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the project folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder is not a directoryWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Execute quick deploy to Validated deploy with Metadata API format
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const deployId = '00X213as2984';
connection.quickDeploy(deployId, true).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Execute quick deploy to Validated deploy with Source format
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const deployId = '00X213as2984';
connection.quickDeploy(deployId).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to get the report of a running deployment
- deployId: Id to the deployment to get the report (Required)
- useMetadataAPI: True to execute deploy report using Metadata API Format, false to use Source Format
- waitMinutes: Number of minutes to wait for the command to complete and display results
Return a promise with the DeployStatus object with the deploy status result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative system
Execute deploy report to active deploy with Metadata API format
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const deployId = '00X213as2984';
connection.deployReport(deployId, true).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Execute deploy report to active deploy with Source format
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const deployId = '00X213as2984';
connection.deployReport(deployId).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to get the cancel a running deployment
- deployId: Id to the deployment to cancel (Required)
- useMetadataAPI: True to execute cancel deploy using Metadata API Format, false to use Source FormatSource Format
- waitMinutes: Number of minutes to wait for the command to complete and display results
Return a promise with the DeployStatus object with the deploy status result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative system
Cancel deploy to active deploy with Metadata API format
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const deployId = '00X213as2984';
connection.cancelDeploy(deployId, true).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Cancel deploy to active deploy with Source format
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const deployId = '00X213as2984';
connection.cancelDeploy(deployId).then((deployStatus) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to convert a Metadata API format Project to a Source format
- targetDir: Path to the target dir to save the converted project (Required)
Return an empty promise when conversion finish
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the package folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the package folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the package folder is not a directoryWrongFilePathException
: If the package file is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathFileNotFoundException
: If the package file not exists or not have access to itInvalidFilePathException
: If the package file is not a fileWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Convert Metadata API Format project to Source Format
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
connection.convertProjectToSFDX('path/to/folder/to/save/project').then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to convert a Metadata API format Project to a Source format
- targetDir: Path to the target dir to save the converted project (Required)
Return an empty promise when conversion finish
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the package folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the package folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the package folder is not a directoryWrongFilePathException
: If the package file is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathFileNotFoundException
: If the package file not exists or not have access to itInvalidFilePathException
: If the package file is not a fileWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Convert Source Format project to Metadata API Format
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
connection.convertProjectToMetadataAPI('path/to/folder/to/save/project').then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to create a SFDX Project. This method change the connection object project folder, package folder and package file values when project is created
- projectName: Project Name to create (Required)
- projectFolder: Path to save the project. If undefined use the connection project folder
- template: Template to use to create the project. Empty by default
- withManifest: True to create the project with manifest, false in otherwise
Return a promise with SFDXProjectResult Object with the creation result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the project folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder is not a directory
Create new SFDX Project with connection project folder
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const projectName = 'NEW SFDX Project';
connection.createSFDXProject(projectName).then((createResult) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Create new SFDX Project on a different connection project folder
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const projectName = 'NEW SFDX Project';
const projectFolder = 'path/to/project/folder';
connection.createSFDXProject(projectName, projectFolder).then((createResult) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to set an auth org in a Salesforce local project. This command set the selected username or Alias to the connection object when authorize an org.
- usernameOrAlias: Username or alias to auth. (Must be authorized in the system). If undefined use the connection username or alias
Return an empty promise when operation finish
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the project folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder is not a directory
Auth new org with connection username or alias
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
connection.setAuthOrg().then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
Auth new org with different connection username or alias
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const usernameOrAlias = 'MyOrg2';
connection.setAuthOrg(usernameOrAlias).then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to export data in a tree format from the connected org
- query: Query to extract the data (Required)
- outputPath: Path to the folder to (Required)
- prefix: Prefix to add to the created files
Return an array with the extrated data information
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the output folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the output folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the output folder is not a directoryWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Export Accounts data with related contacts
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const query = 'Select Id, Name, Phone, (Select Id, Name, Phone from Contacts) from Account where Name != null';
const outputPath = 'path/to/save/the/result';
connection.exportTreeData(query, outputPath).then((results) => {
for(const result of results){
}).catch((error) => {
Method to import data in a tree format into the connected org
- file: Path to the file to import (Required)
Return a promise with an object with the ok result and errors on insert
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongFilePathException
: If the file is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathFileNotFoundException
: If the file not exists or not have access to itInvalidFilePathException
: If the file is not a directoryWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Import file with exported records
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const fileToImport = 'path/to/file/to/import.json';
connection.importTreeData(fileToImport).then((result) => {
for(const result of result.results){
} else {
for(const error of result.errors){
}).catch((error) => {
Method to delete data on bulk mode
- csvfile: Path to the CSV file with the ids to delete (Required)
- sObject: Records SObject API Name (Required)
Return a promise with an array with BulkStatus objects with the delete result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the project folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder is not a directoryWrongFilePathException
: If the csv file is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathFileNotFoundException
: If the csv file not exists or not have access to itInvalidFilePathException
: If the csv file is not a directoryWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Delete data at bulk mode
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const csvFile = 'path/to/csv/file/to/delete.csv';
connection.bulkDelete(csvFile, 'Account').then((deleteResults) => {
for(const result of deleteResults){
}).catch((error) => {
Method to execute an Apex script file on Anonymous context
- scriptfile: Path to the script file (Required)
Return a promise with the execution log as String
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the project folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the project folder is not a directoryWrongFilePathException
: If the script file is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathFileNotFoundException
: If the script file not exists or not have access to itInvalidFilePathException
: If the script file is not a directoryWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Execute an Apex Anonymous script
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const scriptFile = 'path/to/csv/file/to/delete.csv';
connection.executeApexAnonymous(scriptFile).then((executionLog) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to get all available user permissions from the connected org
- tmpFolder: Temporal folder to save support files (Required)
Return a promise with the list of user permissions
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the temp folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the temp folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the temp folder is not a directoryWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Load User permissions from connected org
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
connection.loadUserPermissions('path/to/temporal/folder').then((permissions) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to get all available user permissions from the connected org
- tmpFolder: Temporal folder to save support files (Required)
- types: Metadata JSON Object or Metadata JSON File with the specific types to retrieve. Undefined to retrieve all special types
| { [key: string]: MetadataType }
- compress: true to compress affected files, false in otherwise
- sortOrder: Compress sort order when compress files
Return a promise with a RetrieveResult with the retrieve result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the temp folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the temp folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the temp folder is not a directoryWrongFilePathException
: If the types file is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathFileNotFoundException
: If the types file not exists or not have access to itInvalidFilePathException
: If the types file is not a fileWrongFormatException
: If types object or file is not a JSON file or not have the correct Metadata JSON formatWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Retrieve all local special Metadata Types from Org
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
connection.retrieveLocalSpecialTypes('path/to/temporal/folder').then((result) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Retrieve some local special Metadata Types from Org
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const { Types, Values } = require('@aurahelper/core');
const MetadataTypes = Values.MetadataTypes;
const MetadataType = Types.MetadataType;
const MetadataObject = Types.MetadataObject;
const MetadataItem = Types.MetadataItem;
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const types: {};
types[MetadataTypes.CUSTOM_APPLICATION] = new MetadataType(MetadataTypes.CUSTOM_APPLICATION, true);
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET] = new MetadataType(MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET, false);
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET].addChild(new MetadataObject('PermissionSet1', true));
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET].addChild(new MetadataObject('PermissionSet2', true));
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET].addChild(new MetadataObject('PermissionSet3', false));
connection.retrieveLocalSpecialTypes('path/to/temporal/folder', types).then((result) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to Retrieve mixed special types from the connected org. Mixed means that only affect the Metadata Types on your project folder, but download all related data from this types from your org (and not only the local data)
- tmpFolder: Temporal folder to save support files (Required)
- types: Metadata JSON Object or Metadata JSON File with the specific types to retrieve. Undefined to retrieve all special types
| { [key: string]: MetadataType }
- downloadAll: true to compress affected files, false in otherwise
- compress: true to download all related data from any namespace, false to downlaod only the org namespace data
- sortOrder: Compress sort order when compress files
Return a promise with a RetrieveResult with the retrieve result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the temp folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the temp folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the temp folder is not a directoryWrongFilePathException
: If the types file is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathFileNotFoundException
: If the types file not exists or not have access to itInvalidFilePathException
: If the types file is not a fileWrongFormatException
: If types object or file is not a JSON file or not have the correct Metadata JSON formatWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Retrieve all mixed special Metadata Types from Org
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
connection.retrieveMixedSpecialTypes('path/to/temporal/folder').then((result) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Retrieve some mixed special Metadata Types from Org
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const { Types, Values } = require('@aurahelper/core');
const MetadataTypes = Values.MetadataTypes;
const MetadataType = Types.MetadataType;
const MetadataObject = Types.MetadataObject;
const MetadataItem = Types.MetadataItem;
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const types: {};
types[MetadataTypes.CUSTOM_APPLICATION] = new MetadataType(MetadataTypes.CUSTOM_APPLICATION, true);
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET] = new MetadataType(MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET, false);
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET].addChild(new MetadataObject('PermissionSet1', true));
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET].addChild(new MetadataObject('PermissionSet2', true));
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET].addChild(new MetadataObject('PermissionSet3', false));
connection.retrieveMixedSpecialTypes('path/to/temporal/folder', types).then((result) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Method to Retrieve org special types from the connected org. Org means that affect all Metadata types stored in your org not on your local project.
- tmpFolder: Temporal folder to save support files (Required)
- types: Metadata JSON Object or Metadata JSON File with the specific types to retrieve. Undefined to retrieve all special types
| { [key: string]: MetadataType }
- downloadAll: true to compress affected files, false in otherwise
- compress: true to download all related data from any namespace, false to downlaod only the org namespace data
- sortOrder: Compress sort order when compress files
Return a promise with a RetrieveResult with the retrieve result
This method can throw the next exceptions:
: If run other connection process when has one process running or Connection Return an errorDataRequiredException
: If required data is not providedOSNotSupportedException
: When run this processes with not supported operative systemWrongDirectoryPathException
: If the temp folder is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathDirectoryNotFoundException
: If the temp folder not exists or not have access to itInvalidDirectoryPathException
: If the temp folder is not a directoryWrongFilePathException
: If the types file is not a String or can't convert to absolute pathFileNotFoundException
: If the types file not exists or not have access to itInvalidFilePathException
: If the types file is not a fileWrongFormatException
: If types object or file is not a JSON file or not have the correct Metadata JSON formatWrongDatatypeException
: If the api version is not a Number or String. Can be undefined
Retrieve all org special Metadata Types from Org
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
connection.retrieveOrgSpecialTypes('path/to/temporal/folder').then((result) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Retrieve some org special Metadata Types from Org
import { SFConnector } from '@aurahelper/connector';
const { Types, Values } = require('@aurahelper/core');
const MetadataTypes = Values.MetadataTypes;
const MetadataType = Types.MetadataType;
const MetadataObject = Types.MetadataObject;
const MetadataItem = Types.MetadataItem;
const connection = new SFConnector('MyOrg', 51, 'path/to/project/folder');
const types: {};
types[MetadataTypes.CUSTOM_APPLICATION] = new MetadataType(MetadataTypes.CUSTOM_APPLICATION, true);
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET] = new MetadataType(MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET, false);
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET].addChild(new MetadataObject('PermissionSet1', true));
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET].addChild(new MetadataObject('PermissionSet2', true));
types[MetadataTypes.PERMISSION_SET].addChild(new MetadataObject('PermissionSet3', false));
connection.retrieveOrgSpecialTypes('path/to/temporal/folder', types).then((result) => {
}).catch((error) => {
The Metadata JSON Format used by Aura Helper Framework and modules have the next structure. Some fields are required and the datatypes checked to ensure the correct file structure.
"MetadataAPIName": {
"name": "MetadataAPIName",
"checked": false,
"path": "path/to/the/metadata/folder",
"suffix": "fileSuffix",
"childs": {
"name": "MetadataObjectName",
"checked": false,
"path": "path/to/the/metadata/file/or/folder",
"childs": {
"MetadataItemName": {
"name": "MetadataItemName",
"checked": false,
"path": "path/to/the/metadata/file"
"MetadataItemName2": {
"CustomObject": {
"name": "CustomObject",
"checked": false,
"path": "path/to/root/project/force-app/main/default/objects",
"suffix": "object",
"childs": {
"Account": {
"name": "Account",
"checked": true,
"path": "path/to/root/project/force-app/main/default/objects/Account/Account.object-meta.xml",
"childs": {}
"Case": {
"name": "Case",
"checked": true,
"path": "path/to/root/project/force-app/main/default/objects/Case/Case.object-meta.xml",
"childs": {}
"CustomField": {
"name": "CustomField",
"checked": false,
"path": "path/to/root/project/force-app/main/default/objects",
"suffix": "field",
"childs": {
"Account": {
"name": "Account",
"checked": false,
"path": "path/to/root/project/force-app/main/default/objects/Account/fields",
"childs": {
"customField__c": {
"name": "customField__c",
"checked": true,
"path": "path/to/root/project/force-app/main/default/objects/Account/fields/customField__c.field-meta.xml",
"Case": {
"name": "Case",
"checked": false,
"path": "path/to/root/project/force-app/main/default/objects/Case/fields",
"childs": {
"CaseNumber": {
"name": "CaseNumber",
"checked": true,
"path": "path/to/root/project/force-app/main/default/objects/Account/fields/CaseNumber.field-meta.xml",