Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
AvaCloud SDK TypeScript The AvaCloud SDK is a powerful and flexible toolset designed to simplify the integration with AvaCloud's suite of blockchain services. Currently, this SDK is focused on pr
The AvaCloud SDK is a powerful and flexible toolset designed to simplify the integration with AvaCloud's suite of blockchain services. Currently, this SDK is focused on providing robust support for Data APIs.
The SDK can be installed with either npm, pnpm, bun or yarn package managers.
npm add @avalabs/avacloud-sdk
pnpm add @avalabs/avacloud-sdk
bun add @avalabs/avacloud-sdk
yarn add @avalabs/avacloud-sdk zod
# Note that Yarn does not install peer dependencies automatically. You will need
# to install zod as shown above.
For supported JavaScript runtimes, please consult RUNTIMES.md.
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
const avaCloudSDK = new AvaCloudSDK({
apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
chainId: "43114",
network: "mainnet",
async function run() {
const result = await avaCloudSDK.metrics.healthCheck.metricsHealthCheck();
// Handle the result
All the methods listed above are available as standalone functions. These functions are ideal for use in applications running in the browser, serverless runtimes or other environments where application bundle size is a primary concern. When using a bundler to build your application, all unused functionality will be either excluded from the final bundle or tree-shaken away.
To read more about standalone functions, check FUNCTIONS.md.
- Get native token balancedataEvmBalancesListCollectibleBalances
- List collectible (ERC-721/ERC-1155) balancesdataEvmBalancesListErc1155Balances
- List ERC-1155 balancesdataEvmBalancesListErc20Balances
- List ERC-20 balancesdataEvmBalancesListErc721Balances
- List ERC-721 balancesdataEvmBlocksGetBlock
- Get blockdataEvmBlocksGetLatestBlocks
- List latest blocksdataEvmChainsGetAddressChains
- Get chains for addressdataEvmChainsGetChainInfo
- Get chain informationdataEvmChainsSupportedChains
- List chainsdataEvmContractsGetContractMetadata
- Get contract metadatadataEvmTransactionsGetDeploymentTransaction
- Get deployment transactiondataEvmTransactionsGetTransaction
- Get transactiondataEvmTransactionsGetTransactionsForBlock
- List transactions for a blockdataEvmTransactionsListContractDeployments
- List deployed contractsdataEvmTransactionsListErc1155Transactions
- List ERC-1155 transfersdataEvmTransactionsListErc20Transactions
- List ERC-20 transfersdataEvmTransactionsListErc721Transactions
- List ERC-721 transfersdataEvmTransactionsListInternalTransactions
- List internal transactionsdataEvmTransactionsListLatestTransactions
- List latest transactionsdataEvmTransactionsListNativeTransactions
- List native transactionsdataEvmTransactionsListTransactions
- List transactionsdataEvmTransactionsListTransfers
- List ERC transfersdataHealthCheckDataHealthCheck
- Get the health of the servicedataNftsGetTokenDetails
- Get token detailsdataNftsListTokens
- List tokensdataNftsReindexNft
- Reindex NFT metadatadataOperationsGetOperationResult
- Get operationdataOperationsPostTransactionExportJob
- Create transaction export operationdataPrimaryNetworkBalancesGetBalancesByAddresses
- Get balancesdataPrimaryNetworkBlocksGetBlockById
- Get blockdataPrimaryNetworkBlocksListLatestPrimaryNetworkBlocks
- List latest blocksdataPrimaryNetworkBlocksListPrimaryNetworkBlocksByNodeId
- List blocks proposed by nodedataPrimaryNetworkGetAssetDetails
- Get asset detailsdataPrimaryNetworkGetChainIdsForAddresses
- Get chain interactions for addressesdataPrimaryNetworkGetNetworkDetails
- Get network detailsdataPrimaryNetworkGetSingleValidatorDetails
- Get single validator detailsdataPrimaryNetworkGetSubnetById
- Get Subnet details by IDdataPrimaryNetworkListBlockchains
- List blockchainsdataPrimaryNetworkListDelegators
- List delegatorsdataPrimaryNetworkListL1Validators
- List L1 validatorsdataPrimaryNetworkListSubnets
- List subnetsdataPrimaryNetworkListValidators
- List validatorsdataPrimaryNetworkRewardsListHistoricalPrimaryNetworkRewards
- List historical rewardsdataPrimaryNetworkRewardsListPendingPrimaryNetworkRewards
- List pending rewardsdataPrimaryNetworkTransactionsGetTxByHash
- Get transactiondataPrimaryNetworkTransactionsListActivePrimaryNetworkStakingTransactions
- List staking transactionsdataPrimaryNetworkTransactionsListAssetTransactions
- List asset transactionsdataPrimaryNetworkTransactionsListLatestPrimaryNetworkTransactions
- List latest transactionsdataPrimaryNetworkUtxosGetUtxosByAddresses
- List UTXOsdataPrimaryNetworkVerticesGetVertexByHash
- Get vertexdataPrimaryNetworkVerticesGetVertexByHeight
- List vertices by heightdataPrimaryNetworkVerticesListLatestXChainVertices
- List verticesdataTeleporterGetTeleporterMessage
- Get a teleporter messagedataTeleporterListTeleporterMessages
- List teleporter messagesdataTeleporterListTeleporterMessagesByAddress
- List teleporter messages by addressdataUsageMetricsGetApiLogs
- Get logs for requests made by clientdataUsageMetricsGetApiUsageMetrics
- Get usage metrics for the Data APIdataWebhooksAddAddressesToWebhook
- Add addresses to webhookdataWebhooksCreateWebhook
- Create a webhookdataWebhooksDeactivateWebhook
- Deactivate a webhookdataWebhooksGenerateSharedSecret
- Generate a shared secretdataWebhooksGetAddressesFromWebhook
- List adresses by webhookdataWebhooksGetSharedSecret
- Get a shared secretdataWebhooksGetWebhook
- Get a webhook by IDdataWebhooksListWebhooks
- List webhooksdataWebhooksRemoveAddressesFromWebhook
- Remove addresses from webhookdataWebhooksUpdateWebhook
- Update a webhookmetricsChainMetricsGetEvmChainMetrics
- Get metrics for EVM chainsmetricsChainMetricsGetEvmChainRollingWindowMetrics
- Get rolling window metrics for EVM chainsmetricsChainMetricsGetStakingMetrics
- Get staking metrics for a given subnetmetricsChainMetricsGetTeleporterMetricsByChain
- Get teleporter metrics for EVM chainsmetricsEvmChainsGetChain
- Get chain information for supported blockchainmetricsEvmChainsListChains
- Get a list of supported blockchainsmetricsHealthCheckMetricsHealthCheck
- Get the health of the servicemetricsLookingGlassCompositeQuery
- Composite querymetricsLookingGlassGetAddressesByBalanceOverTime
- Get addresses by balance over timemetricsLookingGlassGetAddressesByBtcbBridged
- Get addresses by BTCb bridged balancemetricsLookingGlassGetNftHoldersByContractAddress
- Get NFT holders by contract addressmetricsLookingGlassGetValidatorsByDateRange
- Get addresses running validators during a given time frameCertain parameters are configured globally. These parameters may be set on the SDK client instance itself during initialization. When configured as an option during SDK initialization, These global values will be used as defaults on the operations that use them. When such operations are called, there is a place in each to override the global value, if needed.
For example, you can set chainId
to "43114"
at SDK initialization and then you do not have to pass the same value on calls to operations like listChains
. But if you want to do so you may, which will locally override the global setting. See the example code below for a demonstration.
The following global parameters are available.
Name | Type | Description |
chainId | string | A supported EVM chain id, chain alias, or blockchain id. |
network | components.GlobalParamNetwork | A supported network type mainnet or testnet/fuji. |
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
const avaCloudSDK = new AvaCloudSDK({
apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
chainId: "43114",
network: "mainnet",
async function run() {
const result = await avaCloudSDK.metrics.evm.chains.listChains({
network: "mainnet",
for await (const page of result) {
// Handle the page
Some of the endpoints in this SDK support pagination. To use pagination, you
make your SDK calls as usual, but the returned response object will also be an
async iterable that can be consumed using the for await...of
Here's an example of one such pagination call:
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
const avaCloudSDK = new AvaCloudSDK({
apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
chainId: "43114",
network: "mainnet",
async function run() {
const result = await avaCloudSDK.metrics.evm.chains.listChains({
network: "mainnet",
for await (const page of result) {
// Handle the page
Some of the endpoints in this SDK support retries. If you use the SDK without any configuration, it will fall back to the default retry strategy provided by the API. However, the default retry strategy can be overridden on a per-operation basis, or across the entire SDK.
To change the default retry strategy for a single API call, simply provide a retryConfig object to the call:
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
const avaCloudSDK = new AvaCloudSDK({
apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
chainId: "43114",
network: "mainnet",
async function run() {
const result = await avaCloudSDK.metrics.healthCheck.metricsHealthCheck({
retries: {
strategy: "backoff",
backoff: {
initialInterval: 1,
maxInterval: 50,
exponent: 1.1,
maxElapsedTime: 100,
retryConnectionErrors: false,
// Handle the result
If you'd like to override the default retry strategy for all operations that support retries, you can provide a retryConfig at SDK initialization:
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
const avaCloudSDK = new AvaCloudSDK({
retryConfig: {
strategy: "backoff",
backoff: {
initialInterval: 1,
maxInterval: 50,
exponent: 1.1,
maxElapsedTime: 100,
retryConnectionErrors: false,
apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
chainId: "43114",
network: "mainnet",
async function run() {
const result = await avaCloudSDK.metrics.healthCheck.metricsHealthCheck();
// Handle the result
All SDK methods return a response object or throw an error. By default, an API error will throw a errors.SDKError
If a HTTP request fails, an operation my also throw an error from the models/errors/httpclienterrors.ts
HTTP Client Error | Description |
RequestAbortedError | HTTP request was aborted by the client |
RequestTimeoutError | HTTP request timed out due to an AbortSignal signal |
ConnectionError | HTTP client was unable to make a request to a server |
InvalidRequestError | Any input used to create a request is invalid |
UnexpectedClientError | Unrecognised or unexpected error |
In addition, when custom error responses are specified for an operation, the SDK may throw their associated Error type. You can refer to respective Errors tables in SDK docs for more details on possible error types for each operation. For example, the reindexNft
method may throw the following errors:
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
errors.BadRequest | 400 | application/json |
errors.Unauthorized | 401 | application/json |
errors.Forbidden | 403 | application/json |
errors.NotFound | 404 | application/json |
errors.TooManyRequests | 429 | application/json |
errors.InternalServerError | 500 | application/json |
errors.BadGateway | 502 | application/json |
errors.ServiceUnavailable | 503 | application/json |
errors.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
import {
} from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk/models/errors";
const avaCloudSDK = new AvaCloudSDK({
apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
chainId: "43114",
network: "mainnet",
async function run() {
try {
await avaCloudSDK.data.nfts.reindexNft({
address: "0xB97EF9Ef8734C71904D8002F8b6Bc66Dd9c48a6E",
tokenId: "145",
} catch (err) {
switch (true) {
case (err instanceof SDKValidationError): {
// Validation errors can be pretty-printed
// Raw value may also be inspected
case (err instanceof BadRequest): {
// Handle err.data$: BadRequestData
case (err instanceof Unauthorized): {
// Handle err.data$: UnauthorizedData
case (err instanceof Forbidden): {
// Handle err.data$: ForbiddenData
case (err instanceof NotFound): {
// Handle err.data$: NotFoundData
case (err instanceof TooManyRequests): {
// Handle err.data$: TooManyRequestsData
case (err instanceof InternalServerError): {
// Handle err.data$: InternalServerErrorData
case (err instanceof BadGateway): {
// Handle err.data$: BadGatewayData
case (err instanceof ServiceUnavailable): {
// Handle err.data$: ServiceUnavailableData
default: {
throw err;
Validation errors can also occur when either method arguments or data returned from the server do not match the expected format. The SDKValidationError
that is thrown as a result will capture the raw value that failed validation in an attribute called rawValue
. Additionally, a pretty()
method is available on this error that can be used to log a nicely formatted string since validation errors can list many issues and the plain error string may be difficult read when debugging.
The TypeScript SDK makes API calls using an HTTPClient
that wraps the native
Fetch API. This
client is a thin wrapper around fetch
and provides the ability to attach hooks
around the request lifecycle that can be used to modify the request or handle
errors and response.
The HTTPClient
constructor takes an optional fetcher
argument that can be
used to integrate a third-party HTTP client or when writing tests to mock out
the HTTP client and feed in fixtures.
The following example shows how to use the "beforeRequest"
hook to to add a
custom header and a timeout to requests and how to use the "requestError"
to log errors:
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
import { HTTPClient } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk/lib/http";
const httpClient = new HTTPClient({
// fetcher takes a function that has the same signature as native `fetch`.
fetcher: (request) => {
return fetch(request);
httpClient.addHook("beforeRequest", (request) => {
const nextRequest = new Request(request, {
signal: request.signal || AbortSignal.timeout(5000)
nextRequest.headers.set("x-custom-header", "custom value");
return nextRequest;
httpClient.addHook("requestError", (error, request) => {
console.group("Request Error");
console.log("Reason:", `${error}`);
console.log("Endpoint:", `${request.method} ${request.url}`);
const sdk = new AvaCloudSDK({ httpClient });
This SDK supports the following security scheme globally:
Name | Type | Scheme |
apiKey | apiKey | API key |
To authenticate with the API the apiKey
parameter must be set when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
const avaCloudSDK = new AvaCloudSDK({
apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
chainId: "43114",
network: "mainnet",
async function run() {
const result = await avaCloudSDK.metrics.healthCheck.metricsHealthCheck();
// Handle the result
You can setup your SDK to emit debug logs for SDK requests and responses.
You can pass a logger that matches console
's interface as an SDK option.
[!WARNING] Beware that debug logging will reveal secrets, like API tokens in headers, in log messages printed to a console or files. It's recommended to use this feature only during local development and not in production.
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
const sdk = new AvaCloudSDK({ debugLogger: console });
Data API: The Data API provides web3 application developers with multi-chain data related to Avalanche's primary network, Avalanche subnets, and Ethereum. With Data API, you can easily build products that leverage real-time and historical transaction and transfer history, native and token balances, and various types of token metadata. The API is in Beta and may be subject to change.
If you have feedback or feature requests for the API, please submit them here. Bug reports can be submitted here, and any potential security issues can be reported here.
The isValidSignature function is a utility function in the Avalanche SDK that verifies the authenticity and integrity of incoming webhook requests from AvaCloud. This function ensures that the requests are coming from a trusted source by validating the HMAC SHA-256 signature provided in the request header.Usage
Import and use the isValidSignature
import { isValidSignature } from '@avalabs/avacloud-sdk/utils';
import express from 'express';
const app = express();
const signingSecret = 'your-signing-secret'; // Replace with your signing secret
app.post('/webhook', (req, res) => {
const signature = req.headers['x-signature'];
const payload = req.body;
if (isValidSignature(signingSecret, signature, payload)) {
console.log('Valid signature');
// Process the request
} else {
console.log('Invalid signature');
res.json({ received: true });
app.listen(8000, () => console.log('Server running on port 8000'));
: The secret key for signing.signature
: The HMAC SHA-256 signature from the request header.payload
: The JSON payload of the request.Use this function to securely validate webhooks from AvaCloud.
For more information, visit the AvaCloud Developers documentation.
This SDK is in beta, and there may be breaking changes between versions without a major version update. Therefore, we recommend pinning usage to a specific package version. This way, you can install the same version each time without breaking changes unless you are intentionally looking for the latest version.
While we value open-source contributions to this SDK, this library is generated programmatically. Any manual changes added to internal files will be overwritten on the next generation. We look forward to hearing your feedback. Feel free to open a PR or an issue with a proof of concept and we'll do our best to include it in a future release.
AvaCloud SDK TypeScript The AvaCloud SDK is a powerful and flexible toolset designed to simplify the integration with AvaCloud's suite of blockchain services. Currently, this SDK is focused on pr
The npm package @avalabs/avacloud-sdk receives a total of 359 weekly downloads. As such, @avalabs/avacloud-sdk popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that @avalabs/avacloud-sdk demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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