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Advanced multi-step form that plays well with Angular ReactiveFormsModule.

Version published




Advanced multi-step form that plays well with Angular ReactiveFormsModule.


Check out the demo and the demo source code for detailed explanations.


Create a new Angular app with routing and Sass style options:

ng new my-app --routing --style scss

Install Angular CDK:

ng add @angular/cdk

Install the FormStepper library:

npm install @avine/ng-form-stepper

Import BrowserAnimationsModule, ReactiveFormsModule and FormStepperModule in your app.module.ts:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { FormStepperModule } from '@avine/ng-form-stepper';

import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  imports: [
    FormStepperModule.config({ breakpoint: '960px' }),
  declarations: [AppComponent],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

The config() method is just a convenient way to provide the FORM_STEPPER_CONFIG injection token with the given configuration.

Import the CDK Overlays styles in your style.scss:

@import '@angular/cdk/overlay-prebuilt.css';

Learn more about the CDK Overlays.

Import the FormStepper styles in your style.scss:

@use 'node_modules/@avine/ng-form-stepper/src/lib/scss/form-stepper.scss' with (
  $breakpoint: 960px

See below for Sass customization.

Create a new component:

ng generate component stepper

Update the routing in app-routing.module.ts to add navigation to the StepperComponent:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { FORM_STEPPER_PATH_PARAM } from '@avine/ng-form-stepper';

import { StepperComponent } from './stepper/stepper.component';

const routes: Routes = [
    path: `stepper/:${FORM_STEPPER_PATH_PARAM}`,
    component: StepperComponent,

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule],
export class AppRoutingModule {}

The :${FORM_STEPPER_PATH_PARAM} route parameter is required by the FormStepper library to identify the path when navigating between steps.

Use the FormBuilder to create the form structure in stepper.component.ts:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms';

  selector: 'app-stepper',
  templateUrl: './stepper.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./stepper.component.scss'],
export class StepperComponent {
  formGroup ={
      firstName: ['', [Validators.required]],
      lastName: ['', [Validators.required]],
    email: ['', [Validators.required,]],

  isBeingSubmitted = false;

  constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {}

  onSubmit() {
    console.log('FormStepper -> onSubmit', this.formGroup.value);

    this.isBeingSubmitted = true;
    setTimeout(() => (this.isBeingSubmitted = false), 1000); // Simulate backend request...

Use the <form-stepper-container> component to declare the FormStepper in stepper.component.html:

<form [formGroup]="formGroup" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
    `FormStepperContainerComponent` is the stepper root component.

    `fsFormGroupRoot` input is required and allows the FormStepper to determine when a step, a section or the entire form is valid.
  <form-stepper-container [fsFormGroupRoot]="formGroup" #formStepper>
      The `formStepperMain` directive is optional and allows you to customize the current step template.
      To achieve this, use the `formStepper.main$` observable which exposes the details of the current step.

      Note: if the directive is not present, the `formStepperStep` template is displayed as the current step content.
      And therfore, you need to display the step title, the previous and next buttons directly in each step template.
    <ng-template formStepperMain>
      <ng-container *ngIf="formStepper.main$ | async as main">
        <h2>{{ main.stepTitle }}</h2>

          <ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="main.stepTemplate"></ng-container>

        <button *ngIf="!main.isFirstStep" type="button" tabindex="-1" formStepperPrev>Previous</button>

        <button *ngIf="!main.isLastStep; else submitButton" type="button" tabindex="-1" formStepperNext>
          {{ main.isOnboarding ? 'Start' : 'Next' }}

        <ng-template #submitButton>
          <button type="submit" [disabled]="formGroup.invalid || isBeingSubmitted">Submit</button>

      `formStepperOnboarding` is optional and displays a static page as first step (can not contain any form field).
    <ng-template formStepperOnboarding fsTitle="Onboarding" fsPath="onboarding">
      <p>Welcome to Form Stepper.</p>

      The `formStepperSection` directive adds a section to the stepper.
      A section groups together a bunch of steps.
    <ng-container formGroupName="fullName" formStepperSection fsTitle="Full name">
        The `formStepperStep` directive adds a step to the stepper.
        Steps must be nested within sections.
        Finally, it is in the step that you define the form field controls.
      <ng-template formStepperStep="firstName" fsTitle="First name" fsPath="first-name">
          The `formStepperControl` directive adds smart behaviors to the `FormControl`:
            - autofocus the first `FormControl` of the step (when it has no value).
            - prevent form submission when pressing "Enter" key.
            - jump to the next step when pressing "Enter" key (if the current step is valid).
        <input formControlName="firstName" formStepperControl />

      <ng-template formStepperStep="lastName" fsTitle="Last name" fsPath="last-name">
        <input formControlName="lastName" formStepperControl />

    <ng-container formStepperSection="email" fsTitle="Email">
      <ng-template formStepperStep fsPath="email">
        <input formControlName="email" formStepperControl />

      `formStepperSummary` is optional and displays a static page as last step (can not contain any form field).
    <ng-template formStepperSummary fsTitle="Summary" fsPath="summary">
        The quicknav displays a summary of the form value.

<pre>Form {{ formGroup.value | json }}</pre>

How it works?

The FormStepper is made of steps, and steps are grouped into sections. Each step contains one or more form controls.

The structure of the FormGroup you define in your component should reflect the structure of the FormStepper you want to achieve:

  • In the example above, we want the FormStepper to have 2 sections: fullName and email.
  • Next, we want the first section to have 2 steps: firstName and lastName.
  • Finally, we want the second section to have one step: email.
formGroup ={
    firstName: ['', [Validators.required]],
    lastName: ['', [Validators.required]],
  email: ['', [Validators.required,]],

Now we can bind the FormGroup to the FormStepper in the HTML template:

<form-stepper-container [fsFormGroupRoot]="formGroup">
  <ng-container formStepperSection="fullName">
    <ng-template formStepperStep="firstName">...</ng-template>
    <ng-template formStepperStep="lastName">...</ng-template>

  <ng-container formStepperSection="email">
    <ng-template formStepperStep>...</ng-template>


  • formStepperSection directive requires fsTitle input.
  • formStepperStep directive requires fsTitle (if there's more than one step in the section) and fsPath inputs.



This is the FormStepper root component.

<form-stepper-container [fsFormGroupRoot]="..."></form-stepper-container>
fsFormGroupRootFormGroupundefinedTracks the validity state of the FormGroup root (required).
fsUseRoutingBooleanInputtrueDetermines whether navigation between steps uses routing.
fsValidSectionIconTemplateRefundefinedTemplate to use as section icon when all the steps in a section are valid.
fsNoScrollToTopOnNavigationBooleanInputfalseDetermines whether to scroll to the top of the <form-stepper-container> element on navigation.
fsNoOnboardingNavBooleanInputfalseDetermines whether to remove the link to the Onboarding step from the "nav".
fsNoStepsNavBooleanInputfalseDetermines whether to hide the steps from the "nav". When set to true, only the "sections" are displayed.
Properties and methods

main$ and mainSnapshot()

Get access to the current step infos from the component.

@Component({ ... })
class SomeComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  @ViewChild(FormStepperContainerComponent) formStepper!: FormStepperContainerComponent;

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    // Get an observable of the main infos needed to render the current step.
    this.formStepper.main$.subscribe((main: FormStepperMain) => { ... });

  onSubmit() {
    // Get a snapshot of the main infos.
    const main: FormStepperMain = this.formStepper.mainSnapshot();

    // For example, you can ensure that a valid form can only be submitted when the user is in the last step.
    if (!main.isLastStep) {

Get access to the current step infos from the template.

<form-stepper-container [fsFormGroupRoot]="formGroup" #formStepper>
  <ng-template formStepperMain>
    <ng-container *ngIf="formStepper.main$ | async as main">
      <h2>{{ main.stepTitle }}</h2>

        <ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="main.stepTemplate"></ng-container>

      <button *ngIf="!main.isFirstStep" type="button" tabindex="-1" formStepperPrev>Previous</button>

      <button *ngIf="!main.isLastStep; else submitButton" type="button" tabindex="-1" formStepperNext>
        {{ main.isOnboarding ? 'Start' : 'Next' }}

      <ng-template #submitButton>
        <button type="submit" [disabled]="formGroup.invalid || isBeingSubmitted">Submit</button>


The AbstractControl of the section (tracks the validity state of the section).

<ng-container formStepperSection fsTitle="..."></ng-container>
formStepperSectionAbstractControl | stringundefinedTracks the validity state of the section (required).
formGroupAbstractControlundefinedWhen provided, the value of formStepperSection is optional.
formGroupNamestringundefinedWhen provided, the value of formStepperSection is optional.
formArrayNamestringundefinedWhen provided, the value of formStepperSection is optional.
fsOptionsFormStepperSectionOptionsundefinedConfigure section options.
fsTitlestringundefinedThe title of the step (required).
fsIconTemplateRefundefinedThe icon template of the section to use in the the "nav" and the "quicknav".
fsNoQuicknavBooleanInputfalseDetermines wheter to exclude the section from the "quicknav".

When fsOptions is defined, fsTitle, fsIcon and fsNoQuicknav inputs are ignored.

interface FormStepperSectionOptions {
  title?: string;
  icon?: TemplateRef<any>;
  noQuicknav?: boolean;


The AbstractControl of the step (tracks the validity state of the step).

<ng-template formStepperStep fsTitle="..." fsPath="..."></ng-template>
formStepperStepAbstractControl | stringundefinedTracks the validity state of the step (required).
formGroupAbstractControlundefinedWhen provided, the value of formStepperStep is optional.
formGroupNamestringundefinedWhen provided, the value of formStepperStep is optional.
formArrayNamestringundefinedWhen provided, the value of formStepperStep is optional.
fsOptionsFormStepperStepOptionsundefinedConfigure step options.
fsTitlestringundefinedThe title of the step (required, if there's more than one step in the section).
fsAutoNextOnValueChangeBooleanInputfalseDetermines whether to go to the next step each time value changes (and the current step is valid).
fsPathstringundefinedThe route parameter to use to navigate to the step (required).

When fsOptions is defined, fsTitle, fsAutoNextOnValueChange and fsPath inputs are ignored.

interface FormStepperStepOptions {
  title?: string;
  autoNextOnValueChange?: boolean;
  path: string;


Add smart behaviors to the FormControl:

  • autofocus the first FormControl of the step (when it has no value).
  • prevent form submission when pressing "Enter" key.
  • jump to the next step when pressing "Enter" key (if the current step is valid).

Here's an example with an input field:

<input formStepperControl />
fsOnEnterPartial<FormStepperControlOnEnter>undefinedAdjust the directive behavior.

For a <textarea> you probably want to configure the directive as follows:

<textarea formStepperControl [fsEnter]="{ preventDefault: false, nextStep: false }"></textarea>

FormStepperPrevDirective and FormStepperPrevAnchorDirective

Jump to the previous step on click event.

<button formStepperPrev>Previous</button>
<a formStepperPrevAnchor>Previous</a>
fsInactivestringundefinedCSS class to add when the button should be mark as inactive.


Jump to the next step on click event.

<button formStepperNext>Next</button>
fsInactivestringundefinedCSS class to add when the button should be mark as inactive.

FormStepperOnboardingDirective and FormStepperSummaryDirective

Add a static step as first and/or last step (can not contain any FormControl).

<ng-template formStepperOnboarding>...</ng-template>
<ng-template formStepperSummary>...</ng-template>
fsTitlestringundefinedThe title of the static step (required).
fsPathstringundefinedThe route parameter to use to navigate to the static step (required).
fsIconTemplateRefundefinedThe icon template of the static step.


Render the form value in a nice summary with links to jump back to any step.

fsCompactBooleanInputfalseDetermines whether to remove the sections from the summary.
fsFormat(path: string, controlValue: any) => string | voidundefinedCustomize the HTML output of any form field value.

Note: fsCompact input should be set to true when the FormStepper has only one level (each section has only one step).

Sass customization

You can fully customize the FormStepper CSS using Sass.

Below the list of Sass variables:

@use 'node_modules/@avine/ng-form-stepper/src/lib/scss/form-stepper.scss' with (
  $breakpoint: 1024px,

  // ----- prev -----
  $prev-anchor-disabled-color: #999999,

  // ----- nav -----
  $nav-bg-color: #ffffff,
  $nav-timeline-color: #e1e1e1,
  $nav-bullet-color: #e1e1e1,

  $nav-text-color__default: #636363,
  $nav-text-color__valid: #222222,

  $nav-valid__bg-color: #43a047,
  $nav-valid__text-color: #e8f5e9,

  $nav-section-current__bg-color: #00acc1,
  $nav-section-current__text-color: #e0f7fa,

  $nav-step__underline-color: #d1d1d1,

  $nav-mobile-steps__box-shadow: 0px 3px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15),
  $nav-mobile-steps__border-color: #cccccc,
  $nav-mobile-steps__bg-color: #ffffff,

  // ----- quicknav -----
  $quicknav-border-color: #d7d7d7,
  $quicknav-bg-color: #f7f7f7,
  $quicknav-icon-bg-color: #e7e7e7





Last updated on 08 Jul 2022

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